
WCF service and communication with devices

I have a project comming my way: devices with their own system written in C, and a Windows application for managing purposes (sending configuration, retrieving recorded data from devices, monitoring device's state). I have flexibility in choosing what technology I'll use. The requirements are pretty fuzzy right now so it should be someth...

WCF Service with asp.net mvc application

I have started using asp.net MVC and as traditional way I want to keep my data access layer in WCF service. How can I achieve that using asp.net MVC ? Scenario I started a test application in asp.net MVC which Displays, Inserts and Edit data. I successfully created that by adding 'ADO.Net Entity Data Model'. So now if I wanted to move...

how to cancel WCF service call?

Hi I have a WCF function that is executing long time, so I call the function in UI with backgraundworker... I want to give a feature to cancel the execution, so I abort IComunicationObject, the problem is that Service execution is not stoping, Is there any way to stop Service execution in this case? ...

ado.net data service advantages/disadvantages over WCF service

For me I have a WCF service which acts as DAL and does all the CRUD operations I just came to know regarding the new ADO.Net Data Service, just read somewhat but not actually sure when & where to use it? Just to add more, my new project is in ASP.Net MVC, so is it wise to use ADO.NET Data Service rather than WCF service with it which w...

Deploying a WCF Service

Hi, I am using WCF for the first time. I Have successfully created the service and it works fine on my local machine. I want to know the steps involved for deploying the service to the client environment (including changes to the config file, IIS settings) and any other miscellaneous settings. ...

RESTful WCF service over standard WCF Service

What is the main difference between RESTful WCF service over standard WCF service? I am not sure where and why to use it and are there any extra advantages of it? For our current project we are going to use ASP.net MVC, so will RESTful WCF be any helpful from that point of view? Are there any specific disadvantages of using RESTful WCF...

Proxy for RESTful WCF service

My standard WCF/ RESTful service is going to return big complex object. In WCF as and when someone adds the service reference it creates a proxy of it, i.e. I am exposing data contract to client and its strongly typed at the client level. How are we going to do with RESTful service, is there anyway to the same for RESTful service. ...

How to host WCF through TCP Ports?

How to host wcf services,through TCP Ports,and how to listen to it?,and consume services through these TCP ports? i.e apart from net.tcp binding,is there someway to host and consume using TCP Ports.? ...

Method level security in WCF

HiI want to create a WCF service that have login method, which is authenticating and giving user roles, and depending to that roles, allow or disallow user to call other service methods. Which is the best way to do that? Is there WCF standart mechanism to achieve this?Thanks a lot! ...

WCF Timeout Returning Five-Dimensional Array of String

Hi, I wrote a WCF service that returns a string[][][][][] (necessary for legacy reasons). Then I noticed an important fact: if the service manipulates N objects the answer is returned immediately (in localhost) but if it tries to manipulate N+1 objects a timeout occurs (I set it to 30sec). The problem occurs if the string[20][20][20][...

Can you have just one WCF service with static methods?

I have a misconception about WCF services (I think) Can you have just one instance of the WCF service that all calls would go too? It seems I am limited to having to create instances of WCF class every time I need to call it. If I can, do I have to make it static somehow? ...

How do you start a command and move on immediately (POST Back) when using a WCF service

Here is my question I have a WCF service that I implemented using a singleton pattern, therefore only one instance of it will effectively ever run at any given time. Now I have an aspx page that has a button called 'build' When I press 'build', the WCF services runs a method that takes about 15 minutes. The problem is when I make the c...

Invoke an external WCF Service from a SmartPart in SharePoint

Hello fellow code monkies! Here is my situation: I have a WCF service that is hosted on IIS that connects to a DB and pulls data into a SmartPart on my MOSS 2007 Server. The reason for this setup is that my external DB has customer information that we dont want SharePoint to host because other applications/reports are using this data. ...

WCF timeout if I add 1 element to an array

Hi, I wrote a test WCF service that returns a string array as long as the parameter of the method. public class XNS_Test : IXNS_Test { public string[] testString(int num) { string[] s = new string[num]; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { s[i] = "abcde"; } return s; }} I wrote a Form App to see how much time it takes: privat...

WCF Service, executed attribute?

I have a WCF service, marked with the OperationContract attribute. I have a potentially long running task I want to perform when this operation is carried out, but I don't want the caller (in this case Silverlight) to have to wait for that to complete. What is my best option for this? I was thinking of either something like the OnAc...

Exposing structure - WCF web service

I have a seperate assembly ( reference by WebService) in which I have created a class ( Let's say ABC ) and a collection of that class ( ABCCollection : IList where T:ABC ). Now when I build the proxy files (output.config and Service1.cs) then the defienation of these two classes are not exposed. Instead the ABCCollection is exposed in S...

Hosting a WCF service inside a Windows Service

I am having some trouble hosting a WCF service inside a Windows Service. I can start my WCF service in VS2008 and by navigating to the base address in my app.config <configuration> <system.web> <compilation debug="true" /> </system.web> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="WCF.IndexerBehav...

How to expose my collection from the Web Service (WCF)

I have a custom collection which i want to expose from the WCF web service. [DataContract( Name = "MyClass")] public class MyCollection : IDisposable, List<MyClass> { } When I use [DataContract( Name = "MyClass")] attribute it gives error Type MyCollection is an invalid collection type since it has DataContractAttribute attribute....

How to consume WCF web service through URL at run time?

Hi, I want to access all the methods exposed in the service through the URL. if suppose the URL will be : http://localhost/MyService/MyService.svc How can I access methods: if suppose I have a ServiceReference and what should I do if don't have the Service Reference. ...

Should WCF services return plain old objects, or the actual class that you're working with?

I am consuming a WCF service from another company, and it is returning an object of type object. Is there a reason not to return the actual class, and return an object that must be cast into the correct form? For example, if the web service returns an object of type OrderStatus, why would you instead return a plain old object? Correct...