
robots.txt; What encoding?

I am about to create a robots.txt file. I am using notepad. How should I save the file? UTF8, ANSI or what? Also, should it be a capital R? And in the file, I am specifying a sitemap location. Should this be with a capital S? User-agent: * Sitemap: http://www.domain.se/sitemap.xml Thanks ...

Can I detect cpu type and speed, and/or amount of ram a computer has from a web page (javascript hopefully)?

Can I detect cpu type and speed, and/or amount of ram a computer has from a web page (javascript hopefully)? ...

Inconsistent x,y coordinates with <input type="image">

I've seen varying behavior between browsers when clicking an input tag with the image type. On some browsers, it returns the x,y pixel offset of the image in question. On Chrome it returns negative value for y and seemingly nonsensical x values. Is this a Chrome bug, or is there some rhyme or reason for this behavior? EDIT: This occur...

How to cache static background images in ASP.NET MVC 2 web site?

Hi, I would like to cache static background images in my APS.NET MVC 2 web page. What's the best way to do this? ...

how to run CGI script with parameters from console

Hi, I've wrote CGI script for www. This script expects two parameters through GET method, multiply these numbers and write result into the file. mult.cgi?m=1&n=2 But now I want to use this script from console too. I'tried something like ./mult.cgi?m=1&n=2 But it didnt work, how can I send parameters to script? thanks. ...

Reading HTTP headers from JAX-WS Web Service

Hi all, I currently have a JAX-WS Web Service that receives some credentials in the HTTP header. These are used for BASIC authentication. There is a filter that performs authentication by reading the HTTP headers and checking against the database. Still, I need the username from within the Web Service in order to perform other servic...

web/unix interface: what to use?

Hello! I wish to make a simple web page, which will strongly interact with unix commands behind. And I'm sure there exist some wonderful technology out there which would be suited to do just that and get you running in a couple of hours. I just don't know which one. Now, please let me explain what I intend to do. Basically, it is very...

How to deploy Web Services in GlassFish?

I am using NetBeans6.9.1. When I test my Web Services using "Test RESTful Web Services" inside NetBeans, the web services were properly deployed and I was able to do GET from my web services. I thought when I deploy my EAR (which contains those web services and other ejb and web stuff), the web services would be automatically deployed, b...

How to see what the browser sends

I need to see exactly what the browser sends to a form, for debugging purposes. I have the "tamper data" addon for Mozilla, but it doesn't show me what I am looking for. What I need is a text file with all that the browser sends, it should look like this: Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x --AaB03x Content-Disposi...

Java dynamic page title

I've just been given the task of updating a web page in an enterprise java web app to include the date in the page title. Currently the web page is a static html file - what do i need to do to get the page title to be the current date in YYYY/MM/DD format? Sorry I have no idea where to start! ...

Is there any standard that has a list of web-safe fonts

Is there any standard that has a list of web-safe fonts? I expected W3C to have one, but I couldn't find. I found it more to be just a terminology instead of any standard. Am I right? ...

[C#/.Net] Webclient.DownloadString crash.

I have a function called GetIP which I call on startup and when the user presses a button. for some reason it does not crash on startup, but it does when calling the function with a button. No exeptions nothing it just freezes. code for function : private void GetIP() { string pageTitle = functions.GetWebPageTit...

Tool for automated validation of web-page against formatting/layout rules?

Hi, Im a UI developer on a financial website and been tasked with finding (or creating) a tool to automate testing pages against a bunch of formatting/layout rules Example rules; use of bracket format for numbers: (123) rather than -123 use of ISO codes for financial amounts: USD 123 rather than $123 all numbers should be right justi...

slideToggle executing twice in one call

I can't show a live example at this point, but i don't see how the slideToggle is being called twice. it is called on click of a link. here: // initialize the jquery code $(function(){ $('div.slideToggle a').click(function(){ $(this).parent().siblings('div.remaining-comments').slideToggle('slow',function(){ //'this' becomes the r...

null control for java server faces el

Hello, I cannot figure out how to do a null check withing a jsf attribute. Here is the error message I get: value="#{configTableBean.selectedRecord != null ? configTableBean.selectedRecord.description : ''}": Illegal Syntax for Set Operation what is the proper way of checking for null? Thanks ...

How to create cookie which is Theft proof and can not be tempered by user/client?

Theft proof means i can detect that this is coming from different client IP/ or over different route (when client is behind proxy or something) temper proof mean i can detect that cookie is not valid and not sent by server!! ...

jquery plugin public function

This is my plugin (function($){ $.fn.editor = function(options){ var defaults = {}, settings = $.extend({},defaults, options); this.each(function(){ function save(){ alert('voila'); } }); } })(jQuery); I want to call function save from outside the plugin....

Finding IP address of development machine for Web API + iPhone setup

I'm working on some iPhone apps that communicate with an HTTP-based API server (which happens to be Rails, but that's irrelevant here), and oftentimes I've been bitten by the IP (un)reachability from the iPhone device to my MacBook Pro - the iPhone device must hit the URLs on the MBP. Right now, I have something like this in Config.h: ...

How to use debug perspective in eclipse.[debugging java/j2ee applications]

Is there any easy to follow tutorial for debugging Java / J2EE applications in eclipse? A step by step guide on how to check for unchecked and checked exceptions? I have been trying to find on the internet, but to no use. ...

Sending sensitive data as a query string parameter

We are reviewing the design of a system. And need to verify what we think may be a security issue. In this system some sensitive information is sent in the query string. Question is: Can the query string parameters be read as the request goes over the internet, even if the request is sent over https? Can the query string parameters be...