
What is a good benchmark test for load testing a production system running IIS?

I've noticed a few posts regarding stress testing IIS, but I'm more interested in knowing a good way to establish a bench mark of what my physical web server can handle. I'm working on a production system right now that seems to be slowing to a near halt on a daily basis, and no one can seem to figure out what is causing the issue. Thi...

Problem: Failed to load perf counters from the computer <comp name> | help please.

I am using the Web Application Stress tools from Microsoft to run some stress tests on a Windows 2003 IIS 6 server. I am running the WAS tool from a windows XP machine. I have been following this tutorial and when trying to add perf counters I get the following error : Failed to load the perf counters from the computer \mycomp D...