
Unity resolves WCFServiceClient and closing the WCFServiceclient

We are using unity to resolve the WCFService and the good practice of WCF says close the client once done. But if we are using unity when and how to close WCFServiceClient? Thanks ...

WCF service issue when client has multilple IP addresses

Hello All, I need some help in resolving an issue I'm facing an with communication of a desktop client with WCF service hosted on IIS. What I'm trying to do in my test case: Server hosts a WSDualHttpBinding service Client establishes a connection (calls Register method) to this by providing its callback uri which contains the client’...

WCF using REST, having some binding questions

Hello people, I am really confused right now and I can't get any right answers anywhere. My confusions are: 1) Isn't wsHttpBinging (which is beefed up basicHttpBinding) used in SOAP instead of REST and REST only uses webHttpBinding? 2) Also, DOES silverlight 4 with WCF (REST) support wsHttpBinding (VS2010)? I read that it does not ev...

How to create a installer for a wcf service and client application in Visual studio 2008.

Hiiii..i created a wcf service and a client web application. Now my boss asks me to create a installer for wcf service and client application so he could run all these applications on his machine. Can anyone please help me..How to do this?? Thanx in advance.. ...

WCF help, how can I expose a service over http, that calls another service over net.tcp?

Hi All, I have a WCF .svc file hosted in IIS. I want to use basicHTTP binding. This services job is to actually call another service over net.tcp. Everything works fine locally, but when I deployed, I'm getting this error. The provided URI scheme 'http' is invalid; expected 'net.tcp'. Parameter name: via Here is the server conf...

Using KnowTypeAttribute in WCF Service

I have a situation where I need to pass a list of objects to my service. The objects have to be of type ELEMENT. I have my Element interface defined like so public interface IElement{ } Then I have my DataContracts inheriting this IElement class Like so . . . . [KnownType(typeof(Common.IElement))] [DataContract] public abstract ...

Access the current InstanceContext in a WCF UsernamePasswordValidator

I have a WCF service that is using a custom UsernamePasswordValidator. The validator needs to access my entity framework context. I would like to create one ObjectContext for the entire service call and then destroy/dispose it at the end of the call. So I created a singleton static class that provided this functionality, however, what's...

Problem with DuplexChannelFactory(System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext, System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint) constructor.

I have derived a class from DuplexChannelFactory, and one of the constructors of the derived class takes System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext and System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint arguments. I simply pass them down to the base DuplexChannelFactory class, e.g.: public DerivedDuplexChannelFactory(System.ServiceModel.InstanceC...

WCF Client - only first 255 bytes of stream returned from WCF service contain values

I have been tasked to look after an ASP.Net WebForms application that communicates with a WCF service hosted by a Windows service. The binding used for the service is netTcpBinding. The service exposes methods to Upload and Download ‘files’. The user select to upload a file and the HttpPostFile.InputSteam is passed directly to the servi...

netTcpBinding Behavior - Reconnection

Hi everyone. I have a WCF Service using netTcpBinding. the problem is that the host of this service not always active , so when a client tries to use the service it will succeed as long as the server is on-line. when the server re-starts the client must re-establist the channel (cause its netTcpBinding) using httpBinding will solve the p...