
Why is this error happening a lot "asp.net, sql server"?

I have this error which happen many times on my site: "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error:...

ASP.NET Are there good ways to design Wizards?

I know there is a Wizard control available but what I want is so simplistic I cannot figure out where I started veering off the deep end here. When a user puts in their name and hits next I want the calendar control to become selecatable for a start date. I have the ability to mark the start date as green. I want them to select away u...

Problem adding item to sortable list

I'm not entirely sure how to post this question, but here goes... I have a web app that has a list of sortable items. I sort them ajax style using Sortable. That works like a charm. I can drag and drop the items till my heart is content. At the same time, there is a button that allows for the creation of new items on my list. This ...

How do you create a Webslice in IE8?

How do you create a Webslice in IE8? ...

Domain aliasing vs edge side includes for CDN

I'm designing a web application to support use of a CDN in the future. Two options I've considered: Use domain aliasing for static content on the site, including CSS, JS, and some images. Use "edge side includes" to designate static content regions. (1) is simpler and I've implemented it before. For example, we would prefix each IMG...

Is it normal for a website to return HTTP Code 200 for a Page not Found(404) Page?

I was doing some testing with some sites (that I will not mention), and they are returning 200 code when they are page not found pages. Is this against any web development standard? This is the code that I am using to see the return code of a URL: System.out.println(new String("getRespCode=" + urlConnection.getResponseCode() + ", Http...

Web development for a Computer Scientist

I have BS in Computer Science, and thus have experience developing software that runs at the command line or with a basic GUI. However, I have no experience making real, functional, websites. It has become apparent to me that I need to expand my skills to encompass web development. I have been using Ruby to develop applications, but I ...

Why use Singleton to manage db connection?

I know this has been asked before here there and everywhere but i can't get a clear explanation so i'm going to pitch it again. So what is all of the fuss about using a singleton to control the db connection in your web app? Some like it some hate it i don't understand it. From what I've read, "it's to ensure that there is always only on...

Selectively display different parts of a HTML file without SSI/Server side scripting

Is it possible to create a text sprite and selectively display parts of the same HTML file and ignore the rest. The part to be displayed is selected by a menu generated generated using CSS with links within the same page. (The length of each section is unknown and expected to vary greatly). Communicating with the server is unfortunatel...

Ways to insert javascript into URL?

Duplicate of: What common web exploits should I know about? This is a security question. What should I look for in URL that prevents hacking? Is there a way to execute javascript by passing it inside a URL? As you can see I'm pretty new to this concept. Any good posts on this stuff? ...

ASP.NET/IIS equivalent of Java/WAS context-root

In Java on WebSphere Application Server if I want my servlets, etc., to start with a certain root path, I use the context-root property in the EAR deployment descriptor (application.xml). For example, my servlet is named GetData, but I want the URL to be www.mysite.com/secure/restricted/GetData, so I set the context-root to secure/restri...

What are the best practices for building a community site?

QUESTION: What are some best practices for building a community site? I LOVE StackOverflow. This is what I think of when I think of an online community. I have an idea for a website that educators could use. (High School Teachers, Curriculum Reviewers, College Professors, etc...) I want to build a community site simular to StackOverfl...

What information is OK to store in cookies?

When thinking about security and user experience, what information id OK, acceptable, or even a good idea to store in a cookie? EDIT: With the understanding that sensitive info, like user names, passwords, SSN, credit card numbers don't belong there, what does? ...

Application development with Rational ClearQuest

Has anyone had experience with developing web apps using ClearQuest? Looking at the features, it mentions process automation but I'm not sure how large of a process/application it can support. Our group gave up a small section of a larger application to another group that used ClearQuest to web-enabled the process but now the ClearQues...

Optimization - Emails in a ASP.NET app

Hi, Quick question. Just want to confirm that a network call such as to a SMTP server doesn't take up any CPU usage. It only blocks one of my request handling threads and the user who triggered the email has to wait while my webserver is done with the SMTP call. If i send the email in another thread and let the user thread go on, then I...

How To get Cookies from this strange Domain?

Hey guys, I have a problem. I have situation where domain in m_domainTable starts with "." (dot), how can I get cookies from this kinda domain ? I can't create Uri with for example http://.testdomain.com ...

How do you test the performance of your website from multiple locations world-wide?

Following on from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53738/how-do-you-test-the-performance-of-a-website : What tools/sites/services do you use to find out the performance of your website from multiple locations around the world? There are always complaints that sites are slow under certain circumstances (especially from physically-di...

Improving worldwide website performance without using a CDN?

CDNs seem like a tremendously brute-force approach to improving website performance across the world, since they use some thousands of machines close to the end-user to ensure good throughput. Are there any ways of improving performance over long distances with high latency or slow-ish links (e.g., UK to Australia) over the "usual" meth...

Which CMS would you recommend to be integrated with a Tomcat application?

I'm looking for a CMS (content management system), where users can manage, create and edit online articles, as a part of an application to be developed. The application to develop is a web application running on Tomcat, with a PostgreSQL connection and using the Spring web framework. I'm looking for a CMS, which can be seamlessly integra...

Python server side AJAX library?

I want to have a browser page that updates some information on a timer or events. I'd like to use Python on the server side. It's quite simple, I don't need anything massively complex. I can spend some time figuring out how to do all this the "AJAX way", but I'm sure someone has written a nice Python library to do all the heavy lifting....