
Developing my very own CMS

WHY?! ... Maybe that's your first thought when reading the headline of this topic. There's a variety of open source CMS' out there to suit everyone's needs. And I guess you're right... in fact I very much agree. But this topic is for naive and stubborn programmers like myself who really like the idea of developing their own CMS from s...

What are people's thoughts about rel="canonical"? Is anyone using it?

I just received a memo (dated Feb 29) from our pals at Mountain View. Apparently they want us to start using another tag to specify canonical urls. As someone who builds a fair amount of websites, this obviously intrigued me, but I was curious to know if anybody else had started using it? Is anybody planning to? ...

Markup suggestions for a layout and some more general questions

Let me explain the basic layout below: |----------------------------| | title banner | | | |----------------------------| | logut-row | |----------------------------| | aN | | <<to be explained>> | | | | ...

How to Scrape websites, client side or server side?

I am creating a bookmarklet button that, when the user clicks on this button in his browser, will scrape the current page and get some values from this page, such as price, item name and item image. These fields will be variable, means that the logic of getting these values will be different for each domain "amazon, ebay" for example. ...

Web Application Development on Scala

Hi, I have just learnt scala and i want to try some web development with it. On Google, one of the frameworks i came across (the only one?) was Lift. Does anyone have any experience with it? Any suggestions for web application development with scala on any other frameworks? Thanks! ...

Torn Between learning PHP [insert framework here] and Ruby on Rails

Here's my situation: I'm an ASP.NET Developer first and foremost. That's not going to change anytime soon. I have built my small business on it. With that being said, I'm looking to add other technologies to my arsenal. Not just for learning purposes, but to one day be able to offer clients an alternative solution. For this reason, ...

Need some simple explanation about dialog in jquery ?

I just started to learn jquery and JavaScript so i can implement it with my current asp.net project. However i have a hard time to grasp the idea how to make a dialog that will show up when user attempt to push delete button and then if user chose button "Yes" it will go for the delete function in code behind of asp.net or if user chose ...

What programming environment and toolchain would best accommodate web developers with severe muscular disabilities?

I have worked extensively in the area of accessible applications using TTS (Text to speech) and VR (Voice Recognition). I have had occasion to use one handed keyboards for extended periods of time. Traditional UNIX development (my nice little black box of joy) is losing market share to more modern technologies and development environme...

Editing a live website

In the past, I've always edited all my sites live; wasn't too concerned about my 2 visitors seeing an error message. However, there may come a day when I get more than 2 visitors. What would be the best approach to testing my changes and then making all the changes go live simultaneously? Should I copy and paste ever single file into a...

Where do new companies in IT Business developing softwares, websites and databases find work from?

Hi There, i am a qualified software engineer who has experience working on designing softwares, databases and websites but I don't understand how do companies find work for software database adn website development? Any advice will be much appreciated.. I do realise it may make me look dumb and may attract negative feedback but all throu...

Web UI prototyping tools

Can anyone recomend me a simple web UI prototyping tool, so I could quicky prototype the look of a my web site. I have tried to use MS Visio for this, but found it very "user un-friendly". What I really need is to be able quicky sketch the layout of the page, put some links, images and buttons on in, play a little bit with a colors (C...

How to play FLV file in to Macromedia Flash Player?

I can't get the following code to work: a="file=" b=VIDEO_FLV_ROOT c=flv d=" bufferTime=3 " e="autoStart=false " f="quality="&"'"& "high" & "' " path=a & b & c & d & e & f %> <%'=path%> <!-- <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#...

PHP include files with periods in file name

Is there a problem with some versions of PHP and file names which look like this: report.class.php I tried to use one and it failed once and worked once, but I can't replicate the failure. So I'm not sure exactly what the cause is, prefer using the period-separated filenames, but would strongly prefer not to be using "fragile" file na...

What do I need to learn to build a web app in Java?

Hi, I've been doing PHP/MySQL web development for a while and I'm fairly competent in it. Lately however, I've learnt Java and fallen in love with it, and I'd really like to do more Java work now. I've gotten my first opportunity with a client who needs a web 2.0ish web app built, and he has agreed to let me use anything I want to, inc...

Building a web application with Factor

Has anybody built a web application with Factor? What were some of the stumbling blocks or problems that you encountered during the process? ...

How do I force a browser window to always be on top and in focus

Is there a way to force a browser window to always be on top and in focus? I am working on a project that I need to have the browser window on top and in focus all the time except when closing the browser window. I have tried a few things through javascript, but have not had any success keeping the window in focus. I am not trying t...

What is the best way to allow a user to search through a large list on a web page?

I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC application and I have a form where a user can enter one or more part numbers that they used to fix a problem. Most of the time they know the part number and can just type it in. Occasionally, however, they need some extra help. The part number table has over 50,000 items in it which is way too big for a d...

Web Application Development Process

What have you guys found to good approaches to developing web applications? For example, do you start with the user interface and then begin adding function? Do you focus on a single resource and code everything around it before moving on to the next? Or do you go layer by layer, starting with the model/DB layer and building up? I'm wo...

Why are these sites receiving network timeouts for me, but not for others?

I've kind of ran into an ugly snag. I developed a website for a client a few years back, and since then they've transferred their site to a different domain name provider and host. Now they want some updates, but when I try to access their site I get a Network Timeout (the page just tries to load for a few minutes, then firefox shows a...

Javscript / jQuery not executing in IE until the body of the page is moused over

I'm working on a new portfolio site at http://www.nitrohandsome.com, and am using the experience to cut my teeth on jQuery. I'm using the latest build and jcarouselite along with the easing extension on my main page for a nifty carousel effect. It works fine in most browsers, but when I started testing in IE (7 and 8, haven't started opt...