
Can IWebBrowser2 store cookies in a user specified folder?

I am working on a small web browser on c++ using IWebBrowser2, the problem is that when I delete cookies on my browser, they get deleted for IE, and I dont want to interfere with IE cookies. Is there a way to solve this? ...

Accessing HTML DOM from Mono's webbrowser control?


silverlight/wpf webbrowser encoding

Hi, i was looking for a long time to get a solution for polish charset in wpf webbrowser. After few hours of playing i made a solution, maybe someone else will need it also so i share. private string EncodeUnicode(string strText) { string txtUnicode = ""; foreach (char value in strText) { txtUnico...

C# Webbrowser navigation question

Hello im trying to log into a site using a WebBrowser control currently its working perfectly at logging in, but when I go to a different page of the site programmaticly by using navigate or making the WebBrowser click on the link im not logged in any more? Im guessing it has something to do with cookies or something but haven't been abl...

Input Data To SharePoint RichText Control By WinForms WebBrowser Control

Hi, I need to edit the value in an SP Rich Text field via the WinForms web browser control. Most other controls (input tags) are easy to get and we can change the value quite simply. However, not so simple with Rich Text. I headed over to: http://blog.drisgill.com/2007_05_01_archive.html and got some ideas. At first, I tried creatign a...

Web Browser Navigate Not Firing

Hi Guys, I'm trying to use the web browser control to open a url and get its HTML contents. You might ask why I'm not using the System.Net objects, the web pages are formatted through java scripts so the web browser control is the faster way but I can't seem to make it work. First, WebBrowser.Navigate won't fire when called. Please help...


Have defined a browserfunction in my java code and am trying to call that from javascript. On executing this javascript I get an error objectExpected(). Anyone knows what could be causing this ? Here is the JS: var result = myCustomFn("test", "abd", "url"); Here is code from java side: final Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT....

Disable support for chunked encoding

Is there a way to disable chunked encoding support in a browser? ...

WebBrowser(in .Net 2.0 WinForm) hangs when waiting for asynchronous pluggable protocol response

I write a temp http protocol according to http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/AspxProtocol.aspx?display=PrintAll and the Code is as follow, public void Start(string szURL, IInternetProtocolSink Sink, IInternetBindInfo pOIBindInfo, uint grfPI, uint dwReserved) { try { IServiceProvide...

Load a project resource into a WPF Webbrowser control

OK, so I thought this would be really simple even though I have only just got by previously when working with WPF project resource files. When my application starts I want to load in a local (shipped with the application) html file into the Webbrowser control. However I cannot find an easy way to do this! Any ideas? ...

WPF Save WebBrowser HTML

Does anyone (please) know how to do this? I thought that there would be an easy way to achieve this but can't find anything about saving the contents of WebBrowser HTML. ...

How Do I programatically select text in a webBrowser Control? c#

Here's the Problem: I want to enable the user of my program to search a webBrowser control for a given keyword (standard Ctrl+ F). I am having no problem finding the keyword in the document and highlighting all the instances using a span and the replace() function. I am having trouble getting the "find next" functionlity that I want to w...

Is there a way to render WPF controls on top of the wpf WebBrowser control?

I need an embedded WebBrowser control in my application, and am having problems displaying WPF content on top of it. The application will sometimes show popups for editing data or to display errors, and the WebBrowser is getting drawn on top of the popups because it is a WinForms control. The alternative I looked at here uses a Popup co...

How to read files clicked in the Android web browser?

How do I create an activity which supports certain file types clicked in the web browser? Here's what I tried: AndroidManifest.xml: <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="net.sf.asap" android:versionCode="212" android:versionName="2.1.2"> <application android:label="@string/app_name" andr...

How can I stop this JSP if the browser has stopped?

I created a JSP which will create a potentially infinite amount of output. When I told the browser to stop, the browser stopped, but my console told me that the JSP's servlet kept going and going and going. I'm wondering whether and how I could modify this code so that it will stop if the browser stops receiving data: <%@ page languag...

How to make a webbrowser in C++ without dependencies?

How can I use IE control or some kind of webbrowser in c++ but without any external dependencies? I mean can be done with pure win api or something like that? I know the basics of c++ and the methods I know to use the webbrowser control needs the c++ libs to work. Edit: Sorry my question is unclear, im such a noob sometimes. What I mean...

WP7's WebBrowser.NavigateToString() and text encoding

Hi, does anyone know how to load a UTF8-encoded string using WebBrowser.NavigateToString() method? For now I end up with a bunch of mis-displayed characters. Here's the simple string that won't display correctly: webBrowser.NavigateToString("ąęłóńżźćś"); The code file is saved with UTF-8 encoding (with signature). Thanks. ...

Webrowser load page with big fonts

I found a strange behavior in the component TwebBrowser, when I load certain pages they are shown with larger fonts. different from what is used in internet explorer. see these sample images Here in this link http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Main_Page is loaded with larger fonts in TWebBrowser and with small fonts (another s...

Vb.net click link by looking for String!

Hello, I am working on a vb.net program, I want to click a hyperlink on a page, the source look like this: <a href="user_messages_view.php?id=23112">messages for Today, 2010-10-19 </a> I want to check it everyday too! I tried to click it with the following methods(Both couldn't click the link!): Dim theElementCollection As HtmlEleme...

C# - Capturing CTRL-Mouse wheel in WebBrowser control

Hi, I'm developing a Windows Forms application in C# with an embedded WebBrowser control to "dummy-proof" (i.e. disable context menus, back button, free navigation, etc.) access to a third-party web application. Right now I'm trying to add the Zoom feature to my custom browser. I have the keyboard combos working for it (CTRL + and CTR...