
How to Generate a WSDL in c# without making a http request

Greetings, I want to write a unit test to make sure that our web services have not changed the WSDL from the last known published version. The reason for this is because any change to a object in the WSDL will cause clients using Apache Axis to fail. Even if all you do is add a not-requred property. So, if there is a change then the ...

How to use xslt to add namespaces to xml

I have a SOAP web service that is defined contract-first--the request and response xml are defined by xsds that use a number of different namespaces, and there are 100s of elements defined in xsds. However the web service calls a legacy layer which does not use namespaces in the xml. Therefore I have a transformation layer between the we...

Web services authentication with remote IP

I’m developing a small application that interacts with a web service which authorizes access based on the client IP. When developing on my local machine at home, I am not allow to access the web service, unless I request an authorization for the random IP that i get from my ISP. My question: Is there an easy way to get around this probl...

How to consume different proxyclass versions (production or test) of ASMX webservice

I've got an ASMX webservice as a separate project in Visual Studio 2005. In pursuit of "assembly separation" per a CODE Magazine tutorial, my proxy class is in a separate class library project containing no code of mine - just a web reference named ASMXproxy with the associated reference.cs, app.config, .disco and .wsdl files. Thus, when...

Problem when mapping inheritance in web service for a Flex client

Hi guys! I have an issue when consuming a web service from a Flex app. In the backend I have a hierarchy, let's say I have an abstract class Fruit, and 2 implementations: Apple and Orange. Fruit has a property, name, Apple has a property color, and Orange has a property radius. Then, I have a service wich returns a collection of Fruit. W...

Site-To-Site Data synchronization Over WCF

Hi, I'm developping a distributed solution with a WebSite and a Corporate Application Management. Here is the architecture : Web Site : Database (SQL Server) Web Site : ASP.NET MVC Data synchronization Services (WCF) - Corporate Management Application : Database (SQL Server) WinForm Application Data...

Free web service to determine IP address zip code

Does anyone know of a free web service to determine the zip code of an IP address? ...

Strategies for testing against a live system.

Let me describe the scenario: Our VB.NET web application talks to a third party data provider via webservices. It also saves data in a HUGE SQLServer database which has extensive business logic implemented in stored procs and triggers. The webservice provider also employs convoluted business logic which is quite dynamic. The dilemma ...

3-tiered web-service enabled architecture

Dear All! After reading tons of articles over the net about best-practise application-design and pattern I still cannot merge all the information together and map on my real-word-application... I would like to have a 3-tiered application: UI-Layer:A silverlight-application hosted within an ASP.net - Webapp BusinessLogicLayer:WCF-Serv...

Calling web service (SOAP) with PHP involving enums

I wish to call a web service, using SOAP, from PHP (using the included SOAP extension). The web service in question is http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx Now the Currency type is an enum, and I cannot figure out how to work with these in PHP in order to be able to call the 'ConversionRate' function. I know I have to do so...

How to make a Winforms application with remote sql

I have written a simple program(Winforms.NET), that selects a random word from a dictionary (DB table) everyday. When the DB is embedded its fine, but if I want to make the program take the data from a remote server. I suppose I have to put the ip address of SQL Server host into my connection string, but if host allows remote connectio...

Sharing a static object between a servlet and a webservice

I have a servlet which handles http get requests that I'd like to be able to share an object which is also used by a webservice im developing. They are both on the same tomcat server within the same web-app container. Im not sure best how to do it any ideas ? ...

secure web service

I am going to be creating a web service that will be passing confidential information across the network. What would be the best way to secure the web service? how do I know if the application requesting the information is who it says it is, and it's not another application that is using another's user name and password? ...

Help with system.stackoverflowexception

All of a sudden my app is handing this out in the application event viewer: EventType clr20r3, P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.3959, P3 45d6968e, P4 app_code.ahowircm, P5, P6 4b167253, P7 30, P8 0, P9 system.stackoverflowexception, P10 NIL. Nothing has changed since yesterday, and everything worked fine before. The server is running s...

Tools to test WSE enabled SOAP service

Is there a tool that can test WSE-Enabled SOAP Web service? ...

web services & php

Hi... I need help because I don't know about web services using php somebody help me I need to create a web services with php and I need some any reference (free) Thanks for your help ...

Long running webservice architecture

We use axis2 for building our webservices and a Jboss server to run the logic of all of our applications. We were asked to build a webservice that talks to a bean that could take up to 1 hour to respond (depending on the size of the request) so we would not be able to keep the connection with the consumers opened during that time. We co...

Timer class used from axis2 webservice

Hi, We have an axis2 webservice that scehdules a job using Timer. The class that gets executed when the jobs kicks off handles complex data types defined in the webservice package. We I deploy it and run it, I get class not found exception so I tested by packaging the datatype class file and putting it in the $tomcat_home/lib directory ...

The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

I am trying to consume a webservice and it is giving throwing this error. ...

String parameters passed to Web Service from Jquery

I got it working, it's great. One question though: are there any limits on these string parameters? If so, what are some common ways to deal with these limitations? Thanks! ...