PHP SOAP : How can I return objects from PHP using SOAP?
I need to send/return objects or array to/from PHP using SOAP. Any good links? ...
I need to send/return objects or array to/from PHP using SOAP. Any good links? ...
I have some web services. They are used by a silverlight application and on their own by other apps. What is the best way to secure these so that hackers cannot access them directly? Currently they are blocked to localhost only then the silverlight application calls the web application and the web application calls the web services it...
I have inherited some code and I'm not very familiar in dealing with web services. Here is how the project is set up: Under "Web References" there is a reference to the web service we are using. In that service's Reference.cs file there is class that inherits from SoapHttpClientProtocol, this class has a function called CandidateAdd()...
I'm getting XSS errors when trying to consume a .NET web service and I'm sure I can fix it with a bit of proxying. However, I've never proxied IIS before. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a good guide/tutorial please? UPDATE First off my apologies for being so vague! I have a website that is calling a web service in orde...
I'm playing around with NetBeans and JAX-WS and I see that the WSDL is fetched every time a WS is called. Is there a way to avoid this? Is there some configuration? ...
So I am stepping through my code and now I run the project again to move onto another breakpoint. However my project doesn't move on instead it crashes saying that I have exceeding the timeout limit for a webservice. How can I increase the timeout limit for web services so I stop getting these exceptions? ...
I have a web service with some data that I need to pass across sessions. I was thinking of using the application object. 1) Is this a good idea? 2) Some of the data will grow old and I'd like to purge it out so that the application object doesn't constantly grow. What is the best way to do this? Thanks ...
Hi, I've created a Web Service that I need to use in my .ascx page. I can't just add this: <asp:ScriptManager ID="OWUScripts" runat="server"> <Services> <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/OWUDashboard.asmx" /> </Services> </asp:ScriptManager> Because then I have multiple ScriptManagers on the page. So I did a little resear...
I'm using Rails 1.2.3 on a project. ( Upgrading rails is not an option ). I've created a simple test web-service using Rails. I've tested using the Rails invoke scaffold. It seems to generate the response with no problems. I'm trying to setup a client via .NET. I've created an ASP.NET Web App project in C#. I am adding a "Web Reference"...
I have written an ASP.NET web service. It looks like this: WebServices.logic pLogic = new WebServices.logic(); WebServices.manager[] pManager = new PowerManager[1]; pManager[0] = new PowerManager(); pManager[0].CustomerId = "sjsjshd"; pManager[0].state = pLogic.getState("sasj"); re...
What people have seen in real projects out there? 1) Web Services MUST be stateless: Basically you must send username/password with every request, every request must use HTTPS and I will authenticate and load the User object everytime if needed. 2) A Session for Web Services: like in a web container so I can at least save the authentic...
I want to create a webservice that allows users to enter the longitude and latitude for a particular building. Buildings will belong to a broader category called a Region. If a specific building does not exist in a region the user could add the longitude and latitude data through the webservice. Similarly if a user finds data to be in...
Hello. I would like to know if anyone can recommend a good library to generate java webservices stubs as clients. Currently I'm using a product which has embedded a generator which only needs the WSDL and then creates the needed classes and methods. My problems is it throws warnings and doesn't create any method for some webservic...
Hi All, I am new to flashlite/actionscript, my problem is.. how can i call a method in the webservice having complex data(return data and paramters), The web service is .net based and it is tuned for a mobile friendly type of webservice(without xsd:import)... And the problem is brought up when the complex data from/parameter of WS is a s...
I have a webservice that is used by inserting a piece of javascript into the page. The Javascript scans the page for a certain string and makes a request to my ASP.NET JSON WebService. The javascript then uses the JSON to display some content. What I would idealy like to do is prevent anyone from accessing my JSON service directly. Th...
Hi, I would like to serve servlets and static content with jetty embedded in JRuby. I tried this: server = context =, '/', 0) context_static =, '/static', 0) context_static.setHandler( context_static.setResourceBase('./') context_static.setContextPath('/static'...
Hi, I'm trying to use a third party web service (so I do not have access to the web service code). In Visual Studio 2008 I created a new web site project (ASP and c#), and added the web reference (not web service! so I guess it is not a WCF service... correct?). The problem is that from the documentation of the web service I know that e...
I have a process where an incoming user request to our system is being handled. I also want to add some metadata about the request to a database table without impacting the responsiveness of the main process. To achieve this I added a call to an asynchronous method like this: public static ReturnObject ResponsiveMethod(string ip, stri...
Is it possible to create a C# EXE or Windows Service that can process Web Service requests? Obviously, some sort of embedded, probably limited, web server would have to be part of the EXE/service. The EXE/service would not have to rely on IIS being installed. Preferably, the embedded web service could handle HTTPS/SSL type connections...
Is it possible to call a web service from an inline code block in ASP.NET without adding a web reference? If so, can you provide instructions? ...