
python subprocess block

Hello. I'm having a problem with the module subprocess. I'm running a script from python through: subprocess.Popen('./run_pythia.sh',shell=True).communicate() and sometimes it just blocks and it doesn't finish to execute the script. Before I was using .wait() instead of .communicate() but then because of this: http://dcreager.net/2...

ksh : Need to delete multiple directories quickly and reliably

Hi , I have many directories and need to delete them periodically with minimum time. Additionally for each directories delete status need to know i.e whether deleted successfully or not. I need to write on the ksh . Could you please help me out. The sample code which I am using, in which I tried launching rm-rf in the background, is no...

Why wait should always be in synchronized block

Hi gents, We all know that in order to invoke Object.wait() , this call must be placed in synchronized block,otherwise,IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.But what's the reason for making this restriction?I know that wait() releases the monitor, but why do we need to explicitly acquire the monitor by making particular block synchroni...

Sleep a thread until an event is attended in another thread from a different class

I have an application that fires 2 threads, the 1st launches another class to do some processing which in turn launches a 3rd class to do yet more processing. The 2nd thread in the main class should wait until some event in the 3rd class completes before it performs its job. How can this be achieved? I had tried implementing a wait/not...

Python wait to create a socket

After reinstalling service wrote in python on the virtual machine with gentoo i get strange situation with open new sockets in scripts. Python wait(up to 1 minute) to start opening sockets for tcp connections, and this cause tcp timeouts on above servers. Grateful for help) ...

android: pausing an activity until another finishes

When my app starts, it checks to see if it has stored login credentials. if it doesn't, it starts another activity to prompt the user for those credentials. My problem is, that when the prompt activity is started, the first activity continues execution and ends up with null pointers because the prompt activity has not yet returned the ne...

Lot of time spent with following waits 'SQL*Net message from client' and 'wait for unread message on broadcast channel'

My application that wraps around Oracle Data pump's executables IMPDP and EXPDP takes random amounts of time for the same work. On further investigation, I see it waiting for again random amounts of time with the event 'wait for unread message on broadcast channel'. This makes the application take anytime b/w 10 minutes to over an hour f...

How to abort iPhone's NSXMLParser wait

When init the NSXLParser as below: NSXMLParser* xmlParser=[[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlstring]]; if the server is down, it will wait for quite some time before the thread returns. It is really annoying even if I exit the application and restart the application, it will continue to wait with a blac...

python popen command.....wait until the command is finished

Hi, I have a script where I launch with popen a shell command. The problem is that the script don't wait that popen command is finished and go forward. om_points = os.popen(command, "w") ..... How can I tell to my python script to wait until the shell command has finished? Thanks. ...

wait for file creation

Hello, i have a silverlight app which calls a webservice. that webservice encodes a wav file to mp3 format. how should be the best way to wait for full mp3 file creation? regards ...

How to force main Acivity to wait for subactivity in Android?

hi, I am calling a subactivity from main activity. This subactivity should take few numbers from user (i'm using Edit text control to achieve this), save them to static variable in another class and terminate. I want main activity to wait for subactivity but both are just running simultaneously. Even doing sth like that doesn't help: ...

What is alternative of "QDDisplayWaitCursor"?

I am trying to display wait cursor (spinning rainbow wheel) by using "QDDisplayWaitCursor" function, but I get a warning that "QDDisplayWaitCursor" is deprecated, however everything runs fine but I would like to replace it with proper alternative of this function but I didnt find any google result and also in apple docs. ...

WPF Show wait cursor before application fully loads

I want to show the wait cursor before my WPF application, composed using CAL, fully loads. In the constructor of the main window, I have the following code: public MainWindow([Dependency] IUnityContainer container) { InitializeComponent(); C...

ANT waiting for file creation

is it possible to configure the ANT to pause the building process untill a file is created (with relative timeout)? ...

How do I wait for a service/process to start before continuing a batch script?

I am writing a windows batch script to uninstall some software. However I need to wait after the uninstaller has finished for a service to be restarted before continuing with the next uninstall. I can make the script wait for the uninstaller to finsh using:- for /f "usebackq" %%M in ('tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %process_1%"') do...

Asynchronous Request make for-Loop waiting for didFinishLoading

Hey guys, I have a asynchronous url request within a for loop. This loop is called 20 times, each time one parameter of the webaddress is changed. Everytime the didFinishLoading method is called I want to hand over the data of this specific webadress. The problem now is that when I run the for loop, the didFinishLoading method is not c...

Can a thread call wait() on two locks at once in Java (6)

I've just been messing around with threads in Java to get my head around them (it seems like the best way to do so) and now understand what's going on with synchronize, wait() and notify(). I'm curious about whether there's a way to wait() on two resources at once. I think the following won't quite do what I'm thinking of (edit: note th...

Skip to end of time quanta

Is it possible to skip to the end of a process's allocated time-quantum? I have a program that works in parallel on a piece of shared memory, and then all of the processes need to wait for the others to finish and sync up before the next step. Each process will do a maximum of one iteration more than any other, so any timing difference...

How to show the loading status in mouse?

Hi, I create jsp page using JSF Framework. If i perform some action(Login), then go to the backend and perform some process and it will return some value. Here this whole process will be taken some times. Now that time i want to show processing status (wait or busy status) in Mouse. That means after i press Login button , i want to sho...

java: wait(), notify() and synchronized blocks

I learned that calling an Object's wait() method will release the object monitor, if present. But I have some questions regarding calling notify() on this object by another thread: (when) will the waiting thread wake up, if another (a 3rd) thread owns the object monitor in the meanwhile? will the waiting thread wake up, if a 3rd threa...