
How do i create a WCF client with Asynchonous operations with synchronous callback?

I am working on a wcf client for a IIS hosted WCF service. Developed in Visual studio 2010. The service has a callback this callback sends messages back to the clients in session. To create the Service Client code, I added a service reference http://localhost/service.svc with the "Generate asynchonous operations" which is ideal for the...

How to set .NET Client webservice ClientRuntime.MaxFaultSize

I'm calling a java webservice that returns a type of FaultException that contains a list of errors. So the response message size is always large. In my c# (clr3.5) client I get the following error "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize prope...

Custom IdentityVerifier with BasicHttpBinding

Hi there, I want to implement a custom identity validator in my client for my WCF service, however I want to use BasicHTTPBinding. Can anyone tell me where I set my IdentityVerifier? The only examples I have seen extract a type of SecurityBindingElement from a secure binding (i.e. WsHttpBinding) and set the IdentityVerifier on that, b...

Multiple client endpoints to the same WCF service

I've got a WCF service running on a LAN IIS which is accessible from the internet as well. The client that consumes the service is an application that runs on the LAN and remotely through the internet. There is no forwarding of anything on the DNS server redirecting http://www.corporate.com/Service to http://serverName/Service so I'm fi...

sproxy for vs2008?

Hi, I'm trying to create WCF proxy in unmanaged C++ (No .NET framework is installed on the client). I've found the website "http://icoder.wordpress.com/2007/07/25/consuming-a-wcf-service-with-an-unmanaged-c-client-with-credential-passing/" which teaches how to generate such a proxy. The problem is that I've found the sproxy.exe only i...

Sending Cookies over WCF using the ChannelFactory

I use an IOC container which provides me with IService. In the case where IService is a WCF service it is provided by a channel factory When IService lives on the same machine it is able to access the same cookies and so no problem however once a WCF Service is called it needs to be sent those cookies. I've spent a lot of time trying to...

Does ChannelFactory implement a factory pattern?

I’ve started learning WCF and I’m already utterly confused. I did a bit of reading on factory pattern and I can’t figure out how or why does ChannelFactory<> implement it. Namely, the whole idea of a factory pattern is that factory abstracts the creation and initialization of the product from the client and thus if new type of product i...

Do I need to expose a constructor in a WCF DataContract for it to work during object instantiation on the client?

I have a class in a WCF service, lets call it A. A is a data contract, which contains as one of its DataMembers a collection of another custom object B. To avoid Null Reference problems on the client side, I instantiate the BList in the constructor like so: [DataContract] public class A { [DataMember] public String name { get; s...

WCF and SOAP exception handling policy

Has anyone got a framework that can be used to determine whether specific communication exceptions are connection or timeout errors? I have some central Head-Office systems that communicate with various other systems, some SOAP, some WCF and some TCP Sockets. These all create financial transactions. For each of the above cases I need c...

how to add encryption to soap header using a username token profile in wcf

I have a working USername token profile working using WCF, I am trying to add support for encryption on the client call, the webservice is expecting an encrypted soap header. I installed a certificate in my Local store using MMC. In my c# code below I have code that loads the certificate and assigns it to the proxy. I am not sure what o...

Why is my WCF Service not loading my Binding config?

I have the problem with the following error: "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element." So I did some research and found that I needed to increase the buffer and message size, here's my WCF Service c...

ChannelFactory and reflector

I am curious how ChannelFactory and ChannelFactory works. How it is generating the methods for a TChannel in ClientBase. But in reflector its methods is empty, why? :) ...

WCF method not invoked

Hi there. I have a very strange problem. I have a WCF service and a console application that invokes some of it methods. At some point, it can't invoke one of them any more. It just calls the method, but it never enters it. It just waits and waits.. and nothing ever happens. Should I maybe somehow refresh the service client? I tried cr...

Shorter way to consume a WCF async method in ASP.NET

Hello is there any shorter way to consume an asynchronous WCF method in a ASP.NET page? here is a sample I would like to refactor: protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageAsyncTask c = new PageAsyncTask(AsyncList, CallbackList, null, null); Page.RegisterAsyncTask(c); } IAsyncResult AsyncList(object s...