
Does the onchange event propagate?

I'm using event delegation to listen for events lower in the DOM, but it's not working for an onchange event on a select box. Does the onchange event propagate or bubble up the DOM? Googling has failed in finding a conclusive answer. ...

How can I add session management to a simple Perl CGI web page?

I have a simple web page that till now didn't need any login. It is programed with Perl CGIs. I would like to know the steps to add session support in order to have the login information available. I don't want very complicated methods, because the web page is very simple. Also I want some recommendations for the technologies/libs tha...

Web development and back-end call efficiency

Here's the scenario: You have an ASP.Net application supported by a Microsoft SQL Server database, and for this example there won't be any caching. For each page in your web application, what's more efficient: Attempting to condense everything you need into one (or a few) stored procedure calls that return multiple tables with all of ...

How can I programmatically obtain content from a website on a regular basis?

Let me preface this by saying I don't care what language this solution gets written in as long as it runs on windows. My problem is this. There is a site that has data which is frequently updated that I would like to get at regular intervals for later reporting. The site requires JavaScript to work properly so just using wget doesn't wor...

How does the MVC pattern differ, if at all, from the DAL / BLL design pattern?

I'm making my way through the early Data Access Tutorials on Microsoft's ASP.NET website and it occurred to me that this all seems awfully similar to what I have read about separating your logic and presentation code using the MVC pattern. As a newbie I have yet to implement the MVC pattern but I'm curious as to how these two design stru...

Free diagramming tool for web site specification

Are there any free diagramming tools for web site specification? Which is your favourite? ...

Is Intraweb worth the money?

I am contemplating buying the upgrade to full Intraweb for Delphi 7 Professional. Please share your experience and whether you think it would be wise doing my web development with these components. EDIT: It would really be great to have some more feedback on this - thanks in advance: ...

Code separation in AJAX applications

What are some strategies to achieve code separation in AJAX applications? I am building a PHP application that I would like to have a nice AJAX front end on. I have long since learned to use some kind of templating in my PHP code to make sure I maintain good separation between my logic and display code, but I'm having trouble finding g...

Flash and Accessibility

As a web developer, a number of the projects I work on fall under government umbrellas and hence are subject to 508 Accessibility laws, and sometimes W3C accessibility guidelines. To what extent can Flash be used while still meeting these requirements? For using javascript, the mantra is "Degrade gracefully" by providing the same conten...

How to scan a webpage and get images and youtube embeds?

I am building a web app where I need to get all the images and any flash videos that are embedded (e.g. youtube) on a given URL. I'm using Python. I've googled, but have not found any good information about this (probably because I don't know what this is called to search for), does anyone have any experience with this and knows how it ...

How do I securely reference ASP classic include files outside of web root?

I'd like to be able to place all my ASP Classic include files outside of the web root. This assures no include files can be called directly via the URL. What is the best way to accomplish this? I know I can use a virtual directory to reference an includes folder outside of web root, but doesn't that still allow direct access to that d...

How do I create a cool looking photo gallery

How can I achieve a cool looking photo gallery page? I don't know Flash, but can learn, and thought about a random collage that 'pulls out' a photo that you hover over. It's for a photographer, so no thumbnails, grids, etc. ...

Best Practice for seeing live data on the dev server?

Assumption: live/production web app suppresses errors being shown to end-users. Suppose your tech support team wants to see live data but through the eyes of the development-side of the application (maybe you want to see what errors are occurring, or want to see when you've got an issue fixed using an end-user's data). Right now we've ...

How to keep domain name in address bar

Is there a better way to keep the domain name unaltered in the adress bar besides using a main frame? ...

Web Site Designing for Mobile

I just added printing capability to a web site using a style sheet (ie. @media print, etc.) and was wondering if I could use a similar method for adding support for mobile devices. If not, how do I detect a mobile device? My pages are C# (.aspx) and I'd like to scale back the pages for ease of use on a mobile device. Any advice for me...

How do you handle developer access to windows servers?

When it comes to code launches how do you handle developer access to the server? Do they have RDP access to the machines to deploy code and make changes? Are they only given ftps access to the servers docroots and any .NET configuration changes are handled by the sysadmins? Do the developers even have access to the production docrooot...

Mobile Device Javascript/CSS Support. What's out there?

I'm about to begin an ASP.NET application that will be targeted towards iPhones, Blackberries, and Windows Mobile browsers. Aside from the iPhone, I haven't been able to find much information on what technologies these platforms support. Since I'm used to developing for desktop browsers, I like using things like jQuery and advanced CSS ...

With Memcached and Squid, is there any need for ASP.NET caching?

Hi, With squid, we can cache webpages. I am not sure if it provides the same number of caching methods as ASP.NET caching (I primarily use ASP.NET), but it's a tool to cache webpages. Then we have memcached, which can cache database tables. I believe this is correct, and it is like SqlCacheDependency (correct me if I am wrong). Howeve...

How do I test on a Windows environment for a Linux server?

I have an Ubuntu Server (with all of LAMP and Subversion installed). I use Eclipse with Subclipse, PDT and a few other great addins and use those exclusively to develop applications. The problem I'm having is that I'm developing on a Windows Vista machine and transferring everything to the remote Linux server. However, developing fo...

HTML <head> best practices

There are <meta> tags and other things you can place in the <head> of your HTML document. What <meta> tags etc. and best practices do you make use of in your HTML document to make it more accessible, searchable, optimized etc. ...