
Web Deployment Project AfterBuild path problems

I'm currently in the process of setting up a build server for a web project. I'm using Web Deployment Project to create a deployable package and I want to do some simple file administration (copy webDeploy.config -> web.config and delete .csproj files). My target looks as follows: <Target Name="AfterBuild"> <Delete Files="$(O...

Aspnet_merge error has no detail

I have been attempting to add a Deployment Project to my web app. When I build it, I get a message "An error occurred when merging assemblies: Exception from HRESULT: 0x806D0004". There is no other detail, like ILMerge error, or Duplicate Name. I have "verbosity" set to "Diagnostic", and this is the output: Command: C:\Program Files\MS...

MSBuild and Web Deployment Project external dependencies

First time MSBuild/CI setup. I've got all my class libraries building, but am getting hung up on a web deployment project. This requires several binaries that are to be copied from a sibling folder. The folder contains other binaries that I do not want copied; I just want what it needs and nothing more. The csproj files specify the b...

Web deployment projects for Visual Studio 2005 - can't find plugin on MSDN?

The Visual Studio 2005 web deployment project plugin used to be here: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/asp.net/Aa336619.aspx This just goes to the ASP.NET home page now, and I've had no luck Googling (or ... Binging?) for it. Does anyone know if this is still available for download anywhere? ...

TFS Build Automation - Web Deployment Project error

I'm trying to build a web deployment project using TFS automated build process. When I build the project directly in Visual Studio 2008, it works fine. But from TFS, I get the following error: "C:\Users\tfsservice\AppData\Local\Temp\TestProduct\TestSolution\BuildType\TFSBuild.proj" (EndToEndIteration target) (1) -> "C:\Users\tfsservice...

Difference between/use of dev.site.com and beta.site.com

Hello, Am trying to implement a few deployment policies in my organization. Usually, we do all the development on localhost and then simply deploy the site to the production site (i.e. site.com). Am trying to place a rule to first deploy the site to say beta.site.com, test it completely and then deploy it to the final site. Now I know m...

Asp.net Webdeployment Project override applicationSettings

I got a web deyploment project for a web application project in vs 2008. While building the web deployment project, I want to replace properties in the web.config. My settings are autogenrated by the deisgner. <applicationSettings> <NAMESPACE.Properties.Settings> <setting name="Testenvironment" serializeAs="String"> <value>True...

appSettings vs applicationSettings. appSettings outdated?

I've got some question about two ways to save settings in the web.config. Appsettings: Look in web.config <appSettings> <add key="key1" value="value1"/> <add key="key2" value="value2"/> </appSettings> Usage in code-behind: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key1"]; ApplicationSettings/ Properties (autogenerated by using the 'prop...

how to deploy asp.net mvc to my desktop so that it be visible to all computers in the network?

Hello, I've developed a tiny application in ASPNET MVC that I'd like to deploy. Our network has 2 servers and 20+ desktops. The two servers have our applications (written in java) running in them. [we're not a software company - I've learned ASP.NET MVC on my own and would like to show it to my people - who knows? that might open doors....

Prerequisites to run Web Deployment projects

Hi, I'm installing a product developped in ASP .NET 3.5 SP1 I made a setup using ASP .NET Web Deployment Project. The Setup runs without any problems on one server, and fails on a freshly installed one. The .NET 3.5 SP1 framework is installed on a fresh W2k8 Server. Anyone knows what I should install to get the Setup running? ...

Deploying ASP.NET MVC web project by remotely building committed VisualSVN code

Publishing my entire application to a server in the U.S. every time I change a single line of code is taking FOREVER. I'm running VisualSVN server on my production server. How can I auto-build my project (to a development site folder) on the server whenever a commit is made? And is this a good practice? Update: I'm now looking into t...

How to reference the same CodeBehind class from multiple .aspx files (and be able to pre-compile the website)?

I have a set of aspx pages that each live in their own directory and reference a single aspx.cs code behind file. This has worked fine previously because I never tried to pre-compile the site. IIS must have individually compiled each aspx, linking them to the contents of App_Code but never referencing more than one aspx at a time. Now ...

Error while printing crystal report, with that exception message "No printers are installed".

I got an exception with message "No printers are installed." while printing a report for depolyed release of our website. I use _rptDocument.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0); to print a report. I got that exception, even I've more than one printer installed on my machine. Also, I don't get that exception while development, everything whil...

Visual Studio 2010 and Web Deployment Projects (wdproj 2008)

I have several wdprojects (web deployment 2008) in vs2008 solutions. When I installed vs2010 RC none of my wdprojects will open. What can I do to make it work? ...

Problems with WiX and Visual Studio web deployment project

Hello, We want to create an .MSI package from a web deployment project in Visual Studio 2008. Now we want to use continuous integration and we would need the .MSI package build in the nightly builds. Till now we used standard Visual Studio Web Setup project, but this is not compatible with the MSBuild. So we decided to use WiX. The prob...

vs 2010 Deployment without Web Deploy

with vs 2008 I always used Web Deployment Project to build to three different environments. It is maybe not the best solution, since I still have to xcopy the built files to the server, but it is simple. now with vs 2010 it looks promising, but It looks also complicated. My hosting doesn't have Web Deploy, the newest feature and the fla...

Missing Master Pages when using Web Deployment Project

I am trying to deploy an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application to my production server and I am using the Web Deployment Project for this purpose. I have a folder named MasterPages in the root of the application which contains all the master page files. When I build this project in the release mode and deploy it on to the server I am getting the b...

deploying asp.net 3.5 application on intranet

i want to deploy my web application on local machine thats why my co workers can see it on intranet i need complete tutorial step by step .olease provide me help ...

Web Deployment Project failed to map path for include virtual

I am building my site with a web deployment project but the build fails with a number of errors all relating to the "#include virtual" directives in my master page. The includes are necessary to import a set of centrally managed html template files. Here is an example of the include directive and associated error: <!-- #include virtua...

Web Deployment Projects for VS2010 on build server failing with Error MSB4086

When I upgraded my Web Deployment Project from VS2008 to the VS2010 beta version, I was able to execute the build locally on my development box. However, when I tried to execute the build on our TeamCity build server, I began getting the following exception: C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WebDeployment\v10.0\Microsoft.WebDeployment....