
Strange exception when connecting to a WCF service via a proxy server

The exception "This operation is not supported for a relative URI." occurs in the following situation: I have a WCF service: [ServiceContract(ProtectionLevel=ProtectionLevel.None)] public interface IMyService { [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(MyFault))] List<MyDto> MyOperation(int param); // other operations ...

WCF net.tcp server disconnects - how to handle properly on client side?

I'm stuck with a bit of an annoying problem right now. I've got a Silverlight 4 application (which runs OOB by default). It uses WCF with net.tcp as means of communicating with the server. The client uses a central instance of the wcf client proxy. As long as everything keeps running on the server side, everything's fine. If i kill the...

calling a WCF service object method in another WCF service

Hi, I using two WCF services. WCF service A is hosted in my .NET Winform application and WCF Service B is hosted on a Windows Service. I am able to instantiate a client for WCF Service B and use the methods - i.e. call the WCF service hosted on Windows service from the .NET Winform app. I am not able to accomplish the reverse with WC...

.NET Web Service (asmx) Timeout Problem

I'm connecting to a vendor-supplied web ASMX service and sending a set of data over the wire. My first attempt hit the 1 minute timeout that Visual Studio throws in by default in the app.config file when you add a service reference to a project. I increased it to 10 minutes, another timeout. 1 hour, another timeout: Error: System.Tim...

MessageSecurityException: The security header element 'Timestamp' with the '' id must be signed

I'm asking the same question here that I've already asked on msdn forums http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/netfxnetcom/thread/70f40a4c-8399-4629-9bfc-146524334daf I'm consuming a (most likely Java based) Web Service with I have absolutely no access to modify. It won't be modified even though I would ask them (it's a nation w...

Error While trying to upload video >50MB using WCF Service

Hi all, I am recving the exception while i try to upload a file of size grater than 50MB using the WCF service. Following is my Config File: I have used "BASIC HTTP BINDING" <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the web admin tool to configure settings for your applicatio...

Catch all wcf exceptions client side.

Hi, I'm looking for a wayt to catch all exceptions throw from my wcf proxy, but on the client side. This way I can check if it is a special type of FaultException an act upon this accordingly. For instance: if T = InvalidPermission then I could show a dialogbox displaying nog enough permissions, etc... ...

How to instantiate a WCF DataServices Client without hard-coding the URI

I'm fairly new to WCF DataServices (OData) and I need to know the best way to instantiate the entity container on the client without hard-coding the URI. It seems like all of the examples on MSDN describe instantiating the client like this: Uri uri = new Uri("http://www.someservice.svc"); DataServiceContext svc = new DataServiceContext(...

Detect when client connected to wcf service

From a little bit of reading around, it is my understanding that the only way to detect that a client has connected to my service is through writing my own code. I am using a Singleton service. I would like to display a message every time a client connects to my service that client x with ip xxx has connected. There is no built-in event ...

Can we upload a file size of 500MB uisng WCF Service?

I have written a WCF Service to upload a file. So far i am able to upload a file size of 300MB. When i tried further i am receiving an error mentioning "The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly." I have increased the buffer size to 2GB in WCF service as well the client DLL[Uisng Channel factory] . A...

Can WCF handle a non 200 response?

Perhaps I'm overlooking something, but can client WCF not handle a server response that isn't a 200? For example, I'm trying to consume a service that returns a 400 when you asked for something naughty, but the body of the response is still a perfectly good and consumable SOAP message. It does the same for requested data that doesn't exi...

Sharepoint 2010 Client Object Model Remote Access via HTTPS

Hi there, I was encouraged to learn that the Sharepoint 2010 Client Object Model essentially wraps remote calls to the server. So, I copied the Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.Silverlight.dll and Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.Silverlight.Runtime.dll from my Sharepoint 2010 server to my development machine (without Sharepoint). I assumed the ...

WCF client returns "nothing" as a response to a third party webservice

I have a 3rd party webservice (happens to be a peoplesoft EIP service) that I'm trying to call from .net. I've tried using a service reference and the old web reference to call this service and every time I call it I get a response of "nothing" back from the service. I've ran the service call through SoapUI and it works fine. I've capt...

Is there a way to hack Reference.svcmap to produce a specific svcutil equivalent?

I have a couple of issues with the correct generation of code from a supplied set of WSDLs and XSDs outside my control. To get the right proxy class that works with a custom FaultException, I have the following svcutil params: svcutil /t:code /out:InvoiceService_v1.cs /n:*,Test.Invoice_v1 /UseSerializerForFaults *.wsdl *.xsd /config:Inv...

Specify the outgoing IP address to use with WCF client

How to define the LocalEndPoint to use by a WCF client when calling a WCF service (if the client machine has multiple IP addresses) ? I have a machine located in a DMZ with two IP addresses, the external IP address can be reached through the firewall via a VPN connection from our webserver, located at an external service provider. On th...

wcf client ip as ipv6

Hello. i'm using next piece of code to get client ip on wcf service : OperationContext context = OperationContext.Current; System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageProperties prop = context.IncomingMessageProperties; System.ServiceModel.Channels.RemoteEndpointMessageProperty endpoint = prop[System.ServiceModel.Channe...

difference in consume WCF service - Console vs Silverlight

Hey, Can someone tell my why when I have wcf contract: [ServiceContract] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] string TestGetName(); } and implementation public string TestGetName() { return "Kasia"; } When I try consume it in Console app I can do just that: Service1Client client = new ...

WCF Client: Can asynchronous methods be invoked at the same time?

Hi, I have a WCF service that provides a couple of methods. A Windows Forms client needs to call these methods regularly to update its display. One method returns the current service status, the other method returns the current server configuration options. The status is obtained every 2 seconds, the configuration is obtained every 10 ...

WCF Proxy Using Post Even Though WebGet Attribute is Specified (Only when called from another WCF service) - Causes 405 Error

I have a Restful WCF service sitting on another server configured with the WebGet attribute to respond to the HTTP Get method. I know the service works correctly because I can call the service directly through the browser and manually do a Get with Fiddler and receive a correct response. I have an Asp.NET project on my local machine th...

WCF Error Architecture

I am looking at implementing a Web Service API for our product. I have figured out how you go about the general architecture/fault handling within WCF. My question is a more general one of how to design the overall error handling system. For example I have a method called SaveCompany(companyobject). Each company name needs to be uniq...