
Jboss 5 Integration with Apache 2.2

I have successfully integrated Jboss with Apache. I can pull up http://localhost/web-console .... now when I drop a war file into my Jboss deploy directory I can pull it up here localhost:8080/helloworld/hi.jsp BUT NOT here localhost/helloworld/hi.jsp Isn't the point of integrating Jboss with apache so I do not have to do :8080? and I...

Red5 : Deploy while Red5 is running (WAR deployment fail : org.springframework.beans.factory. BeanDefinitionStoreException) while normal deploy ok)

Hi, I need to be able to deploy while Red5 is running. The only solution I know is to use WAR file and put it in the folder : webapp. Is there any other way ? I'm using Red 5 v0.8. And I exported a WAR file using Eclipse 3.4. I can deploy my webapp. However when I export it as a WAR file, I have an error message and it creates an emp...

BlazeDS and Java class in WAR file

Hi I have a java class which has been deployed as WAR web application in a BlazeDS/Spring server sitting on JBOSS. Apart from the Flex application which will access the WAR file, I also need to start some server side process's which will initiate BlazeDS "pushes" to the Flex client via AMF messaging. What is the best way to implement t...

How do you deploy a .war running JBoss as a Service on Windows XP?

Jboss 4.2.0A Is there a /server directory that I need to change or something? It's usually because I run ant build and it does all that fun stuff for me. seems like using the service method i have to move it manually... ? ...

New URLStreamHandlers in glassfish

I have a legacy application that I'm trying to port to Java EE. Presently this application calls URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() to register some custom URL protocol handlers. This call fails under Glassfish v 2.1 and 3 because glassfish has already registered a factory. I've tried using the java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property...

How do I access a text file from within my war

How do I know what file reference to use to get a file from my WAR. The structure of the WAR is: WAR src - model - web build   WebContent     META-INF     WEB-INF       LIB The JSPs are under WebContent, I have put the config.txt file under the WebContent folder and tried to get to it with Buffered...

Maven WAR dependency

Hi There, I am writing a project for accepatance testing and for various reasons this is dependent or another project which is packaged as a WAR. I have managed to unpack the WAR using the maven-dependency-plugin, but I cannot get my project to include the unpacked WEB-INF/lib/.jar and WEB-INF/classes/ to be included on the class path so...

How do I specify the files to include in a WAR file?

I need to create a WAR file that just contains static content files (gifs, jpgs, html, js, etc). I have a directory structure that contains all the files and need to create the WAR file via an ANT (1.5.1) build task. Right now I just have this in the ANT task: <war destfile="${output.file}" webxml="WEB-INF/web.xml" basedir="${basedir}">...

How do I run a class in a WAR from the command line?

I have a Java class which has a main and I used to run as a standalone app from the command line e.g. java -jar myjar.jar params I needed to repackage the code to run under apache and all my code, including the entry point class from the old jar, has ended up in a WAR file for easy deplyment into the web server. However, I still want...

Eclipse: Have multiple Dynamic web projects contribute to a single war file?

I am in a situation where I basically want to be able to have a web project in Eclipse where the WebContents folder is merged from multiple projects instead of only a single dynamic web project. If I have "a.jsp" in project A, and "b.jsp" in project B, I would like to end up with a single web application in the web container where "a.js...

WAR files and Subversion

Hi How should I handle WAR files (using GWT) along with Subversion in Eclipse? The problem atm. is when adding the war folder to SVN, it includes all the compiled code, which I don't have a option to filter out, making svn checkouts long and pointless. I don't want my compiled class files on my subversion server, and I don't want svn ...

tomcat; reference one war as a library in another war

I have a few tomcat applications, deployed in tomcat using .war files. Even though these wars are separate from each other, they are all part of a larger concept / application, and quite often, one war needs to call code from another war. Let's say I have 2 .wars, "a.war" and "b.war"... I would like to be able to use some classes found...

How to migrate WebSphere app with no WAR/EAR file.

Hi, I am to migrate a Websphere machine (including the applications which run on it) to a new machine. They wanted a clean install of the OS and WebSphere, so I did that. I also took a full file backup of all of the applications they had on the old server. The problem is that to re-install them on the new server, the WebSphere dialog...

Importing war file into eclipse and build path problem

Hi, I am facing some weird problem when importing .war file into eclipse. The problem is, the build folder does not contain any necessary class folder. So when I try to set the build path, eclipse reports "Error while adding to build path. Reason: cannot nest output folder 'projectName/build/class' inside 'projectName/build'. From ...

Problem updating existing webapp in Tomcat 6.0.20.

In Tomcat 5, I would build a WAR file and place it on my test server. On this server there was a my-app.xml file in the CATALINA_HOME/conf/[EngineName]/[HostName] directory that pointed to my test database. Once I finished testing, I would send the WAR file to my clients IT department and they would put the file in the CATALINA_HOME/weba...

Tomcat6 - 2 wars, 2 hosts

Hi, I have 2 war files app1.war and app2.war. I have 2 hostnames domain1.com and domain2.com. I have one desk top running ubuntu and tomcat6. I would like to know how to configure tomcat to serve app1 for domain1.com and app2 for domain2.com. Thanks in Advance. Regards Gireesh ...

How to use Embedded tomcat with wars that have jars inside of them?

Hi, I had the same problem as this and solved it by using the code given by Antonio. My problem is that the war file has multiple jars inside of them, and these jars are dependencies, without which, the web application does not run. Is there anyway to tweak the ClassLoader or another method to make the embedded tomcat also load the ja...

how to I have two .war files within one .ear file?

I use jboss 4.0.2 and i want to have two .war files within one .ear file . ...

Best location to put your CSS and JS files in a Mavenized Java Web app?

I have a Web application in maven that follows this structure: src `-- main |-- java |-- resources `-- webapp Is is better to put it in the main folder and then the maven plug in will try to move it or I should put it inside the webapp folder and why? ...

What would happen if invalid WAR file is uploaded to Google App Engine?

What would happen if invalid WAR file is uploaded to Google App Engine? I can do try to upload myself but I can't seem to upload because of my network connection. Thanks! ...