This is driving me crazy for the last couple of hours. Need help, big time. I developed a solution on my local machine and posted it to a web site, its a basic file upload webservice and a silverlight application that posts files to it. I have a list of folders which i try to load, when i call the GetFolders() method the asynch retu...
Hi all
I've been doing a lot of reading lately about how to implement truly RESTful WS's. A lot of people have linked to the article here which details several constraints that implementers should bare in mind if the want to end up with services that conform to the REST concept.
Whilst the post is clearly important, it is unfortunat...
I am trying to call a webservice using SOAPpy:
from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
url = 'http://www.webservicex.net/WeatherForecast.asmx'
server = SOAPProxy(url);
print server.GetWeatherByPlaceName('Dallas');
print server.GetWeatherByZipCode ('33126');
The server call fails:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "soap_test.py", line ...
I have the folowing scenario:-
I need to create a Request class (in Javascript) with the following structure
The initial question is, how do I accomplish this in Javascript.
Now, for the broader picture:-
This request is an input ...
I'm trying to create an ImportMap object in CRM 4.0. I need to set the TargetEntity property which is a Picklist value. link text seems to imply that it can be done by using
importmap map = new importmap();
map.name = "test map";
map.targetentity = new Picklist();
map.targetentity.name = "Contact"
but this always seems to leave...
I have a servlet, and that servlet uses a .net web service to perform some function. To do this, I created the webservice client in Netbeans using the "jax-rpc" style client.
Let's say that my service name is "Tester". Then two of the generated classes are called "Tester", and "TesterSoap".
To get a reference to the web service, I need...
I have a wcf web service which returns a wsdl response when I invoke the service.How can I consume a WSDL web service in iphone?
Hey im looking to developed some webservices for an Iphone, id like to do this in a .NET environment.
Whats the best way to get started i.e.
Can I just go ahead and create the webservices I need first off all like any other webservice or does there need to be some consideration since these webservice will be built for IPhone.
Also my...
I recently found an example on implementing a We3bService with groovy and jax-ws:
the problem is that the @webmethod annotation seems to be ignored.
This is the source code of the groovy script:
import javax.jws.soap.*
import javax.jws.*
import javax.xml.ws.*
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
I'm trying to use the Admin webservice of SharePoint 2007 within a console application. So I add a new service reference to my project pointing to http://<central administration>/_vti_bin/Admin.asmx. But instead of creating the proxy class it ends in an error. Regarding the error message, the service cannot be accessed due to an authe...
In my Silverlight class, I have to make a number of async method calls to a webservice. The silverlight class simply calls a number of these method calls, but I want them to actually be issued sequentially and synchronously. I can achieve this by chaining async calls in completion handlers in the silverlight class, but I want something ...
Hello everybody,
I've already asked a few questions in this regard, but still have things that are not clear to me.
I was looking for a mechanism that, while being constantly run from a free remote server (which is not my computer), would check a web-page by its URL every 20 minutes, record its HTML code (i.e. source), store it in a fil...
I've got a windows service I've created to run a terminal service computer. At one point it uses .NET to call out to a web service ("ReportPdfGenerator") method "GetPdf":
ReportPdfGenerator.ReportPdfGenerator test = new ReportPdfGenerator.ReportPdfGenerator();
data = test.GetPdf(reportId, paramList.ToArray(), false);
I'm trying to use GXmlHttp in the Google Maps API to call a Webservice of mine (myService.asmx?op=myMethod) and am not having luck. Is there a way to call this web method using this object? Some sample code:
var request = GXmlHttp.create();
request.open("POST", "http://myDomain/MyServicee.asmx?op=MyMethod", true);
Nothing comes back...
How can i use web services and also connect to the server in iphone?
So by now I'm getting the point that we should all be implenting our RESTful services providing representations that enable clients to follow the HATEOAS principle. And whilst it all makes good sense in theory, I have been scouring the web to find a single good example of some client code that follows the idea strictly.
The more I read...
In another question I was worried about using a web service that takes a five minutes to complete. I was thinking about using RMI instead of web services for this use case..
but at the end of the day, do both a web service and RMI use a TCP socket for the underlying connection? Is there any reason why a web service call taking 5 min...
We have three web services (/a, /b, /c) where each service maps to a method (go()) in a separate Java class (ClassA, ClassB, ClassC).
Only one service should run at the same time (ie: /b cannot run while /a is running). However as this is a REST API there is nothing to prevent clients from requesting the services run concurrently.
Hello everybody.
I have a problem with some basic ajax and asp.net web service. In my website page i have a text box that is reach text editor, when i put text and try to submit it, ajax supposed to take the text and pass it to asp.net web service. When the sentence contains no escape characters it goes well, however when it does contai...
I've built a WCF Service using the Web Service Software Factory (www.codeplex.com/servicefactory). I'm trying to make a CHM help file for users of the web service. When I build a help file (using Sandcastle) the help file doesn't match the interface displayed to users.
Let's take the case of a method in the service called CustomerG...