
Simple tool to download all imported/included WSDLs and Schemas

WSDLs often import other WSDLs and XML schema. Given a URL to a WSDL, is there a tool that will download the WSDL and all other referenced WSDLs and schemas? Ideally, this tool would be either Java or Perl friendly. ...

Please help me solve my W3C validation API timeout issue

I'm using the W3C validation service to check that the text I type into a TextBox is valid markup. It's almost working. But, under particular conditions my input results in an error and then endless timeout exceptions. I have to close an re-open the program to get it working again. Please glance over my code and help me to solve th...

An issue with AJAX web service call: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException:

I am trying to invoke an AJAX web service call from a client web site in the same machine[Win XP Home]. In doing so, I am getting the following error. Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException: The server method 'Greetings' failed with the following error: <html> <head> <title>Not Found</title> ...

Impossible to use WSDL definition

A systematic breakdown of the problem follows. [Rewritten!] The client code using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; // This is a "sanitized" version of the real deal, of course. In reality I also require to // sign all incomming and outgoing messages and com. over SSL. The basic model is t...

Weather webservice that returns HDD & CDD for a ZIP code and month?

I'm looking for a webservice that will accept two arguments, ZIP code and month, and returh the heating degree days (HDD) and cooling degree days (CDD) for that ZIP code and month. I am positive that the Weather Service (www.weather.gov) has this information -- I get it manually from their website every month. What I'm asking is whether...

Django soaplib error

Hi, I'm trying to make a little "Hello World" webservice with Django following a few tutorials, but I'm hitting the same barrier over and over. I've defined a view.py and soaplib_handler.py: view.py: from soaplib_handler import DjangoSoapApp, soapmethod, soap_types class HelloWorldService(DjangoSoapApp): __tns__ = 'http://saers.d...

How can I programatically limit access to a Webservice?

I am writing a traditional ASMX webservice using C# with .Net 2.0 for deployment on IIS. The webservice will be deployed in a shared hosting environment where each client has their own copy of the application sitting in a separate virtual directory (I know, I know - it's a legacy app). There will be an individual copy of the Webservice s...

Consuming XML/SOAP web service in RoR

I know they removed ActionService out of RoR and opted for RESTful web services. I want to know if Rails is a good choice of a framework for consuming XML/SOAP based web services. Can anyone point out some nice resources/tutorials on how to consume a SOAP based web service in ROR? ...

A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type System.Globalization.CultureInfo

I'm using jquery to call a webservice which returns a dataset with a couple of tables in it. This was working ok until i needed to set up my webmethod to accept a parameter. I reflected this on the client side with data: "{paramname:'" + paramval+ "'}", I now get the following error when the webmethod returns. This happens regardles...

Upload files to the server within a folder using WebService

Hi I am trying to upload files from windows application to the server within a folder using webservice..(Asp.Net,C#).. Can any body help me out Thanks in advance ...

How can I remove a namespace from an XML document?

In my Flex application, I call several .NET WebServices that return XML. However, these WebServices all return XML with a namespace. I cannot read/parse the XML without referencing the namespace, meaning that I have to include the following lines of code in each Class that calls a WebService: private namespace PCRWebServices = "xxx.some...

In WSE services, with custom types, do constructors work on the consuming client's side?

Hi, I have custom types in a WSE web service. the consuming client can't seem to see my constructor when instantiating a class, is this normal? ...

SQL CE OutOfMemoryException consuming web service

Hi Guys, We are continually receiving OutOfMemory exceptions when trying to download documents via a web service. We are storing the documents byte array data as part of a serialized mesage object and the original documents are all ~500kb in size. The only other thing in the message's object graph are two string properties for correlat...

What should a JSON service return on failure / error

I'm writing a JSON service in C# (.ashx file). On a successful request to the service I return some JSON data. If the request files, either because an exception was thrown (e.g. database timeout) or because the request was wrong in some way (e.g. an ID that doesn't exist in the database was given as an argument) how should the service re...

Call a web service from a Windows Application

I am new to .NET and C#. I created a Web service, and I am able to view it from a Web page. When I try to call it from a Windows Application, I get the Exception 401 : unauthorized. Code compiles OK, but throws exception when running. This is the code from the Windows App. : namespace BookStore { public partial class Form1 : Form ...

Getting game stats from XBox Live and PSN

Is it possible to get game stats (who's playing, who wins, etc) from games that are played on XBox Live and PSN? Are there any additional constraints, such as: Does the game need to support some additional API? Do I need to have direct access to the games servers (consoles)? If Microsoft or Sony or even the game vendor provides the A...

Exchange Web Services - Updating Contact's Email Address

Hi, I am using EWS 2007 to update contacts in exchange 2007. I am unable to update contacts's email id in outlook. The Display as field shows the previous email Id. The issue I am facing is similar to the one described here - http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/d46d53a6-063f-4f65-85ab-a14ba7e7...

Need a http server with some specific criteria

Hi everyone, I've been looking for a webserver for my project but I haven't been able to satisfy myself. I need a http server that has support for compiled CGI scripts (exe), for Windows, and must be able to use relative paths. It would be a bonus if the server could be a minimal/lightweight as possible. The hardest part in my search th...

C#: "The table 'sometable' cannot be the child table to itself in nested relations."

public string GetArtistThumbnail(string artistName) { var request = WebRequest.Create("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&amp;artist=" + artistName + "&api_key=" + APIKey) as HttpWebRequest; using (var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { var ds = new Da...

PHP - Alfresco integration

Hi, I am currently receiving a Strict Standards error when trying to make an alfresco web service call. I am using the Zend Framework. The tutorial works fine when not using the Zend Framework. If i use the Zend_Soap_Client i get a segmentation error, when i use the PHP Soap_Client i get the following error message: Strict Stand...