
Not able to create Web application in Visual studio 2003

Hi... I am not able to create new web application through Visual studio 2003. when i am trying to create web application i am getting an error like "Cannot find the components for communicating with the FrontPage server extensions". Bu at the same time i can create windows application. Please help me on this... ...

How to detect user time-zone in sign up forms?

Time zones can be hard to select from dozens of options. I would like to make this process simpler. I saw some forms in the wild that can do the best guess. I Goggled for a solution but with out any luck. Do any one have an idea how to do it? ...

Handling a (possibly paginated) list of items, like to toggle a value based on a single click?

Assuming of course we're working with HTML Forms and GET/POST data, backend language agnostic. Asker is most fluent with PHP and Python. Example: Tracking event attendance, there is an HTML page for the event administration that lists all available People. There is a column next to each name with a graphic/widget representing their at...

Why is it a bad idea to use Session to store state in high traffic websites?

I am watching the ASP.NET learn videos on asp.net/learn. In this tutorial, they are building a quiz engine. At one point, the narrator explains that we are going to use the Session object to maintain the state between each page (each page contains a question and four answers). He says that "since this is a low traffic website" it is o...

JQuery Treeview not working with Ajax

I'm new to JQuery and web development in general. I'm trying to load some data from an XML file and build an unordered list. I've got that part working, now I'm trying to use the TreeView plugin so I can collapse/expand the data. The data is loaded like this: $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "...

How to organize checkboxes in several columns in Django forms

I am a newbie to Django and web-development in general so be patient for maybe a very dumb question :) I have a form generated from a model and in this form I have about 20 checkboxes. Now they are aligned in one long column and it looks not very nice from a UI point of view. I'd like this column to be split in several ones but still ha...

Is there any way to display image in client browser without uploading it to server?

I am writing a simple "Book" create page in ASP.NET MVC. User can create book by filling title,year etc.. and selecting a cover image. When user press "Create" button Form sends image and data to Controller action called "Create" then I save image to disk and data to database. But I want to display image when user select image by file...

Form submission on web - image containing characters for user to type in

Often when you fill in a form on the web you are asked to type in some characters from an image to validate you aren't a robot etc. Does anyone know A) what you actually call these things? B) are there any third party tools that can be used to generate the images? (.NET focus here) ...

Public Facing High-Traffic Silverlight Sites

What sites do you know of that are using Silverlight? This information will help us to decide when to adopt the Silverlight platform. The sites should be public-facing and be considered high-traffic. (at least 300,000 hits per month). We are a Microsoft shop and Silverlight is based on .NET, so that is very attractive to us. But my res...

Displaytag library - detecting a paging request

Hi, I'm currently developing a portlet for Liferay (using the Spring MVC framework). Now I just used the displaytag library for implementing paging on a list I'm displaying on the portlet. My problem now is that I would need to detect whether the current request has been started by the paging control of the displaytag library. What I ...

How to create autosuggest to get keywords as fast as google search or live search

I am creating auto suggest function in my website search box, every time the user press a new key, javascript call a webservice on the server side to get 10 most relevant keywords from the db and gives to the javascript again, and javascript populate the search autosuggest list. My function is not too slow, but comparing to what live.com...

Pagination in a REST web application

This is a more generic reformulation of this question (with the elimination of the Rails specific parts) I am not sure how to implement pagination on a resource in a RESTful web application. Assuming that I have a resource called products, which of the following do you think is the best approach, and why: 1. Using only query strings e...

Does window.opener work when on different domains?

Will window.opener work if the child window is on a different domain than the parent window? What about when it's the same domain on IIS7, but on a different application/virtual directory? ...

Best way to embed an IRC client in a webpage

I'm looking for a good, free, preferrably open source, IRC client to be embedded in a web page. The obvious requirements of supporting most browsers, if requiering a plug-in it should be a plug-in that is allready widley deployed and it should not put too much strain on the webserver serving the page. ...

Organizing Master Graphics Files For A Web Application (Photoshop / Gimp)

Some of us programmers have to deal with graphic files every once and awhile... Making quick fixes to existing graphics Throwing together a quick sprite as a prototype Create an icon because the designer is too busy I don't think anybody should ever be editing web graphics (jpg / gif / png) directly. They should edit the master file...

What works for web dev in C++

Hello Stackoverflow, I want to create a web application that runs with very little RAM and I think C++ can help me achieve that. Now, many people say C++ is unsuited for web development because: there is no easy string manipulation is an unsafe language (overflows, etc) long change/build/test cycles etc But I'm sure the C++ commu...

Checkbox vs Two Radio Buttons - Which one is more usable?

I'm currently working on some setting screens, most of which contain a 2 column form with a preference question on the left, and a form element on the right. The questions are things like: Can add/edit other users? Can delete clients? Obviously this setting is a binary setting and most UI "experts" would insist that a checkbo...

Silverlight master page

hello I am new to Silverlight and have decided to give it a go. I have no idea how to create a master page (page.xaml) using Silverlight... Any help will be appreciated, Thanks ...

Differences between 'Add web site/solution to source control...'

I have opened a website website hosted on my workstation in Visual Studio 2008 and saved it as solution. I now want to add this to source contol and I am being given the option to either 'Add solution to source control...' or 'Add web site to source control...'. This solution needs to be accessed, worked on and run locally by several ot...

How to create file watcher in shared webhosting environment

I have a windows shared web hosting, and i want to create there a file watcher which will monitor my images folder and resize the new images. I thought to make it as a separate component because i may sell to others later. Any ideas? ...