
Using WCF's net.pipe in a website with impersonate=true

Hi all. I'm trying to use WCF named pipes in a web site, and it's failing with errors: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/mypipename that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. and the InnerException: The pipe name co...

WCF (net.tcp) service: Works on all but one system

I've written created a WCF service inside a Windows service, and for some reason I can't figure out, I deployed the service on a bunch of systems (all nearly identical in OS and configuration), and it works on all but one server. The configuration for all deployments is identical except for the service's base address. When the service ...

How does WCF turn a ServiceContract/OperationContract into a Message that can be serialized?

I'm starting to experiment with using ActiveMQ (in conjunction with the ActiveMQ.NMS bindings) to support some cross platform RPC messaging that we're looking at doing. As part of this I'd like to be able to define our RPC contracts in the manner WCF provides - eg. [ServiceContract] public interface IUsers { [OperationContract] ...

WCF Service Communication Exception Due to Parameter Size

I've got a WCF Web MEthod that takes in an XElement object as a parameter. For one of my XML files (sized at 600KB or so) this works just fine, however, for this bigger XML file (about 5MB) I get a CommunicationException right away. I've already increased the message sizes for my binding. Below is the ServiceModel section of my web.conf...

WCF TCP Binding

Hello All, how to implement the TCP binding in WCF ??? If I select TCP as binding then it ask for Address for the endpoint...and default given is net.tcp:// What should be the endpoint and base address here ? how can I specify that ??? Please give me step by step info as I am new to WCF Binding world... Thanks in advance... ...

Strange issue while hosting WCF in Windows Server 2003 standard edition, with config details

Hi All, I have hosted WCF in Windows Server 2003 standard edition. If there is not much process while fetching data from service it returns expected result, but if there is much processing involved, it comes with 504 error(The server didn't return a response for this request). I am using custom binding which is as follows to return JSO...

Looking for WCF Solution to Pass User Credentials in a Load Balanced Environment with Custom Binding

We currently support several WCF services running in a load balanced environment. In the past, we have used wsHttpBinding and set establishSecurityContext to false to allow the service to work properly with our load balancer. An issue we have ran into is that the wsHttpBinding encrypts the return results by default and, apparently, can...

WCF Multiple Endpoints Under IIS7

I have a simple WCF service that we are developing... We are hosting in IIS7 on WinServer2k8 (though i cant get it to work in IIS7 on Win7 either) I want multiple endpoints for the same service contract but have the endpoints behave differently. For example I want one endpoint to return data as XML and another to return data in SOAP mes...

Kerberos Authentication with WCF customBinding

Hello Sir, I am using an ASMX web service and creating a WCF Client for the service with customBinding. In the customBinding security section, I am using the authenticationMode as "KerberosOverTransport" and using HTTP as Transport medium. Please see the below code. <customBinding> <binding name="Service1Soap" closeTimeout="00:01:0...

which type of security is needed for WCF

Here is my scenario, I have a WCF Service that is hosted on in internal server behind a firewall. The client is a web application that resides on the web server in the DMZ. The firewall is open on a port between the two nodes so the connection can be made from the client to the server. What type of binding do I need to be using for sec...

WCF Tracing Error: An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection

I setup WCF service tracing because 1 client out of about 30 wasn't able to finish the connection to the server. After setting up test case on that client, the WCF trace report gave me these exceptions: An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection and then The I/O operation has been aborted because of either ...

WCF NetTcpBinding Certificate error

I have a WebService that I am trying to use NetTCPBinding on. here is my code for setting up the binding private static void Run() { try { //set up the address configuration procedure: create a URI to serve as the base address Uri baseAddress = new Uri("net.tcp://

Custom WCF Binding Suppresses Fault

I have a WCF Service which I am calling asychronously. If I call a method that throws a normal .Net Exception (i.e., not a FaultException) using wsHttpBinding, my WCF Channel is left in a faulted state - this is the expected behavior. However, if I call the same method using a custom binding: <customBinding> <binding name="httpComp...

bindingConfiguration not being read properly

I have a WCF service that returns a lot of data. So much so that I needed to increase the maxBufferSize and the maxReceivedMessageSize. My endpoint and binding look like so: <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="ExtendedBinding" contract="NAThriveExtensions.INableAPI" /> <bindings> <b...

MTOM Encoding and Custom binding

How do I configure custom binding and MTOM encoding? I have a custom binding like given below, <customBinding> <binding name="stsBinding"> <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" requireDerivedKeys="false" keyEntropyMode="ServerEntropy" require...

How to create a WCF reply service for AJAX unit testing

Dear all I want to create a WCF service that will simply reply back the query string, HTTP headers, and the HTTP verb used in a request it received. I want to use it to unittest a AJAX enabled JavaScript framework I am building so I can verify that the HTTP headers and HTTP verbs are being set correctly. Basically I need a way to make...

WCF 3.5 and UDP

Is it possible to make udp binding in wcf 3.5 or it's only possible in .net 4.0 ? If it's possible in .net 3.5 could somebody give me an example please ? thanks ...

Silverlight application in facebook canvas fails to call WCF service

Basic structure: http://hospero.de/structure.jpg I have a really strange issue with my facebook iframe application. I am developing a facebook card game. Two players can play a card game against each other on facebook. The basic structure is: The silverlight control is hosted inside an ASP.NET Website which is hosted in localhost for...

WCF Client - only first 255 bytes of stream returned from WCF service contain values

I have been tasked to look after an ASP.Net WebForms application that communicates with a WCF service hosted by a Windows service. The binding used for the service is netTcpBinding. The service exposes methods to Upload and Download ‘files’. The user select to upload a file and the HttpPostFile.InputSteam is passed directly to the servi...

What can cause an object reference error when using BizTalk to consume a WCF endpoint?

I'm on the other side of a BizTalk 2009 integration, and I have a fairly simple contract stood up that looks something like this: [ServiceContract(Name = "ReceiverService", Namespace = "http://services.company.org/")] public interface IReceiverService : ILoadBalanced { [OperationContract] void FinishedRouting(long applicationId); [O...