
Why do .NET web request classes re-run requests without authentication headers?

I'm writing a WPF test application against a WCF REST service running on Azure local development fabric with a custom Basic Authentication provider. When the test client makes a call, using either WebClient or HttpWebRequest, it passes the authorization header and the custom provider authenticates it. The service then receives the same ...

Is it possible to transfer authentication from Webbrowser to WebRequest

I'm using webbrowser control to login any site. And then i want to download some sub page html using WebRequest (or WebClient). This links must requires authentication. How to transfer Webbrowser authentication information to Webrequest or Webclient? ...

C# WebClient Memory Usage

Hello, I am using WebClient,DownloadString("http://example.com/string.txt"); When I call it the memory jumps up, but never goes down again, and since I need 2-3 different strings downloaded from the web the memory jumps up quite much. I am new to C# and still learning, but is there anyway to clear the memory after I have downloaded the...

Silverlight WebClient Accept header being overwritten in Firefox 3

I've got a Silverlight app that talks to a REST web service using the WebClient class. It runs fine in IE 8 and Chrome 5, but the web service call fails in Firefox 3. I've narrowed down the problem: Firefox 3 is changing the Accept header of my HTTP request. here's my simplified code: // Use the ClientHttp stack. WebRequest.RegisterPr...

Parsing individual lines in a robots.txt file with C#

Working on an application to parse robots.txt. I wrote myself a method that pulled the the file from a webserver, and threw the ouput into a textbox. I would like the output to display a single line of text for every line thats in the file, just as it would appear if you were looking at the robots.txt normally, however the ouput in my te...

Capturing a webclient response and saving it to a variable.

I have the following code: private void UploadSelectedImages(ListBox.ObjectCollection objectCollection) { foreach (var photo in objectCollection) { using (var w = new WebClient()) { var values = new NameValueCollection { { "key", "<MYAPIHERE>" }, { "image", ...

How can I convert a byte[] response to a valid XDocument?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rsp stat="ok"> <image_hash>cxmHM</image_hash> <delete_hash>NNy6VNpiAA</delete_hash> <original_image>http://imgur.com/cxmHM.png&lt;/original_image&gt; <large_thumbnail>http://imgur.com/cxmHMl.png&lt;/large_thumbnail&gt; <small_thumbnail>http://imgur.com/cxmHMl...

Using WebClient.DowloadStringAsync & Catching Uri

Hey all well basically I'm asynchronously downloading some string all from the same web uri, just imagine different pages. WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += (client_DownloadStringCompleted); client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(yahooAddress)); Anyway the service isn't great, and about 10% of request ...

Why is my VB.Net WebClient.DownloadString request taking so long?

I am making a request from a web server for some text and displaying it in a textbox using the following code: Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient() Dim theText As String = client.DownloadString("") Me.TextBox1.Text = theText When I run it the "client.DownloadString" command takes 6 or 7 s...

Getting Error Uri from DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs

Hey all Well basically I want to record the uri which produces an error when testing, using the debugger I can find the uri which failed, however I don't know how to retrieve it, here's a print screen below http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/5465/progps.jpg Advice appreciated. ...

How to download js file with webclient

I have a javascript -> c# array parser that I would like to feed with some .js files from the internet, so what I'd like is to download those files and have the interpreter run them through. Only problem is that I can't do this since there is no crossdomainpolicy on the sites that I dl from, but I don't get why that should be an obstacle...

Python's urllib equivalent in .net

Is there a .net equivalent for urllib I used in Python? I've seen WebRequest and WebResponse classes but I wonder if there is a simpler wrapper. In urllib you can use dictionary object (tupple) to set POST parameters while in .Net one must fiddle with streams. Is there any free, small web client library available for .net? ...

Target Machine Actively Refused Connection

Hey, There are several questions like this, but my situation seems a bit different. I have extremely simple code: WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadFile("http://www.xkcd.com", "xkcd.html"); However, I get the error "No connection could be made because target machine actively refused the connection." However, I also ...

Silverlight WebClient issue when remote server is down.

I am developing an application in Silverlight which communicates with a remote server over SSL, here is the code private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(wc_DownloadStringCompleted)...

How to get status code from webclient ?

I am using webclient class to post some data to a web form. I would like to get the response status code of the form submission. So far I've found out how to get the status code if there is a exception Catch wex As WebException If TypeOf wex.Response Is HttpWebResponse Then msgbox(DirectCast(wex.Response, HttpWebRespon...

Does the WebClient class support changing the HTTP method to HEAD?

Does the WebClient class support changing the method to HEAD? I like the simplicity of using this class but if it's not that flexible then I will simply switch over to using the full-fledged HttpWebRequest and Response classes. ...

Windows 7 Virtual machine .Net Webclient System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.

What may cause System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. Windows webclient on Windows 7 virtual machine WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadFile(Uri, "test.html"); // fails string html = client.DownloadString(Uri); // fails I can't see a...

File Upload with Web.Client class...?

I am Using Active X control and using WebClient class to upload file to server. what we are doing is:: at client end, in ActiveXcontrol, we opened a Server Located DocX file . and Once we done the authoring in File, we pressed Save, here on Save Click, we Used Webclient Class to Save Document to Server...The Problem is that at times the ...

Url encoded characters, ViewState and byte[] arrays oh my...

I am trying to throw together a screen scraper and keep getting invalid viewstate issues. It appears that during the System.Net.WebClient download of data or the System.Text.UTF8Encoding.Default.GetString call to convert the byte array returned by the WebClient DownloadData call to a string - that strings which match url character codes ...

C# WebClient, Only Support HTML3.2

I need to call a webpage, but have my webclient act like it doesn't support HTML4.0, but only HTML3.2. Is it possible to do this? Perhaps with a different user-agent or some header I'm unaware of? Thanks. This is related to this problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3662457/ssrs-2008-force-html3-2 ...