
Storing web content in a JAR file

Is it possible to store web content (such as JSPs, HTML, images, CSS etc) in a JAR file? I've been looking at various options at modularising our web applications and this is one possibility. We are currently using JSF and Facelets for our view technology - I'm thinking it may be possible to write some form of custom view resolver whic...

Web Content Editor

Hi Folks!!! Is there any web content editor (like FCKEditor or WMD editor) that allows page layouts (images, tables etc.) like MS Word? ...

Web Content Accessibility - Does it worth?

Looking on some interesting links, I found Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Under Abstract headline the articles states: Following these guidelines will also help people find information on the Web more quickly According to this statement,and furthermore according the whole article: Does it worth to spend the time is ne...