
Using Biztalk orchestration as a webservice

Hi! I published an orchestration in Biztalk as a webservice. Does anyone know how I can use XML serialization or something to load XML from a file and "convert" it to the messagetype the webservice expects? How do people usually use this webservices? I try to avoid using untyped messages since I use both XML and flatfile, and have re...

Accessing the Main thread with the callback

Hi. I have a program in C# that connects to a server using a DuplexChannelFactory, and that server can call methods from client side by callback, the problem is that I have no idea how to access the Main Thread were the connection was created from the callback methods. Is there any way to do this, by means of passing an object, or do I ...

JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS

Dear community ! I am a bit lost. I' ve tried to implement a solution based on JqGrid and tried to use function as datatype. I've setted all by the book i guess, i get WS invoked and get JASON back, I got succes on clientside in ajaf call and i "bind" jqGrid using addJSONData but grid remains empty. I do not have any glue now... other "...

error at calling custom web service from plugin

hi guys, I try to call my custom web service which deployed as part of CRM4 and receive the following error: Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with the error message: -- <html> <head> <title>No Microsoft Dynamics CRM user exists with the...

How to call web service using vbscript (synchronous) ?

Actually there many examples and I have used one of them. But it works asynchronous, I mean it is not waiting the function that I called to finish. function ProcessSend() Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0") Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") oXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = getRef("HandleStateChang...

Can I pass non-string to WCF RESTful service using UriTemplate?

Can I do the following? [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/foo/{id}")] string GetFoo(int id); I'd like my service to function as both RESTful service and RPC-style SOAP service. If possible I'd like to retain int as int, and not do parsing by hand. ...

JBoss WebServices and .NET mobile client

Hi. I have Web Service deployed to JBoss 4.2.2.GA environment and need to consume its methods from .NET application on WindowsCE 5.X. The problem is that I'm not able to consume service's methods when security is turned on (@SecurityDomain("java:/jaas/JBossWS") on class and @RolesAllowed(value={"friend"}) on method declaration. I tried ...

Calling MS .Net Webservices with Ruby

Has anyone done this / have some example code? ...

Custom attributes in web service having odd behaviour

I have created two custom attributes one for validating a soap request and authorization. Each having its own seperate class to overide processMessage For a reason unclear to me, when i assign a method with my authorization attribute it inisits on entering my validationExtension class. I understand that from the MDSN: "Initialize is c...

How to check if a web service is available using .NET

If a .NET application needs to call a web service is there a good solution for checking if the web service is currently up and available, outside of calling a specific web method? On my web services I usually include some sort of status method for testing, but this becomes an issue when using a third party web service. ...

Virtual Server IIS WMI Problem

I have been tasked with finding out what is causing an issue with this bit of code: public static ArrayList GetEthernetMacAddresses() { ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList(); ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapter"); // This causes GetInstances(options) // to return all subclasses of Win32_Netwo...

Create an ASMX web service from a WSDL file

I have a WSDL file and I am trying to create a web service that conforms to the WSDL. I've created clients using WSDL files that consume an existing service, but I've never created a web service that needed to follow a specific WSDL. I've gone as far as using: wsdl.exe mywsdl.wsdl /l:VB /serverInterface Now I've got a .vb file genera...

How To Pass Soap Header When WSDL Doesn't Define It?

I have a web service that I am calling and their published WSDL doesn't actually define much of the service, 3/4 of it you have to manually build afterwards. The problem I have is that they need a SoapHeader with some specific information in it, but I don't have any way of doing it. The only real things I have for the service is a prox...

World Clock Webservice?

What is the most reliable World Clock Webservice that you use? ...

Combining servlets and a "normal" webserver

I am about to migrate a web application from PHP to JAVA (GWT) but I would like to do it iteratively, chunk by chunk. Currently I use apache to serve the HTML and PHP files, but in the conversion period I also need Jetty or Tomcat to handle the servlets. And also from port 80 I guess? How can I do such a mix? ...

Illegal characters in XML document in ASP.NET Web Service

I'm going to ask and answer my own question, I hope nobody minds but I thought this might be useful to other people. If you setup a ASP.NET Web Service that returns objects that contain characters that are invalid for XML an exception will be thrown after the object is serialized in to SOAP xml and the client attempts to deserialize tha...

Can you explain the Web concept of RESTful?

Looking for clear and concise explanations of this concept. ...

Need to generate a image in ASP.Net through webservice

For my new asp.net application that I am developing I would like to generate an image at runtime using a webservice (return bytes), and show this as a image using Javascript (so that I can have ajax functionality. Any ideas how to do this? Or any ideas as to how I can generate an image at runtime, and show it on my webpage using Ajax (...

How to add and use a Web Service in Microsoft CRM 4.0?

I have my custom web service. I want to use it inside a "create account" form. I'm using the "RemoteCommand" js library to use it. But i can't reference my web service because "RemoteCommand" look for my web service in: "AppWebServices\MyService.asmx". How can I customize this path? Does exist any other way to integrate my web service in...

Convert WCF .svc file to .asmx file

I have a WCF Service. I have an external software that can read only .asmx files. Is it possible to convert my .svc file in the corresponding .asmx? ...