
Data-centric web application design book/article recommendations

I am designing a web application that deals with lots of data. I find it difficult to present this data in a usable, intuitive way. The data has to be sortable/searchable, and the relationships between the data should be obvious (records can have "child items"). Are there any books that specifically deal with this? I am not looking for ...

How to get started with Java web development?

I know Java and i've built some stuff with Swing. However, how can I do web development in java? I'm used to PHP/MySQL and I have Apache installed on my dev machine. How can I get it to run java servlets? And also, which database is the best for Java web dev? I'd still prefer to use MySQL. Please give me some steps I need to take to be ...

How can I prevent Firefox's Autocomplete?

There's several section of our site where the user needs to enter some information, and Firefox's auto fill takes over when the page loads - mostly incorrectly! For example, there's a "Fax Number" field that for some users Firefox keeps filling in with their email address. If they don't see this and they go to submit the form out valid...

Why does document.getElementById('hyperlink_element_id') return the value of the hyperlink's href attribute?

I'm trying to grab the Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink object itself via javascript so that I can modify its ImageUrl. Here I'm setting the hyperlink's NavigateUrl to the my javascript function call: lnkShowHide.NavigateUrl = String.Format( "javascript:ShowHideElement('{0}');", lnkShowHide.ClientID ) Here's my javascript function: ...

How to create screen scraping? "i want to know just the cycle"

I want to make a screen scraping exactly the same idea as this one http://www.vimeo.com/1626505 What i want know is how to do so? - When the user click on the bookmarklet, it will send to my server the URL then my server will get back to the client page with the scrapping javascript files which will load with the iframe load, the java sc...

How to verify that Squid used as a reversed proxy is working?

We want to decrease the load in one of our web servers and we are running some tests with squid configured as a reverse proxy. The configuration is in the remarks below: http_port 80 accel defaultsite=original.server.com cache_peer original.server.com parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=myAccel acl our_sites dstdomain...

How to obtain selected items in a checklistbox

I have in a page a databound checklistbox which is populated with data on OnLoad page's event, and also a button. If the user clicks the button, I must recolect the checkboxes selected inside the checklistbox and do some processing. But when I iterate over the checklistbox items collection all items have their Selected property set to...

FlexiGrid - set width of Grid in code

Hey, I'm trying out Flexigrid (http://code.google.com/p/flexigrid/) for a new app - I'm really impressed with it but I can't find a way to set the width in code. The main reason for this is to get the GRID (not the columns inside the grid) to align fully to the size of the window. I know, it makes a mockery of the horizontal resizer,...

What are best practices for validating ASP.Net user controls?

I'm wondering if any best practices exist for guidelines as to what should and should not go into a validator control. My thought and practice was that it should be basic sanity checking (i.e. did the user enter all the required inputs? Is there 10 digits in the phone number, is the email address in the valid form? etc..), but I've recen...

opening a default index.html file inside a folder (asp.net)

I'm a real noob when it comes to asp.net/html. I'm developing a very basic web site using VS 2008. At this point it's mostly just html pages - no real ASP.NET I have a root index.html and then a set of folders like css/ images/ features/ etc. and index.html files inside them, so one can access it as http://www.blahblah.com/features a...

Any suggestions on how to session proof a website?

This might be a very odd question, but some hints or guidelines will be very helpful. We want to "session proof" our web site, basically make sure that two different sessions generate the same link structure (e.g. Both user-a and user-b will get the same links in the same web page). The reason behind this test, is that our web site i...

Communicating with an HTTP Proxy via a .NET TcpClient

How can I communicate through an HTTP proxy with TcpClient in C#, kind of like WebProxy when using HttpWebResponse? ...

Understanding Frameworks

What is the best method of understanding how and why a framework was written the way it was? ...

"Stack overflow at line: 0" on Internet Explorer

My blog suddenly popup this error today,i search around on google still no one can fix this error...But it not happen on Firefox , only on IE7 and IE8 I have deactivate all wordpress's plugin still error.... I have uploaded the screenshot ...

The Best News Feeds for Web Developers, RSS

To all of you great web applications developers. Please, share where do you grab the latest news on this subject: cool blogs, articles, podcasts etc. related to web-based applications development. Help to rate those resouces from the most interesting to least. Note: It's OK if you list sources which someone else already mentioned, unles...

Multiple IE instances on one machine.

Hi, I am looking for a tool that can allow me to run IE6, IE7 (and IE8 if possible) on my machine. I found something on the net like this and some other interesting solutions but I need your opinion based on experience-which is the best choice for running multiple IE instances from the point of view of a web-developer. Edit: thank yo...

Flash-like visual effects in JS / jQuery

I know there are thousand of visual effects made in JS that can be found on Google. But most of that effects are useless in web-design, or are outdated like "clock following mouse cursor" :| Also I know sites like http://www.chromeexperiments.com and http://www.dhteumeuleu.com but those examples make web-browser uses 100% CPU power and m...

Can anyone recommend a PHP book that follows good development principles?

I am looking for a set of solid, well written architectual PHP books. Are there any good ones? Book that cover PHP developing larger projects in PHP, not it's syntax or grammar. Books that outline concepts for the language, along with its benefits and its drawbacks. What I would like to learn is how best to use PHP for web development. ...

How can I get some outside input on my web app's robustness?

I am looking to get some outside eyes to do black-box testing on a simple webform-based experiment/game I made. uTest looks very good, but it's aimed at companies with lots of cash, whereas my app is just a small-time academic research project. I want to make sure that my app won't break easily, and that it's resistant against basic reve...

How to describe Full text search for a client?

I implemented a full text search "searching in tags", using SQL server 2005, I want to describe for the client what i did, what what full text search means by simple examples? My Client is not a programmer but a good internet user. ...