
Custom ServiceBus and "adapter" for it using WCF

Currently im developing a server for satelite monitoring of objects. In its current state it is very efficient and stable in hi load scenarios. Server must be able to handle 50+mln messages per day, or more if load balancing is used. It consists of gps data gateway(singleton), "databroker"(singleton), which is responsible for persisting ...

WCF Performance localhost vs domain address

I have a WCF service serving image per request. Accessing the service via localhost is fast but accessing through ip or domain address (as other clients will) is very slow. Images are approximately 1MB in size. Any thoughts? ...

Can I use Compression in WCF?

Hi, we hosted WCF services in IIS 5.1 wndows xp sp3 with httpBasicBinding. The data tranferered is huge in size and transfered every 1 minute. For this to less data transfer Is it possible to compress the response of WCF service by using default http compression ? Can I have some sample code / article for using http comression in WCF? ...

WCF Performance on Windows 7

I have an interesting problem with WCF in a Windows 7 environment... it's slooooooow. The service is self-hosted, running in a console app. The same code running in a Vista environment runs in about 1/3 of the time. Server config: <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="Logging.Services.LoggerServ...

WCF Http to Tcp Proxy

I have a number of WCF services on my internal network which are hosted by IIS 6 using the basicHttpBinding. There are several existing applications which use these services by using the dynamic proxy "CreateChannel()" method. I'm building a mobile application which runs outside of our network, using a cellular connection, where it is ...

WCF Trace and Performance

Hi, I just wonder is there is sensible explanaition to such an issue: I have turned on trace on WCF Console host. When I analyze that trace, I can see that individual activities duration is maximum 4 seconds On client application I have made simple duration mesurement (before and after call to WCF service). Here results are much bigge...

How can I enable WCF logging so that it writes to a Database?

I'd like to be able to log message information in a database, and I'm trying to decide how best to do that. Is it possible to configure the WCF logging mechanisms to write to a database instead of a file? Thanks. ...

WCF service timeout when not started yet.

I have a WCF service that I am self-hosting. It was working fine apart from being slow when the InstanceContextMode was set to PerCall. (the constructor is quite heavy so that makes perfect sense) I set the InstanceContextMode to Single, and now it works fine, after the service has started up. However, if the service is still starting u...

WCF: Efficiently consuming large numbers of singleton requests via SQL job?

I'm planning to build a console app to run as part of a SQL 2005 job which will gather records from a database table, create a request object for a WCF service, pass this object to the service for processing, receive a response object, and update a log table with its data. This will be for processing at least several thousand records eac...

WCF writing directly to the response channel

Hi, is there a way to write ( a string for example ) directly to the output stream, when implementing a regular WCF interface like this: [ServiceContract] public interface ISearchInterface { [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(Exception))] SearchResponse SearchXML(SearchRequest req); } I want to save de/serializatio...

Is there any way to profile performance of a WCF Application?

Hi, We're trying to measure performance of our system, which is a .NET 3.5 application that uses WCF calls. Problem is until now, we weren't able to profile the methods inside these calls. A winforms client application was coded to test our system. We tried using ANTS 4 Profiler and VS2008 built-in Performance Analyzer, but we only got...

What are the benefits for several servicehosts? Does one ServiceHost support several simultaneous connections on one endpoint?

I'm thinking of self-hosting my WCF service instead of using IIS. A big question for me is whether I need to instantiate multiple servicehosts as IIS does or one wil be enough. Do muptiple servicehosts give any benefit except security reasons dut to isolation? Can one servicehost serve multiple connections on one endpoint simultaneou...

WCF Connection faults at DataSet return values

Hi, i am working on an intranet application which should able to control sub-applications. As part of the application i want to read the logs of the sub-applications. the sub applications are keeping the connection alive by sending an alive signal every 15 minutes. so the channel is not closed - this works fine, for many days. but when...

What to measure using PerfMon for a .NET WCF web service?

I am looking into Performance issues of an Asp.Net 2.0 Web Site which uses a WCF service. On the Web and the WCF Host Service I am adding some Perf Counters to analyse the application behaviour. What are the Performance Counters which will be useful. I have created a partial list. Can someone suggest me if I am missing any important coun...

Very slow performance deserializing using datacontractserializer in a Silverlight Application.

Here is the situation: Silverlight 3 Application hits an asp.net hosted WCF service to get a list of items to display in a grid. Once the list is brought down to the client it is cached in IsolatedStorage. This is done by using the DataContractSerializer to serialize all of these objects to a stream which is then zipped and then encry...

Get Number of active service instances?

Hi all, Is there anyway of getting the number of active instance of the service I've tried adding a static int counter in the constructor and this works and implemented Idisposable to decrement the counter on the service but the dispose method only gets called when the service host closes? Is there any native object i can get and see t...

Wcf IInstanceProvider Behaviour never calling Realease() ?

Hi, I'm implementing my own IInstanceProvider class to override the creation and realease of new service instances but the Release() method never gets called on my implemented class? It's implemented using an IServiceBehavior to attach to the exposed endpoint. No matter how hard we hammer the service the Relaease() method nevers get...

WCF service monitoring

I am writing WCF service hosted in WinForms application. Is there some way to monitor performance and statistics(count of instances, count of calls to endpoints, duration of calls, etc...) about service and display them in Form in which service is hosted? ...

Performance tuning a WCF with netTcpBinding

We have a WCF service consumed by an ASP.NET application which is not where we would like it to be with the speed. The slowness is seen at the networking level, not in the processing. So for example it takes 100 milliseconds for the processing, however it takes 600ms for transporting 27,000 bytes of data from one machine to the other (co...

Windows Workflow runs very slowlyh on my DEV machine

I am developing an app using WF hosted in IIS as WCF services as a business layer. This runs quickly on any machine running Windows Server 2008 R2, but very slowly on our dev machines, running Windows XP SP3. Yesterday, the workflows were as fast on my dev machine as they are on the server for the whole day. Today, they are back to ru...