I have an asp.net mvc application and now I need to add a web service to go along with it. What is the best solution for this? Just create a new web service project and add it to my solution then deploy it to the same web server using a different url? I would like it to be a part of the mvc application only because I have all my datab...
Has anyone had any personal experience on why XmlBeans might be preferred over Axis for invoking Web Services?
i have big problem with deserialization of XML response from third-party webservice.
here is xml response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchem...
My asp.net web pages are on IIS web server and it communicates with WCF services(sitting on windows 2008 app server) using basic HTTP binding.
The performance of my wcf services doesnt seem to be that good and I want to improve the same.Also, I need to balance on scalability as my site will be having a very high traffic.
HTTP compressio...
I wrote a [WebMethod] that return a string that store a serialized object
public string doStuffs() {
return JavaScriptConvert.SerializeObject(myObj);
// JSON Serializer library is JSON.NET 1.3.1, for MONO
When I call the method with a $.post from JQuery:
type: "POST",
url: "/web/doStuffs",
What are the service oriented architecture/webservices features available in IDE.
I have a Web service and a Web site (both C#) in the same solution (For now); I also have a class library in the solution. Both the web service and the web site reference this class library.
The web service has a WebMethod that creates an object from the library and returns it. The website invokes this and attempts to put it into a Trai...
I'm a little daunted by the endless myriad options in Eclipse for starting a Java EE project that would run on jboss. I know what I'm doing once I have an environment that's configured, but was hoping someone could point me to a step by step tutorial on how to go from writing my first class to actually having jboss pick it up on startup...
When i use loader.load(request); for the first time, my flex freeze for 10 secondes before posting the data (i can see the web server result in real time).
However if redo a similar POST with other data but same request.url, it's instantaneous.
// Multi form encoded data
variables = new URLVariables();
variables.user = "aaa";
What is the best possible way to share a single instance of a WCF Service (the SoapClient class) across multiple instances of an application (WPF)?
I need to do this because I need to enable duplex communications with callbacks, so i need to "register the application" to the the service so that other users using the application will ge...
I read that webservice are transmitted through soap over http,,then what is the differnce between SOAP and HTTP,,though both are communication protocols.Is there any differnce or HTTP binding is used in soap?
Trying to provide a web service capable of sending files to a client on request, I run into the following problem:
On the server side, the service is written in Java, using Axis 1 v1.4.1 (I know, it's obsolete, but it's a legacy application which I'm supposed to extend, and the effort involved in migrating to something more up-to-date, ...
I am having a really weird issue with IIS on one of our servers. Occasionally it seems to change the IP address from (All Unassigned) to, causing everything that uses our web service to fail. Does IIS log the configuration changes somewhere? Did anyone have similar experiences? Many people have access to this server, so despite...
I have a simple WCF Web service. It's hosted on IIS under the default website in our production domain. (local address:
By default this default website was setup for "All Unassigned" IP's on Port 80: however, I noticed that this caused the WCF Service to generate it's WSDL using the servers local DNS name. i.e. all the URI...
I'm having a problem related to JAX-WS and AXIS. JAX-WS (2.1.7) as a client, Axis (1.4.x) as server.
Everything works OK, but the response can't be read to Java.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xm...
I've seen this abbreviation (or mnemonic) used in various examples in SQL and web services.
What does it mean? And if you know, what are its origins?
I have the below code for returning back an instance of my WCF Service ServiceClient:
var readerQuotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()
MaxDepth = 6000000,
MaxStringContentLength = 6000000,
MaxArrayLength = 6000000,
MaxBytesPerRead = 6000000,
MaxNameTableCharCount = 6000000
Does anyone have an idea how to implement a dynamic query over web services? For instance, taking an example like HQL I'd like to submit a string such as "Select Person.* from Person" and have a soap response returned containing an array of Person soap objects.
I'm working on building intelligence around link propagation, and because I need to deal with many short URL services where a reverse-lookup from an exact URL address is required, I need to be able to resolve multiple approximate versions of the same URL.
An example would be a URL like http://www.example.com?ref=affil&hl=en&ct=0...
I am unfamiliar with NHibernate projection. I am attempting to use it so I can return a List<> rather that an IList<>. I am not having much luck with projecting to the DTO as of yet. I have the following query and Domain objects. So to begin I am just trying to get a list of Orders given an EmployeeID. I am looping through the re...