
how to add encryption to soap header using a username token profile in wcf

I have a working USername token profile working using WCF, I am trying to add support for encryption on the client call, the webservice is expecting an encrypted soap header. I installed a certificate in my Local store using MMC. In my c# code below I have code that loads the certificate and assigns it to the proxy. I am not sure what o...

Why is my WCF Service not loading my Binding config?

I have the problem with the following error: "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element." So I did some research and found that I needed to increase the buffer and message size, here's my WCF Service c...

How does in duplex system WCF differentiate between different channel instances?

Uhm, I’m utterly lost so any help would be much appreciated The OperationContext.Current.InstanceContext is the context of the current service instance that the incoming channel is using. In a Duplex system, the service can callback to the client via a CallbackContract. This CallbackContract is much like a servi...

What .net framework to use to communicate between two processes.

I'm working on a application where I have an imaging inspection process and a Ui process. Both are programming using c# 4.0. They may or may not be on the same machine. I have to design it to handle both methods. The inspection process will be essentially running as the server in this application on a windows 7/64 box. In terms of ...

Consuming ASMX Web Service With WCF

Hello, I have to write a WCF service that consumes a third party 'Web Service'. They provided WSDL and the URL so that I can post the transaction. Can some body please help me how to achieve this, with some code example. Thanks in advance BB ...

What would cause a WPF utilizing WCF fail to function when published?

I have a WPF app that utilizes WCF to send data to a server. Works great in my development environment, but when I publish it via Click Once it will not work, the send times out. The kicker is if I navigate to the sub folder that Click Once installs to it runs fine. The only place that it fails is when it is spawned from the Click Onc...

WCF service, APP Domains and web sites

Hi I have many WCF services (SVC files), and I want to host them in IIS. I was wondering: Is it better to create each one on its own web site? or have them all together live on the same web site? What is the difference? I read that each service will have its own APP domain? Is there any articles that describe relation between WCF service...

Protobuf.net WCF Deserialize List<T>

Hello. I try use WCF with protobuf-net r.282 Ok. I mark my contracts with ProtoBehavior attribute [OperationContract,ProtoBehavior] [FaultContract(typeof(ServiceFaultException))] Dictionary<ActivityCategoryDTO, SalesTemplateDTO> GetSalesTemplates(); [OperationContract, ProtoBehavior] [FaultContract(typeof(ServiceFa...

WCF ServiceHost crashes when UserNamePasswordValidator takes too long to process

I have found a situation where a WCF client can crash a WCF ServiceHost if the ServiceHost has a UserNamePasswordValidator that takes a while to process. I would like to hear any suggestions on solutions before I go throw this at Microsoft. The steps to reproduce is: Open a channel Call an API method which takes 10 seconds to return. ...

Why it's so slow when a wcf client connects to the service?

Hi All, I met a performance issue when using the WCF service. Here's the story: I wrote a self-hosted WCF service which is hosted by a console application; I wrote a simple client to consume the service; After the WCF service is running, it takes over 15 seconds for the client to create connection with the service. The WCF service ...

What does the Reliable property mean in netTcpBinding

The netTcpBidning has a reliable property, but the documentation doesn't state what it does. For instance: Do it send keep-alives over the connection? Do it reconnect if connection is lost? ...

C# architecture advice: method to cache data in a structure?

Hi, I'd like to ask your expert advice on a workable architecture in C#. I have a C# service which responds to a request from a local user on the LAN, fetches packets of data from the internet, and crunches that data to produce arrays of data in a structure. Each data request takes about 2 seconds, and returns 4000 bytes. There could b...

Is .NET Remoting obsolete?

Possible Duplicate: Is .NET Remoting really deprecated? I read somewhere that with the addition of WCF, the old thing Remoting is obsolete. I guess Remoting was in version 2.0 whereas from version 3.5, WCF is there. ...

Change switchvalue on trace listener in runtime

Hi Is it possible to change what levels of TraceEventType that a trace listener should log without restarting the WCF service? I'm letting the user configure what the trace should log, sends it to the service and then writes it to the config file. This solution requires the service to be restarted before the change takes effect... Best ...

Public properties are not deserialized in REST wcf service

I have Restful wcf service that returns the following class, but the Total and Count fields become 0 when it reaches the client side. But they have the correct values on the server side. public class Groups : List<Group> { private int total; private int start; /// <summary> /// Total number of Groups in the result set ...

WCF method not invoked

Hi there. I have a very strange problem. I have a WCF service and a console application that invokes some of it methods. At some point, it can't invoke one of them any more. It just calls the method, but it never enters it. It just waits and waits.. and nothing ever happens. Should I maybe somehow refresh the service client? I tried cr...

Creating a ContractFilter for a WCF Routing Service

Hello! I have a routing service of type System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService shipped with .NET 4.0, two different services (contracts are different) and a client. The idea is to use the Routing Service as an intermediary between a client and these two services. I want a routing service to dispatch messages to a target service base...

Why does that error happens when a WCF client communicates with Server

I have a small solution contains 3 projects, one is the Service library, the second is a self host console application, the third is the client console application. after I build the solution, I copy the client.exe to anther machine, then run the self host app and client.exe, but on client machine, got below errors: "SOAP security negoti...

Understanding Entity Framework classes

I am working on a project where we need to fetch data from a WCF service. The service code looks up the database thru the Entity Framework. However inorder to prevent sending down EF generated classes across the wire into the proxy generated by the client we have decided to map the values from the EF classes to custom built DTO classes, ...

How to use ADOMD.Net types with WCF RIA Services

Is there any solution to pass the different ADMOMD.Net types (Cubes, Dimensions , KPIs ...) over a RIA Service or even over a WCF Data Services? Thanks ...