
Web Service: Specifying XML Serialization element names for generic types

I've created a web service that uses a generic type Response<TCode, TData> and so I'm ending up with elements like ResponseOfResponseCodeUserData ResponseOfResponseCodeArrayOfRightData etc. Functionally works just fine but I'm wondering if there's a way to name these particular elements? EDIT: Here's an example. [return: XmlEleme...

Generate html for a WSDL to test the api?

Is there any tool that can read a WSDL file and based on the input message definition, generate a html page which can be used to specify the inputs and invoke the apis. I do not have many complex types in the input message. I need this to build some test UI for a service. If I cant convert whole WSDL, an XSD parser which creates the ht...

URL-Based API Key Restriction: How does validation works?

Hi, I am interested to know how an URL-based api key restriction works, such as the one used by Google to protect its Google Maps service. From what I understand from this article "Restricting Access to Ajax Services," there are two parts involved: first where the service creates a specific key for a given domain, using a one-way hash ...

Free web hosts that support something other than PHP?

What's the best free web-hosting service that can run server-side code that's something other than PHP? I'm wanting to host Java server engines, or JSP's and servlets, as well as maybe Python, ASP, Perl, or Ruby based serverside scripts. All the free hosting services I find seem only to support PHP. Is there anything where I can run per...

Calling a web service from php?!

I am trying to call a publicly available web service from a PHP web page. The web service is: http://www.webservicex.net/uszip.asmx?WSDL My code: <html> <body> <?php $zip = $_REQUEST['zip']; echo 'zip is'.$zip; ?> <form action="wszip.php" method="post"> <table cellspacing="10" bgcolor="CadetBlue"> <tr> <td><B>Enter Zip Code : </B><i...

Unable to create SSL Socket Factory for client

Hello, I am using Java 1.5.0_16 (JBoss-4.2.3.GA application). My application implements a WS client which needs to integrate with an external Web Service. This communication needs to be handled through https.I am getting following error when i trying to call remote Api via web services.can anybosy help me out what could be the cause 14:...

Can I use Rails without a database at all and only calling web services?

I am planning to write some new UI code and many people suggested to use RoR. But from what I have read about RoR so far, it seems to be almost mandatory to have a database to store the backend data. In my case, I do not have access to a database and all my data objects are available through web services (some REST and SOAP services). I...

Web Service Constructor error

Dear All, When I'm adding a default constructor to my ASP.NET web service I get a server error when calling a web method, but it works fine when I remove that constructor. Can you explain? ...

Firefox Ajax jquery call error

Hi! I am developing an application but I am having problems to get it to work in Firefox. The application recieves javascript calls from educational applications (websites that are showed in shared window) and it is supposed to return values from a .net webservice. The values must be returned in the same function that recieves the call....

Tips on handling errors/exceptions in a web service.

Has any one got any advice or resources for best practices for handling errors and exceptions from within a webservice. ie. How much information needs to be reported back to the client? Should ALL errors bubble their way back as full blown exceptions? Is it common/advisable to wrap responses within a class which contains any error infor...

What Http code should i return for "Thing not found"?

i'm constructing a web-service that is used, in this particular case, to ask for information about a patron. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the lookup web hit is: GET /patrons/619 HTTP/1.1 If the patron is found, i return code 200: HTTP/1.1 200 OK If you omit, or give an account number that is not a number, i return 40...

Excel 2007 - talking to a web service

I've been using Excel 2003's 'Web Services Toolkit' for some time to write spreadsheets that connect to external web services via VBA. (ie you install the Web Services Toolkit which adds a 'Web Service References...' item to the 'Tools' menu. You then set up a reference to an Web Service URL and the Toolkit writes the necessary proxy c...

custom Sync Provider and webservices

Hi any tip about building a custom sync provider that works through webservices (no WCF) ...

calling Java soap webservice with rails -wrong number of arguments

Hey guys, I am trying to call a java soap webservice within my ruby on rails app. Therefor I use the following code: email = "[email protected]" pw = "legendary" XSD::Charset.encoding = 'UTF8' wsdlfile = "" driver = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new(wsdlfile).cr...

Web Service For Database/Website Status

I'm currently trying to build (a simpler version of) a status website similar to Amazon's Service Health Dashboard Basically, I need to connect in about 3 Data Centers and a couple of websites with at least an Up/Down message. I'm mostly familiar with C# and some web programming. I'm slightly familiar with web services, and it looks li...

Debug .NET 2.0 web service from VS2003?

I have a web service created in a VS2005 asp.net 2.0 framework app that I need to consume in a 1.1 framework app. I built the web service - then built a little 1.1 framework tester app to call it and it worked great. So now I have added the web reference exactly the same way to the main 1.1 framework app that I need to consume it in. The...

"The test form is only available for requests from the local machine."

I created a Web Service in .Net and so the address of the service file has a nifty auto generated explanation about how it works. When I run the page from the machine it's hosted on it even has a form that I can use to submit test values to the service. However on remote machines it hides the form and gives the message as seen above. Is...

what is the difference of calling a Web Services using Asynchronous Call vs. Asynchronous Task

What is the difference between Web Services Asynchronous Call and Asynchronous Task's. We are working an a ASP.NET application that requires to make a call to a Web Service Method that will process thousand rows of data. This process usually takes between 2 to 3 minutes (maybe more maybe less it depends of the amount of Data). So we ru...

List all Alerts within a SharePoint site without using the SharePoint API?

Is it possible to get a list of alerts for ALL users within a given site? After messing with the GetAlerts method in /_vti_bin/Lists.asmx, it seems it always executes in the context of the user who provided it with credentials, and will only return the Alerts for THAT user. I was hoping to get a list of EVERY alert within the site. I kn...

First call to web service each day is slow

While building this web service and the app that calls it, we have noticed that the first call to the web service each day is extremely slow. It even will time out on some days. However, every call after that work great. Can anybody shed light on why this might be and how we can get rid of this pain? Thanks in advance! ...