
What is my WCF application architecture and configuration?

I am going to develop a WCF service that connects back-end system with two e-commerce websites. Back-end system sits behind the internet as opposed to other components. Each website has a SQL database with identical schema. The back-end system acting as inventory master will be the service consumer and will be pushing product data to eac...

use wshttpBinding with SSL and wsHttpBinding without SSl ,,in single service

i want to use wshttpbinding (with ssl and without ssl) in single service but it not works,,anybody had implemented ittt,,,so please guide how can i achieve that???? <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="CommonBehaviour"> <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" /> <servi...

How do I increase the reader quota on WCF service?

I don't expect anyone to be able to help out with this but let's give it a go. I have a WinForms app that uses a WCF service to pull down a rather large JSON document serialised into a string. I have changed the client's Reader Quota on strings to 8192000 (arbitrary but suitable for most cases) and put the service onto a custom binding ...

When to use which WCF binding.

I know there are total 9 binding in WCF. Generally i use http and TCP binding. My question is, how will i know which binding should i use in my application. ...

Issue adding service reference for wcf

Warning 1 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:binding Detail: The given key was not present in the dictionary. XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://wrapper.dao.ccarwebservice.ids.com']/wsdl:binding[@name='CCaRWebServiceHttpBinding'] C:\Users\me\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\CcarsWcfTest\CcarsWc...

WCF maxBytesPerRead limit to 4096

I am using basic WCF web service in steaming mode to download files from server. I have specified binding on server side as <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="DBUpdateServiceBinding" closeTimeout="23:59:59" openTimeout="23:59:59" receiveTimeout="23:59:59" sendTimeout="23:59:59" maxReceivedMessageSize="...

An error occurred when verifying security for the message.

When I try to call a WCF service I am getting the following message "An error occurred when verifying security for the message." When I remove the custom authenication the service works no problem. I can't figure out though what I have misconfigured in my web.config. Any insight would be appreciated. <system.serviceModel> <serv...

WCF hosted in IIS, Problem connecting to database with integrated security

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS 5.1 on my development XP machine. The service cannot connect to sql server DB with integrated security=true. The same service works fine when hosted in a console app. I have unchecked Anonymous access and checked the Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS These are my setting in Web.Config <connect...

Binary vs. Soap Binding - WCF Service Performance

For my thesis I need to measure the performance of Binary Binding vs. basicHttp(Soap) Binding in WCF Services and a Silverlight Client for a specific object. I already found some example performance data for these bindings. I wonder how to measure them by myself for a specific object. Are there any tools which make this process easy o...

Performance Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings

I have the following object: public partial class Game { public bool Finished { get; set; } public Guid GameGUID { get; set; } public long GameID { get; set; } public bool GameSetup { get; set; } public Nullable<int> MaximumCardsInDeck { get; set; } public Player Player { get; set; } public Player Playe...

How to expose metadata using WCF's new simplified config model

Hello, I have a simple WCF4 REST service which is working fine when using a browser. However, when I try to add a service reference to it from another project in VS2010, I get an error saying that, “The HTML document does not contain Web service discovery information.” My question is, since WCF4 has a new simplified config model, I can...

What is contained in the App.config generated with 'add service reference'?

when adding a service reference an app.config is generated. What I'd like to know is, do the bindings, endpoints and everything else reflect the service, that I created the reference to? Do they specifically define that services bindings, security type,..etc, or is it simply a generic app.config? There seem to be a lot of settings.. ...

Expose webHttpBinding endPoint in Framework 4.0?

I'm trying to expose a webHttpBinding EndPoint using Framework 4.0. <endpoint address="web" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="MyContract"/> However, when browsing using WFC Test Client, I see nothing. If I change my Framework target to 3.5, it works fine. Is there something different in 4.0 to get this to work? ...

Error when writing C++ wrapper for WCF

Hi, I'm getting the following error in my WCF project: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.ServiceModel.dll Additional information: Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'IPhiFeed' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no con...

WCF Custom BehaviorExtension Error: An extension "silverlightFaults" already appears in extension collection. Extension names must be unique.

WCF Custom BehaviorExtension Error: An extension "silverlightFaults" already appears in extension collection. Extension names must be unique. I have a custom behaviorExtension for a silverlight project which helps in communicating faultcontract messages to client. This error occurs when the service is called. Works good in Dev and Q...

WCF service show exception when securing service with wshttpbinding and username authentication

I have created a workflowservice in .net 4.0 I am trying to secure this (WCF) service and used the following link to see how this is done. I followed the instructions, however when a define a servicebehavior everthing works fine. The configuration is like this: <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior> <servi...

Custom MTOM binding and Max upload size

I'm using the binding configuration below for my upload service, <binding name="FileUploadSTSBinding"> <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" requireDerivedKeys="false" keyEntropyMode="ServerEntropy" requireSecurityContextCancellation="false" ...

Could HTTP Headers be bound to REST WCF service arguments?

I have a WCF REST Service: [ServiceContract] public IService { [WebGet] [OperationContract] Data GetData(UserInfo userInfo); } UserInfo is a class: public class UserInfo { public string UserName { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } } I want UserName and Password properties be filled from specific H...

How to check that in basicHttpBinding client gets data in text format ?

By default there is no data security in basicHttpBinding, so how to check it ? we want to check that by default in basicHttpBinding when client gets response from wcf then data travel in plain text not in encrypted form. Actully we have implement some security on it so we also then check data communication in both scenario (default beha...

The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http Error Help

Hello, I set up a custom binding with http and https endpoints for my WCF webservice. However, when I attempt to call the https endpoint, I get the following The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http Here are my two bindings <customBinding> <binding name="jsonpBinding"> <jsonpEncoding/> <...