
Difference between Apache CXF and Axis

What are the advantages of using Apache CXF over Apache Axis and vice versa? ...

Sugar CRM Integration Using Java and Apache Axis

Hi, I'm trying to integrate Sugar CRM with one of my projects. I'm using Apache Axis as my SOAP client. I got the initial setup from this blog. Using this tutorial I'm able to login, fetch and insert data into my Sugar CRM installation. I'm trying to fetch Leads using the following code Get_entry_list_result_version2 entryList = port...

Is the [email protected] mailing list, um, dead?

[email protected] I've successfully subscribed to it, but nobody seems to be answering any questions there. ...

Can't redeploy .WAR that uses Axis in Glassfish 3

I have a J2EE web application that instantiates an Apache Axis SOAP client proxy as a Spring bean. When I deploy the application into a Glassfish 3 server for the first time, it succeeds. However, if I undeploy and redeploy the application, I get the following error (at the bottom of the Spring stacktrace): Instantiation of bean failed...

Create SOAP Request from JWSDL

Hey there, I have been working with JWSDL to allow me to programatically work with WSDL files. I now want to create SOAP requests that can be sent to the server. How do I generate these requests from the JWSDL classes? any ideas? thanks! ...

Is it possible to change SOAP tags with Axis1?

I'm using Apache Axis 1.4 to communicate with a rpc/encoded web service but my tags start with lowercase characters and the service expects capitalized tag names. Is it possible to customize the tag names? I'm currently working on a handler to iterate through the SOAPMessage elements and change the tag names, but I cannot change org.w3...

Creating a Java based web service

Hello, I have a very basic Java based web service requirement. Requirement is very simple, pass some String parameters, save them to database and generate a response ("success", "failed"). There is also a case where I need to return simple XML representation (SOAP message) of a simple Object: <person> <name>the name</name> <address...

Is there a way to coerce Axis1 to produce document literal WSDLs and SOAP?

I use Apache Axis 1 to serve web services, which automatically converts Java objects into wsdl definitions and soap responses. However it seems that by default Axis serves rpc encoded data by default. Is there a way to coerce it into serving wrapped document literal data instead? So far the documentation has not helped me much. My servi...

Handler to add HTTP headers to HTTP request not invoked when using Axis Client API

I am using the Axis API to access Axis HTTP server. The documentation of the API can be found here. I am using the following code to add handlers to the server. service is of type java.xml.rpc.Service HandlerRegistry registry = service.getHandlerRegistry(); QName serviceName = new QName(url, "MyServiceClass"); List<Handler...