I'm looking Specifically for some detailed information on RETSBond Integrator (RI) or something similar. Has anyone used it? Drawbacks? benefits?
What I need is something that provides a PHP API out of the box or some kind of RPC exposure. This thing seems to provide an API for batching the MLS server and putting in my own DB which is a...
I have wsdl that needs to be interpreted by wsdl.exe (.net sdk 2.0)
This wsdl is generated on runtime by axis engine, and it is reading a wsdd file to generate this.
One of my return types have java.util.Map inside and here is the schema for a map in wsdl (just one part of wsdl)
<schema targetNamespace="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"...
I have got some library files in PHP. i want to use them in asp.net. please give me some idea that how to use it or how to convert it to be used in asp.net (vb.net). actually i want to connect with a xml based web service (HostelsClub) but they just have API in PHP not in asp.net. so what to do.
How can I send data from my .net web service to a CGI page and collect response?
It is an integration project.
One side (Client A) is collecting service requests in windows application + Sql server. another side (Client B) provides the services however they can accept the request from a cgi url http://mysite.com/cgi-bin/process.cgi (fa...
Hi all,
I need to call a url from my iphone when i tap on a button.
The url is taking a value from the UITextField as argument, also it is using a POST method to invoke the webservice. how do i use the URL in my iphone. I had done the same with GET method. but for that i created a url string with the value from the textfield. it cant b...
Is there an easy way (aka: not using a proxy) to get access to the raw request/response XML for a webservice published with JAX-WS reference implementation (the one included in JDK 1.5 and better) ?
Being able to do that via code is what I need to do.
Just having it logged to a file by clever logging configurations would be nice but enou...
Are there any implementations of the WS-Discovery specification for JAX-WS RI, Axis2, CXF or other toolkits?
hello all
i´m doing an ajax request using jQuery and asp.net on this way:
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json"
url: "/WebServices/CompareDates",
data: "{allClients: '" + allClients + "'}",
success: function(msg) {
I'm consuming a web service in PHP. If the service returns 2 or more records the object comes back as an array. However, if I call the same service that returns 1 record, the object is not an array. This makes for some messy logic having to watch for both cases when one would think PHP could be smart enough to handle this appropriately a...
The application with webservice (C#) access works well on MAC (iphone simulator), but doesn't work on iphone (release and debug mode).
It happens when I tryed to create a new webservice instance.
"YNSMS.ynSMSws.Service1 wsSMS = new YNSMS.ynSMSws.Service1();"
Could it be a Monotouch iphone runtime bug ?
Is there any way to solve it?
Since this question tells me that SoapHttpClientProtocol is not thread safe. And, my real life testing tells me this is true, as my SoapHeader properties keep getting mixed up between calls. Is there a way to make sure that I can use this across threads and keep my properties correct? And make sure I don't run into the example given in t...
I have a WCF entrance that communicates with an internal java WS for our client.
Now have to expand this WCF to be multi app and pass to the java WS the proper certificates.
Currently the one was part of the bizObj class in my WCF.
I have multiple .cer files that I will have to maintain in my WCF and pass in by caller app.
Of cour...
My employer is a software vendor for a specific market. Our customers integrate our system with others using web services. We use Microsoft technology, and our web services are implemented in ASP.NET and WCF.
The time has come to review our current set of services, and come up with company standards for future integrations. I am reading...
I have the following code where I attempt to make a request to query the yahoo api in order to return the whoid. But I am not able to generate the XML to query it, the error is not displayed.
private string getWOEID()
string woeID = "";
String reqUrl = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20woeid%20from%20geo.p...
Is there any way to call web services from javascript? I know you can add in a script manager to pull in the web services but I can't figure out how to access the functions from javascript once I've done that.
Are client stubs generated from WSDL by Axis2 thread-safe?
Of course, "thread-safe" isn't necessary a rigorously defined term, so I'm at least interested in the following:
Are different instances of the same stub class accessible concurrently by different threads, with the same effective behavior as single-threaded execution?
Is a sin...
Are client stubs generated from WSDL by .NET WSE thread-safe?
Of course, "thread-safe" isn't necessary a rigorously defined term, so I'm at least interested in the following:
Are different instances of the same stub class accessible concurrently by different threads, with the same effective behavior as single-threaded execution?
Is a ...
I am wanting to write some web services using WCF.
I would like to have a "thread pool" in my web service.
For example, I have nearly 6gb of data I need to manipulate.
I would like the client to call an operation on the webservice and have a new task or thread created. The client is able to call a ListRunningTasks(); and have the ...
My web service client application uses Apache CXF to generate client stubs for talking to several web services. The generated CXF web service stub objects have quite a large memory footprint (10 - 15 web service objects take more than 64 MB of memory). Is there any way to reduce the CXF object footprint?
I understand RESTful is an architecture style, but what exactly makes SOAP-based web service not count for RESTful?
It's not clear to me which points below (from Wikipedia), is not conformed by SOAP.
Layered system
Code on demand (optional)
Uniform interface
Identification of resources
Manipulation o...