I have a generated JAX web service. The class files were created with the wsimport ant task.
Something has gone terribly wrong in my build process. All of a sudden the new code I'm generating is importing the package javax.jws.handlerchain inside the generated files when it never used to. It's also looking for a MyService_handler.xml f...
I've encountered two different variations of this:
"The ServicePointManager does not support proxies of proxy scheme"
"The ServicePointManager does not support proxies of HTTPS scheme"
I get this error when a client attempts to connect to our webservices through a proxy. I've encountered this problem with a few clients using proxies, t...
We are trying to consume web services with Coldfusion.
I am able to interact with the web service for the most part, however, there is one service where ColdFusion is throwing a "Parameters Could Not Be Found" error because the response message in the WSDL for this particular service is a blank parent class. I need to add the specific ...
We're making a product which requires a web service to hook up to an existing database used by one of our other products. Owing to time constraints we need to get this thing up and running pretty quickly. Our web server is Apache on a Linux machine, and the client software for the new product is constrained to communication on Po...
I'm looking for a python equivalent of ruby's halcyon - a framework focused on "web service"-type applications rather than html-page-oriented ones. Google brings up a lot of example code and experiments, but I couldn't find anything that people were using in production and hammering on.
Failing that, what is the best web framework to us...
We are using the Dynamic Script Tag with JsonP mechanism to achieve cross-domain Ajax calls. The front end widget is very simple. It just calls a search web service, passing search criteria supplied by the user and receiving and dynamically rendering the results.
Note - For those that aren’t familiar with the Dynamic Script Tag with Jso...
Lately, we've been seeing exceptions like this in our .NET (.asmx) webservices:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to read request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (868, -3932). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 86...
I've been reading a lot about web services and I've come across the case where one could be very useful.
I've been thinking of implementing it with WCF but the host will be ASP.NET in a shared hosting environment with medium trust so from what I've read WCF doesn't seem like an option.
Also, I'm thinking of a RESTful web service and SOAP...
I'm trying to use the virtual earth web service:
to return the total journey distance made by a vehicle that has stopped at several points.
My code works fine for journeys with 4 waypoints, but anything more than that I get the following error:
I have a small WCF webservice working in my development environment (VStudio 2008, WinXP). I am appreciating being able to use the WCF Test Client at this stage of things.
Currently, the APP.CONFIG of my service (project) contains:
<add baseAddress="http://localhost:8731/Design_Time_Addresses/C...
I'm working on building a set of ASP.NET (2.0) web-services to be deployed into a single web application under IIS7. The services will be added incrementally (over a period of a year or more) by multiple programmers. How should I organize my source in VS2005.
Should I use one project or several?
Should I use a Web-Application or Web-Si...
I'm developing a wcf service as recommended here. It solved my initial problem of namespace conflicts when developing the original .NET 2.0 web service, but I've come up to another problem.
The object that I'm trying to pass to the wcf service is used in the client to aggregate a bunch of information from the user and some of its field...
I am facing an issue while consuming a java web service from .NET. I am able to provide the input to the web serive but not able to get back the result. The result is a custom object which is created in Java with one long, one short and one string variable. But the output I am getting from .NET is that long and short are always defaulted...
Possible Duplicate:
If I develop a chat server using twisted, where can I deploy it?
1)If I develop a chat server using twisted, where can I deploy it?
suppose i develop a webapplicati i can deploy it on any commertial server which allows hosting of web application.
2) But if i devlop a comet using twisted where can i deploy ...
I'm using PHP 5, and want to call a webservice that is defined sort of like this:
webmethod ( AbstractBase obj );
I'm using a SoapClient (wsdl-based). The web method is expecting a subclass of AbstractBase. Yet, in PHP, calling the soap method gets me this error:
Server was unable to read request.
---> There is an err...
I've recently programmed a REST web service API that allows another website to sign-up for my website remotely.
I've programmed all the necessary validation and filtering in to the API.
My question is, should I now ensure that my own registration form uses the web service API when handling user registration?
The form itself already ha...
I am new to Seam and want to develop Webservice using Seam.I have an aggressive deadline Where i can find the details to develop the Webservice using Seam.Any good document, book, website etc.
I'm evaluating Apache CXF for a project so I wrote a small demo application to try a few things out. Following the CXF user's guide, I was able to get my application up and running pretty quickly.
One thing I wanted to test was how well CXF is able to handle a method that returns a large array of primitives. So I defined a method 'flo...
We have an application written in C language which interacts with Oracle database. This application is an executable and runs on unix platform. We need to expose this application over http as web service for others to consume.
I thought of using JNI and CXF for webservice and run the application in tomcat.
Is this a right solution or t...
Is it possible from a Javascript code to find out "where" it came from?
I needed this to provide scripts that could run folder-agnostic, e.g.:
And they're linked in:
The file script.js is identical in both loca...