
Using DPAPI / ProtectedData in a web farm environment with the User Store

I was wondering if anyone had successfully used DPAPI with a user store in a web farm enviroment? Because our application is a recently converted from 1.1 to 2.0 asp.net app, we're using a custom wrapper which directly calls the CryptUnprotect methods. But this should be the same as the ProtectedData method available in the 2.0 framewor...

Gotchas: Upgrading from single servers to web farms.

Our company currently runs two Windows 2003 servers (a web server & a MSSQL 8 database server). We're planning to add another couple of servers for redundancy / availability purposes in a web farm setup. Our web sites are predominately ASP.NET, we do have a few PHP sites, but these are mainly static with no DB. Does anyone who has been ...

How best to generate a random salt for a Web Site?

Hi folks, i'm wanting to generate a random salt value and put it into the Application state. Now, i'm using a web farm, so the Application state will be different per machine. I don't want to purchase distributed state farm apps, either. So .. what are some solutions for this? I thought i could hard-code it in the code OR the web.conf...

asp.net - event log automation/tools for big web farm

A good friend of mine works for a large asp.net shop, with a web farm with many web servers (dozens). The application logs exceptions and messages to the event log on each box (not to a centralized location). Does anyone know of a convenient way to perform unified reporting on event logs on a number of different boxes? Or, which is be...

What is the best approach to deploy an ASP.NET web app on multiple servers in a clustered environment.

I have 6 servers that i need to deploy my ASP.NET web application to. While deploying enhancements, I usually remove 3 from the cluster, deploy the app, put them back in rotation, and remove the other 3 and do the same. What is the best practise that you would follow to minimize/eliminate any customer impact when you are deploying app...

Why should I send my website to "cloud"?

I develop asp.net websites, and I read about cloud computing, windows azure, etc. But in the end, I cannot see any pratical reasons to change/move/etc my services to the "cloud". What the benefices? Cloud computing is some kind of "evolution" of web farms? Thanks, and sorry my ignorance.... ...

Synchronizing External Configuration Between IIS Servers in a Web Farm

I have been struggling with the best way to make sure that the certain XML configuration files stay synchronized between multiple servers in a Web Farm. I am not necessarily concerned about the Web.Config, as much as I am concerned about some of the other configuration files that are present in the application. For example, we store ca...

Is a server farm abstracted on both sides?

I am trying to understand how a solution will behave if deployed in a server farm. We have a Java web application which will talk to an FTP server for file uploads and downloads. It is also desirable to protect the FTP server with a firewall, such that it will allow incoming traffic only from the web server. AT the moment since we do n...

How does Session_Start() work in server farm?

Does the OnSessionStart / Session_Start event still only fire once (total) in a server farm environment, or since requests are handled by multiple servers, could it fire up to once per server? ASP.NET / IIS6 or 7 It should not be assumed that the server is using Sticky Sessions. ...

Call ASP.NET Web Service on the Same Farm as Web Application

I am getting the following error when I try to call an ASP.NET Web Service from an ASP.NET Web Application. I believe it is because the Web Service and Web Application are on the same Farm/behind the same Load Balancer. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or establish...

Can I route HTTPS requests to HTTP application, using IIS7 ARR?

I have an application server installed, listening for HTTP traffic on a port which is not blocked from the world by a firewall. I wish to expose the services offered by this application only through HTTPS, preferably as a "sub directory" of the HTTPS site already hosted by the server. Using IIS7 Url Rewriting (as part of the ARR package...

ASP.NET MVC CookieTempDataProvider: any experience?

UPDATE: looks like I've misunderstood what TempData is for and what it isn't. It definitively shouldn't be used to "keep certain session-wide data" as I asked initially (see ASP.NET MVC TempData Is Really RedirectData why). I've modified the question accordingly. Has anyone used CookieTempDataProvider for TempData storage? Are there any...

"Unable to validate data" HttpException from my .net 2.0 application

I am getting this exception from my ASP .net application running in a webfarm. Exception Type: System.Web.HttpException Exception Message: Unable to validate data. ---- Stack Trace ---- System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeySection.GetDecodedData(buf As Byte[], modifier As Byte[], start As Int32, length As Int32, dataLength As Int32&) ...

Best way to implement a session server using a database?

I am at a loss how to maintain it on a web farm. Could somebody tell me how to use sqlserver to maintain it? ...

How to create an ASP.NET web farm?

Hi everybody, I am looking for information on how to create an ASP.NET web farm - that is, how to make an ASP.NET application (initially designed to work on a single web server) work on 2, 3, 10, etc. servers? We created a web application which works fine when, say, there are 500 users at the same time. But now we need to make it work ...

ASP.NET Page Caching in a Web Farm

We have a small web farm(2 servers) balanced by the built in network load balancer in Windows 2003. We have a few pages that use page caching. My question is: Is it possible that that a given user could cause a page to be cached and another user see that content? Here is the page directive for the page in question: <%@ OutputCache D...

How and where to store user uploaded files in high traffic web farm scenario website?

i am working on a website which deploy on web farms to serve high traffic. where should i store user uploaded files? is it wise to store uploaded files in the file system of the same website and synchronize these files in all web servers(web farm)? or should i use another server to store all uploaded files in this server to store files i...

ISA Web Farm and WCF service hosted in a Windows Service with basicHttpBinding

I have created a WCF service that needs to be hosted in a Window Service because it is participating in a P2P mesh (NetPeerTcpBinding). When I tried to host the WCF Service with NetPeerTcpBinding endpoints in the IIS Service container the service wouldn't run because it turns out that the P2P binding doesn't work in IIS. I have exposed...

cache and web-farm

I need to deploy my web-application on web-farm. Application has the following strings: public static X509Certificate2 GetIdCertificate() { string cacheKey = "IdentityProvider.PrivateKey"; if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] == null) { //Load new. HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] = new...

Strange File Upload issue with asp.net site on a web farm

I have a basic asp.net file upload page. When I test file uploads from my local machine, it works fine. When I test file uploads from our dev machine, it works fine. When I deploy the site to our production webfarm, it behaves strangely. If I access the site from off the network, I can load file-after-file without issue. If I access the...