
How do wave files store multiple channels?

I've created two wave files using Audacity. Both have 44100hz sample rate, 32-bit float samples, were saved as WAV (Microsoft) 16-bit signed and contain 1s of silence (according to Audacity). The difference is that one file contains one channel, while the other have two (stereo). When reading the one channel file I got frames like this: ...

How to play a pure PCM raw stream with C#?

I was looking into System.Media.SoundPlayer and NAudio, and AFAIK they only play WAVE streams. The WAVE file is composed of the pure PCM data plus a format header. I don't want to provide this header in the WAVE format. I want to pass the parameters (bitrate, etc) programatically ...

How to make a simple voice recorder in pcm format?

i created a simple voice recording using wav format. my problem is i wanted it to save as PCM format using Tbass components form http://www.un4seen.com. My compiler is delphi. or convertion from mp3/wav to pcm. ...

can the python wave module accept StringIO object

i'm trying to use the wave module to read wav files in python. whats not typical of my applications is that I'm NOT using a file or a filename to read the wav file, but instead i have the wav file in a buffer. And here's what i'm doing import StringIO buffer = StringIO.StringIO() buffer.output(wav_buffer) file = wave.open(buffer, ...

How difficult is it to write our own Robots API, similar to G Wave Robots API ? Please read the details of my query before answering.

Consider the following entities : a) My own Wave-server b) My own Robots API c) Tomcat d) Google wave server/any other wave server Let us consider that a and d interact with one another via Google wave federation protocol. Now, I want to write my own Robots API in Java (similar to that of G Wave Robots API) using which I want to crea...

Windows Vista Speech Recognition engine sampling rates

I need to recognize the speech from a set of WAV files that are not recorded on the computer doing the recognition. I know that if you recognize the speech from WAV files that are recorded at the same sampling rate as the recordings that the engine used for training, the results will be better. But my questions is: what's the sampling r...

How to compare two wave data?

I got data measurements from image. I mean profile scan data. (image intensity values that are taken along one line) And what I want is to get data from another image's line and compare them together. I want to know if they are similar or not. For example I got: int data1[N]; int data2[N]; And I want to compare them. If they are not...

how to convert sound wave to midi in c#

Does anyone know how to convert an analog sound wave to a midi file. I know that differs from wav to mp3 but thats not important for now. I only want to learn the basic logic of the conversion. if anyone can give me some article or some source code about it, I will appriciate it. ...

How to make audio sound batter? (C + FFMpeg audio generation example)

So I found this grate C FFMpeg official example which I simplefied: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #undef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #endif #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavutil/mathematics.h" #define INBUF_SIZE 4096 #define AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE 20480 #define AUDIO_REFILL_THRESH 409...

VB.NET - Using Directx to decode, but can't write to WAV

Hey SO. Building a little audio converter which uses Directx to decode the audio (under assumption that the end user has the decoders installed) and I want to write the loaded audio to a wave file in C:\Temp\ to send to the audio compressor because the audio compressors only support uncompressed WAV format. I'm having a bit of trouble th...

Help required with audio in MATLAB

Hi guys, I'm trying to write an .m file to extract energy features from an audio track but I seem to be having trouble in its implementation: % Formula for calculating RMS [f, fs, nb] = wavread('Three.wav'); frameWidth=441; %10ms numSamples=length(x); numFrames=(numSamples/1); energy(frame)=0; for frame=1:numFrames, startSample=...

How to write stereo wav files in Python?

The following code writes a simple sine at frequency 400Hz to a mono WAV file. How should this code be changed in order to produce a stereo WAV file. The second channel should be in a different frequency. import math import wave import struct freq = 440.0 data_size = 40000 fname = "WaveTest.wav" frate = 11025.0 # framerate as a float ...

Convert Recorded sound in iphone from one format to another say wav to mp3

Hi, I am trying to record some audio and convert them to other sound formats. I am using AVAudioRecorder class to record and these are the recording settings I used.. NSDictionary *recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [recordSetting setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatLinearPCM] forKey:AVFormatIDKey];//kAudioF...

Which API should I use for playing audio on Windows?

There are many ways of playing sounds on Windows. Which are the differences, advantages and disavantages of each method? I know there are at least 5 methods: 1991 WinMM.dll/mmsys.dll PlaySound 1995 MCIWnd (as suggested by @casablanca) 1996 DirectSound 1998 WaveOut 1999 ASIO 1999 Windows Media Player ActiveX control? 2005 WASAPI (which...