
View Source and View Generated Source in firefox addons Web Developer

I use Firefox Web developer everyday. Now I found some of my website need to use View Generated Source rather than View Source. Because View Source gives a blank outputs. It seems it is relating to the following code. I am hoping someone can tell me why it needs View Generated source. And is there anyway I can modify the code so tha...

What tool do you use as a web developer?

As a web developer there are a number of languages that most of us are usually familiar with Ruby, PHP, HTML, Javascript, etc... I want to know what programs you frequently use to code in? Even if it's NotePad, I'm interested... ...

How to publish website using Vis Studio Web Developer Express Edition

Hi All In the MSDN Documentation is says: "Note: The Publish Web Site utility is not available in Visual Web Developer Express edition." That being said, does that mean that I can not upload my website to my server to be viewable online unless I purchase the full version of Web Developer? Thanks Bael ...

Who is a web developer? What does he do

I am wrting an article on web developers. It seems to me there are some problems on the definition of "what is a web developer". It looks like a web developer title is a bit misunderstood, and people with this title often do not get the recognition they deserve. While most people in IT have some well defined job defitinitions, a web de...