
Best scripting language for web development

I have worked on some small web development projects where the server side languages have been PHP, Java and Lisp. Now I want to learn web development seriously. I don't want to use platforms based on PHP or Java. I also want to learn Python in general. Ease of implementation and learning value is more important to me than real-world imp...

how do i invoke asp.net regExp validator from javascript?

Hello, I'm developing in asp.net 2.0. I'm using the asp:RegularExpressionValidator to check for a valid url. How do I invoke the check from a javascript function? ...

Web app to client interaction?

I am designing a web app that has some information that needs to be transferred to a client side (non-browser) application (i.e. Outlook). Assuming the client side app has an API of some sort, I need for the web app to trigger the client side (based on a user clicking a link) to get the information and transfer it into the client app th...

Ruby on Rails: Find the record with lowest value of a specific column

I am trying to find a record in the database that has the lowest value of its datetime column. In simpler words, I want to find a record with the earliest time. I can use minimum to find the lowest value, but that will only return the value itself, and not the whole record. I suppose I could create another query, but I'm wondering if t...

Encoding PHP Tags for Security?

Kohana and Codeigniter both have encode_php_tags(). I understand XSS cleaning (for Javascript), but when and why would you use encode_php_tags()? What is the security threat? ...

Showing spinner.gif in ajax call on loading time in grails

Hi I am developing a web application in grails which uses lot of ajax.I need to show a spinner.gif image while processing the ajax request.My sample gsp code is <div id="ajax-area"> <g:remoteLink action="list" controller="file" update="ajax-area"> view files </g:remoteLink> </div> In the above code if we click on the view fil...

How to get elements which have no children, but may have text?

the empty selector says that: Matches all elements that have no children (including text nodes).Finds all elements that are empty - they don't have child elements or text. What i want is to get elements which has no children but may have text inside., how? UPDATE: Example: I want select these elements which has no children but may hav...

capture details from external web page

Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to capture details from the web page that a user previously visited, if my page was not linked from it? What I am trying to achieve is to allow users to my site to find a page they like while browsing the web, and then navigate to a page on my site via a bookmark, which will add the URL (and possibly ...

Need to discover if A dotnet framework is installed on the client computer.

I need to device a way to learn if the user who surfs to my site has dotnet framework installed on his computer, and which version (less important). I need this to work at least with Firefox and IE 7 and up. Any ideas? (Is there any web service the Framework on the "localhost" exposes?) ...

Why are there extra parameters x and y on my GET request?

When I hit the submit image I get some extra parameters in the GET request: main.php?selected=user_manager_main&mode=set_active&set_this_id=13&x=4&y=7 Please note the x and y at the end. I certainly did not define the x and y at the end. The values seem to be random. Here is the form code: echo '<form action ="main.php" method="get">...

Does setting document.domain work in all (most) browsers?

The Same Origin Policy Documentation says this: There is one exception to the same origin rule. A script can set the value of document.domain to a suffix of the current domain. If it does so, the shorter domain is used for subsequent origin checks. For example, assume a script in the document at http://store.company.com...

JSF backing bean structure (best practices)

I hope that in this post, I can get people's opinions on best practices for the interface between JSF pages and backing beans. One thing that I never can settle on is the structure of my backing beans. Furthermore, I have never found a good article on the subject (correct me if I'm wrong). What properties belong on which backing beans?...

css, javascript -- where to start ?

I am a C/C++ programmer with more than 10 years of experience. I also know python and perl, but I've never used this languages for a web development. Now for some reasons I want to move into the web development realm and as part of that transition I have to learn css, javascript, (x)html etc. So I need an advice for a good sources of ...

Database schema for a site like SO?

Since I took the basic undergrad course in databases design and SQL I haven't really touched anything like this. So my question is - how would the database schema for a site like this one would usually look like? What are you generally expected to find? For instance, how are questions and answers stored? Are there some tools which allow ...

Javascript attribute to ASP.net button web control

Hi, I have a rather pesky problem when trying to add a confirm popup message to the onclick event of a button. The problem occurs when trying to break the message onto a new line so the test wraps within the pop up window. If the \n is taken out of the string the code works fine. string confirmationMessage = "text text text text text...

What do you recommend for a PHP Coding Standards tool/system/program?

I'm working on a PHP project with several developers, each who has their own style. The styles differ significantly, and can make the code really hard to read, and everyone is in agreement that we need to standardize our style. The issue I'm having is that I can't find any good program or system to help enforce standards for PHP. I've...

Recommended open source content management system for corporate website?

We're preparing to rewrite/restructure our corporate website and are looking for a CMS to back it. I need the CMS to provide a way of giving certain users in our company control over certain sections of the web site (i.e., allow our Marketing department to update press releases, our HR department to update job postings, etc). It should a...

Optimizing Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Controls

Any good sources(links) about optimizing Telerik Web controls? I imagine that there are features that are turned on by default. These features require resources (javascript, css, images) to be downloaded on request. It would be nice to know what these feature are and to turn them off if not used. Do you know of such features? I'm prima...

Recommend a Phing tutorial?

I've seen a few tutorials about Phing out there, but does anyone have a really good recommendation for one. It definitely looks like a handy tool. ...

Any advice for getting started in Web Programming/design

A little backround:I'm a 22 yr old with just a high school degree and a lot of free time (college did not work out). I am completely new to web programming and I have taken a couple day classes in Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and InDesign. Seeing as these are only day classes, I am by no means a pro at any of them but ...