
Playing .wav data of any format in Mac C++ program, similar to win32 PlaySound

Hi Everyone! I have .wav files that have been stored in a central database. I need to play them in Mac C++ code. The .wav files have lots of different formats - some of them are quite old - for example 4bit. I got code using AudioHardware interfaces to work for the main formats. But, these work only if the sample rate in the .wav...

How do I use afconvert to convert all the files in a directory from wav to caf?

I have a directory with about 50 wav files that I need to convert to caf, because AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() returns an error for some of them (but not all). Here's an example of the command I've used successfully for a single file: afconvert -f caff -d LEI16@44100 -c 1 whistle.wav whistle.caf How do I do this quickly - not o...

Playing a .WAV file in .NET

I'm trying to write a SAMPLER program, where each key has a different sound (a WAV file). Can someone explain to me or give me a link to an explanation where i can learn how to play the WAV files? If it matters, I'm working with Microsoft Visual C# and using WinForms. ...

Multiple sounds in SoundPlayer in C#.net

hi whatsup? im making a SAMPLER program where each key from 1 to 9 will make a different sound. everything is working great, But.. when i press two (or more) sounds at the same time, the second one "kills" the first one im playing the sounds from .WAV files, using SoundPlayer. how can i solve this? thanks! ...

Where is a good collection of freely licensed instrument .wav samples?

I require full samples for a variety of instruments. One such site that provides this resource (http://theremin.music.uiowa.edu/MIS.html) is good, but there aren't enough non-classical instruments (e.g. steel guitar, drums). I need a different resource that provides instrument samples such as ones the MIDI specification supports. Side ...

[SOLVED] C# - Bogus data when loading a *.wav file to byte array

I am trying to load a *.wav file to a byte array using C# 3.0 and .NET 3.5 like this: var fs = File.Open(filedialog.FileName, FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read); long numBytes = new FileInfo(filedialog.FileName).Length; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes); From byte[58] and to the end...

Is there a browser embedded player that can play 3gp, amr, mid, mp3 & wav

Hi, I want to play in my web site 3gp, amr, mid, mp3 & wav files My web site should support Internet explorer 6 & 7, It don't have to support mobile devices at all - only standard desktop IE 6&7. Is anyone knows a player that I can embed in my web site? ...

Java Sound API noise after processing the byte array with a fraction number

Hi, I'm trying to process my byte array which I got from the sampled sourcedataline (Java Sound API). If I'm multiplying the byte array with a fraction number, I will get noise while playing the stream. Before I'm playing the sound I separate the stereo wav file into his left and right channel. This works fine. But if I want to proce...

Frequency Analyzer in C#

Hi, I'm looking for a C# source code that performs a frequency analysis on a WAV file and displays the results in a graph, similar to the one displayed in apps like WavePad. Do you know where I can find such a code? Thanks! ...

Split wmv/wav file in WinForms application

I have a Windows Forms application, and I use an instance of Windows Media Player (via WMPLib) to play some audio/video files, either wmv or wav format. What I currently need to do is split the original file and "extract" one ore more clips from it, let's say 3-4 seconds from a specific point in time of the file. Any ideas how to do thi...

Play simultaneously sound in C#

Hello I want in the win Application (written in C#), the sound (Wav Format) play as Background Sound, and mouse over Control play small wav sound File, and when Click on Button, Stop Background Sound and ... . Thanks For your guidance. ...

Java - removing headers from .wav

I'm reading a .wav file into a byte array with the following code. AudioInputStream inputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(/*my .wav file */); int numBytes = inputStream.available(); byte[] buffer = new byte[numBytes]; inputStream.read(buffer, 0, numBytes); inputStream.close(); Is there a simple way to remove the .wav head...

WAV file from captured PCM sample data

I have several Gb of sample data captured 'in-the-field' at 48ksps using an NI Data Acquisition module. I would like to create a WAV file from this data. I have done this previously using MATLAB to load the data, normalise it to the 16bit PCM range, and then write it out as a WAV file. However MATLAB baulks at the file size as it does ...

How do I add RIFF header to MP3 files programatically?

More information about what I want to do here; http://www.studiodust.com/riffmp3.html I want a way so that my control panel (made with Perl and Webmin) can do this automatically. Right now I have to rely on system calls and have a binary for Linux. Is there a library that does it for Perl or some other language? What's the best way of ...

How to split a wav file into smaller chunks using Java?

I have a very huge WAV file, about 100MB in size. I would like to use Java to read this wav file and split it into smaller chunks for every 2 seconds of audio. Is it possible to do this in Java? Could you please suggest me an API with which I can achieve it? Thanks in advance, Snehal ...

Javafx and wav files

Hi. I'm playing around with javafx and I have modified the code of the MediaPleyer demo trying to reproduce a wav file. It doesn't work. /* * Copyright (c) 2009, SUN Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. */ package javafx.tools.fxd.demos.mediaplayer; import javafx.scene.*; import javafx.scene.media.*; import javafx.stage.*; va...

How to convert Text to Wave using SAPI with multithreading?

I am trying to convert text to wave file using following function. It works fine if called from main UI thread. But it fails when calling from another thread. How to call it from a multi-threaded function? void Pan_Channel::TextToPlaybackFile( CString Text, CString FileName ) { // Result variable HRESULT Result = S_OK; // Voice Obje...

How to write cues/markers to a WAV file in .NET

I'd like write cues (i.e. time-based markers, not ID3-like tags) to a WAV file with C#. It seems that the free .NET audio libraries such as NAudio and Bass.NET don't support this. I've found the source of Cue Tools, but it's entirely undocumented and relatively complex. Any alternatives? ...

http headers to send file to html5 <audio>

I want use html5's new tag to play a wav file (currently only supported in FF.) https://developer.mozilla.org/En/HTML/Element/Audio I"m using php's readfile command to get the wav file off the hdd, and write it to the http response. But its not working. The audio widget in firefox just has the loading animation running constantly. T...

Java - downsampling wav audio file

Hi I need to downsample a wav audio file's sample rate from 44.1kHz to 8kHz. I have to do all the work manually with a byte array...it's for academic purposes. I am currently using 2 classes, Sink and Source, to pop and push arrays of bytes. Everything goes well until I reach the part where I need to downsample the data chunk using a ...