
Which web-development language is best for a C programmer?

Question I program in C (ANSI C89/ISO C90) in a *n*x environment on a regular basis. I am now in a position where it would be beneficial for me to learn a web-development language. In particular, I'm looking to learn a language which: ...exploits my background as a C programmer. ...can produce the level of interactiveness of a web-sit...

Questions regarding CSS design using 960 grid system

I'm using 960 grid system to create a layout prototype. I would like to set the color between Navigation and Content to #000 (solid black), but I can't figure out how. What I currently get is: Using this code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns...

Ajax Security

We have a heavy Ajax dependent application. What are the good ways of making it sure that the request to server side scripts are not coming through standalone programs and are through an actual user sitting on a browser ...

CSS Won't even apply

I'm having a really really weird problem with a web app I'm programming. Basically, nothing has worked, and I've had to continually reduce the level of complexity of it trying to get something to work. The problem I'm having now is that for some reason my CSS won't apply. I have it linked, and I made sure the ID I used is correct and ev...

Sending Messages to Squid Proxy Users.

Is it possible to send custom HTML messages to users when they first start a session through a squid proxy server? I want to be able to redirect a users first request to the "message of the Day".... then the rest of their browsing requests for the remainder of the session go without being redirected..... Detailed Steps: User o...

What is the main technical difference between Web, Application, and Mobile programming?

I want to know what is the main technical difference between Web (ASP, PHP, Ruby, etc.), Application (C, C++, .NET, Java), and Mobile (J2ME, Objective C) programming, and which is the hardest. If someone learns one of these, can he easily switch over to one of the others? ...

Alternative to 'className' in JavaScript for IE Mobile?

I'm working on a mobile web app that needs to work in IE Mobile. I've narrowed down a JavaScript error I'm getting to IE Mobile not supporting the 'className' property (IE4 engine...). I'm trying to find an alternative that works across all browsers with minimal code changes (I already have a few libraries that use 'className'). The eas...

What is the best method to construct a web interface to download large directories (not files)?

I'm not a web developer, but a senior developer has set me with the task of developing an internal web site that hosts licensed software for download by branch offices. The parameters for the project are: 1) It must have a web interface, to display meta information about the software. Use AD authentication, and log downloads. For these...

Form Submit With A Preview

I have a fairly long HTML form that the user fills out. After filling it out, the user is given a preview of the data they are submitting. From there they are able to commit the data into the system or go back and edit it. I'm wondering what the best approach to handling this preview step is. Some ideas I had are: Store the form da...

How do you choose a font for a website?

I am not web-designer, more of a web app server side developer. Like tone deaf, guess I am font blind…Perhaps I dont know what I need. When you look at Facebook its font-family:"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; stackoverflow font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; gmail font-family:arial,sans-serif; nyt...

How do I design a web interface for browsing text man pages?

I would like to design a web app that allows me to sort, browse, and display various attributes (e.g. title, tag, description) for a collection of man pages. Specifically, these are R documentation files within an R package that houses a collection of data sets, maintained by several people in an SVN repository. The format of these f...

Select Box not in line in IE

Ok, didn't really want to ask this question as it should be quite a simple solution, but I've spent hours trying to resolve it to no avail. I have a web page with a text box, and then a select drop down next to each other. In Firefox and chrome they line up fine next to each other, but in IE the select box sits higher than the text box. ...

Spring Security: What is the UserDetailsManager interface used for? And more!

I'm curious about the UserDetailsManager interface. It's not mentioned in the reference guide and in the JavaDoc it's described as: An extension of the UserDetailsService which provides the ability to create new users and update existing ones. When implementing the UserDetailsManager interface you have to implement five meth...

How must i save my Images in my Project?

This is what i want to do............ I am going to let each user upload multiple images into a folder called "pics". If the user upload say "MyImage.jpg" i will rename it "MyImage_UserID.jpg". Where UserID will be the User's unique ID of course. This way when i look for all the images of a user i will just look for the image name that...

Can javascript access iframe elements from the parent page?

I have iframe on a page, the iframe and the parent page are in different domain, can a javascript code on the parent page access elements inside this iframe? ...

Web control advice for my scenario

Here is my scenario and I would like to ask your opinion on which control is best to use. I am using C#, ASP.net 2.0. I am required to create a structure that resembles a tree. The user will start with something and then will add nodes to it. Every node is a structure by itself, so a user should be presented with an option to create a n...

How to disable the "auto format" feature of VisualStudio2008 editor?

When writing the HTML part of a page in a VS2008 Web App, the editor keeps formatting the HTML with linebreaks that break the readability of the code (to my eyes). Can this feature be disabled? Thanks ...

javascript cross domain document.getElementById

I'm trying to open the zip code lookup page on the usps website and fill out the form using javascript, and I get the following error: 'Permission denied to get property Window.document' Here's my script: function lookupZipCode(line1, line2, city, state, zip) { var usps = window.open('http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp'); us...

What's easiest way to get Python script output on the web?

I have a python script that runs continuously. It outputs 2 lines of info every 30 seconds. I'd like to be able to view this output on the web. In particular, I'd like the site to auto-update (add the new output at the top of the page/site every 30 seconds without having to refresh the page). I understand I can do this with javascrip...

Learning Web Development-Choosing a Language and Framework

This is a subjective question and let me make it clear that I AM NOT asking for what the best language is. That being said, I want to do web development. I want to create sites around various topics, some for myself and some to sell and also do freelance down the road. I would also like to be able to create applications (RIAish and We...