
Should you provide dependent libraries in client jar?

We're providing a client jar for other internal apps to connect to our app's REST API. Our API depends on a few standard Jakarta libraries. Is it a best practice to include those JAR files within our client jar file? Or do you just document the dependencies and it's up to the clients to ensure they have those jars on their classpath? ...

Maven - Include dependent libs in jar without unpacking dependencies?

We're trying to build a client jar that includes unpacked depenedent jar's. And the manifest should have class-path entries to the dependent jars. The snippet below works but the jars are unpacked - how can we stop the jars from being unpacked? <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <co...

How to control logging level in client library?

We'd like clients to be able to control logging levels in our client JAR. What is the best way to do this? Currently we just have a handful of log statements that write to System.out. I realize that using Log4J would solve this problem although one of our biggest clients doesn't use Log4J and uses their own custom logging implementati...