
How to build a custom binding by having WSHttpBinding security and GZip compression?

Hi, i am facing a problem here. I am doing a client/server project, which is WCF web service calling to get data.Due to huge data of transfering, i got to change my binding to custom binding programmatically(not by config file.) I am creating a new user-define binding aka custom binding. example of the class is : public class MyCustomB...

Custom Binding in ASP.NET MVC with naming-conventions

Hey all I've got a View where I use a naming-convention on my text-fields, to indicate what should be done with the content once it is posted back to my controller. The format is similar to: <input type="text" name="RegistrationLine#ID" /> for updates <input type="text" name="CreateRegistrationLine#LineNumber" /> for create Now sinc...

Grails custom binding of Edit control with Calendar class

Hi all, I am trying to bind an Edit control with the Calendar object. I referred to the link below and decided to use custom binding. However the link explains how to bind with Date class as there's a ready CustomDateEditor class...

WCF: programatically configuring the service with certificate

Here's the whole issue: I want to create WCF dll to access WCF services.... the only issue is, when I use the WCF DLL config file with an application that has it's OWN app.config file, the WCF DLL app.config file gets ignored....... I figure one way to fix this problem is to translate my app.config to code, but unfortunately I don't kn...

Duplex WCF service - Direct call and callback do not use same channel

Hi, My goal is to reach a WCF service behind a firewall with no incoming ports opened. The solution I chose is to host a duplex WCF service on the public side, that has as callback the same contract that was used if no firewall was involved. It worked if I used netTcpBinding but since I need streamed communication I had to use the cust...

Multiple Protection Levels does not work in WCF

Hi every one, I am facing a problem in the security part of WCF. The problem is: Partial encryption is not working for the message payload. It either encrypts the payload completely or keeps unencrypted the whole payload when I change the ProtectionLevel at the MessageContract and MessageBodyMember Attributes. Ie, the partial encryp...

How do I add an unsigned SAML token/assertion to a WCF client using a custom binding?

I'm using SAML 2.0 and have figured out how to add my token to the soap header when using transport security (https) - see this post, but now I need to do this over http without the digital signature on the SAML token. When i use this binding: private static System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding BuildCustomBindingPIX_SAML() { ...

MTOM Encoding and Custom binding

How do I configure custom binding and MTOM encoding? I have a custom binding like given below, <customBinding> <binding name="stsBinding"> <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" requireDerivedKeys="false" keyEntropyMode="ServerEntropy" require...

Is it possible to change SOAP tags with Axis1?

I'm using Apache Axis 1.4 to communicate with a rpc/encoded web service but my tags start with lowercase characters and the service expects capitalized tag names. Is it possible to customize the tag names? I'm currently working on a handler to iterate through the SOAPMessage elements and change the tag names, but I cannot change org.w3...

Managaing Jquery custom events

I've done a few hours of additional research but I still can't find a good pattern to what I would think is a common problem. I'm working on a .Net MVC2 app. Our app is made up of a main page then a number of partial views (included pages) each one of the partial views corresponds to a widget consisting of an HTML structure and JS-jQur...