
Advantage of switching from ASP.NET to bread & butter HTML/jQuery

Hi, I have been getting more and more sick of all the quirks about control ids, trying to get your data in serverside (based on client-side events). I seem to spend more time fighting with controls in asp.net, that I think it takes me more time than I gain by using it. I was thinking about using plain html/javascript with jQuery and a w...

Is there a Perl module to monitor an email queue?

I'm working on an issue tracking system and would like the application to handle email replies. That is, I would like a script that can monitor an email queue and perform some action based on the email contents. It should then be able to delete the email, etc. I currently use MIME::Lite to send email, and I can handle writing the scri...

How might I get the script filename from within that script?

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but thought I'd ask anyway. If my site references a scripted named "whatever.js", is it possible to get "whatever.js" from within that script? Like: var scriptName = ??? if (typeof jQuery !== "function") { throw new Error( "jQuery's script needs to be loaded before " + scriptName + ". C...

What are your web development standards?

I am trying to come up with a clear standard to present to my web team so that the frontend HTML/CSS developers and the backend developers can get on the same page. Currently, we all have our own coding styles, and we tend to end up creating more work for each other when we have to dive into each others' code. What sort of CSS/HTML and ...

Why is Tomcat doubling my log lines in the catalina.out logfile?

Every time I look at Tomcat's catalina.out log file, I see double lines for every log entry. Why is this happening? Has this happen before to any Java (Tomcat) users? ...

Which Java framework works best with Google Web Toolkit?

GWT is the main reason I'm moving into java for web development. Which java framework will work best with it, while also maximizing code reuse for mundane tasks like form validation, database access, pagination, etc? Thanks. ...

How does Google Web Toolkits work with Servlets?

I'm considering building a web app using Java and Google Web Toolkit and I have some questions. I assume that when someone goes to a URL such as http://site.com/Signup, the Signup servlet will be loaded which will perform all the necessary work and forward the request to a JSP that would display the HTML and Javascript code. If there i...

Are there any rules regarding special characters/entities and innerHTML?

When I use innerHTML from javascript, the browser (Safari and Firefox at least) seem to replace certain characters and numeric entities with their named entities. The character \xa0 (non breaking space) gets replaced by  , < (lesser than) gets replaced by <. But for example the umlaut ü is not replaced with ü. I have...

How to help java tomcat processes to regain used memory?

We are running an web application that is using Java 64bit 5 gigs of -Xmx of maximum heap size. We have no control over the java code. We can only tweak configuration parameters. The situation that we are facing is that the java processes after it takes the full heap allocated at start up, it starts acting very responding very slow to...

Can I get away with testing sites using IE8 with IE7 compatibility on?

As a developer, can I safely upgrade to IE8 and use its IE7 compatibility mode to test how sites look in IE7? For IE6, I have a virtual machine and it is quite inconvenient. I don't want to upgrade to IE8 and then have another virtual machine now for IE7. Or is IE7 compatibility mode really different and I can't rely on that? ...

How to set a Servlet to run as the Homepage in Java?

I'm trying to create a simple web project using Tomcat in Java. In the web.xml file, I point to a servlet that I want to be run when someone goes to http://localhost:8080/MyProject , so I used / as the URL pattern. That worked, however it has the disadvantage that all links to html and javascript files are being passed on to the main se...

What's your choice for your next ASP.NET project: WebForms or MVC?

Let's say that you will start a new Asp.Net web site/application tomorrow. What your choice between WebForms and MVC, and why? ...

Web store: will customers come back to re-place orders?

Recently a bug in our web store caused the prices to be doubled at checkout. This lead to a drop in orders from about 25 to 2 over a period of 19 hours. We have lost quite some money over this. What I wonder is: is there any way to measure how many of those "dropped" customers will come back and re-place their orders? ...

Managing Milestones and Web development Project

Hello, I am trying to implement Trac+SVN. But am encountering a project management issue. To give you a background, most of my projects are related to web development (they go thru phases like design, programming, testing etc.). Now I am implementing Trac for my projects. Now the problem is what should I place as milestones and tickets...

Initializing JS components at the end of HTML or on "onload"?

For a while I had been running JavaScript component initialization by waiting for the "onload" event to fire and executing a main() of sorts. It seemed cleaner and you could be sure the the ID state of your DOM was in order. But after some time of putting that through its paces I found that the component's initialization was choked off...

Alternative to radio inputs

I'm trying to make a system which asks users to specify what kind of content they are submitting, using PNG icons to represent each type. Ideally, what I'd like is a group of three buttons (with images on them) which behave like radio buttons - the user can use arrow keys to switch between them, they are treated as one group, etcetera. H...

PHP in_array triggers Internal Server Error

This really shouldn't be this complicated, which suggests I'm doing something wrong, but after checking the docs I can't figure out what. I'm trying to do a simple check to see if the type of a "tag" is in the list of types to be used during this operation, using this piece of code ($level is passed in as a parameter): $filter = $this-...

Do you have any download hit counter per user Module in joomla ?

In my project one download button is there . if user download button click then i will show count of download . is it possiable have any module for download hit counter ? ...

JavaScript versions later than 1.5 - why?

The Mozilla Foundation continues to add new language features to JavaScript. They're up to version 1.8 now where 1.5 was more or less the ECMA baseline. However, Firefox is the only browser that supports the latest version and IE is firmly stuck at a 1.5-equivalent JScript. What purpose do the Firefox-only extensions serve? Or are they...

Help needed on nested web User Control event in ASP.NET.

Scenario: I have a nested web user controls in my asp web page, and I have a button inside the child user control. Web Page: references a parent control called “slot” which dynamically loads <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Home.aspx.cs" Inherits="light.Home" %> <%@ Reference Control="~/UserControl/Slot.asc...