
.NET - DownloadStringAsync blocks thread for 14 seconds on first call

This only happens on one of my machines. I think it's an environment configuration problem. All machines run ESET Smart Security software firewall. Any ideas? using System; using System.Net; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; namespace Test { static class Program { [STAThread] static void Main() ...

Is there a sourcecode management system (svn, git, etc.) webclient that can commit?

Is there a sourcecode management system (svn, git, etc.) webclient which you can use to change the code? (without ruining the system), I am hosting at sourceforge. ...

webclient headers class

I am using the WebClient class with cookies as mentioned here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777221/c-using-cookiecontainer-with-webclient-class What steps are required to add a custom user agent to every request made by this WebClient? I tried to put the Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "...") line into protected...

http C# System.Net.WebClient authorization in rapidshare

Hi, I am trying to download a file from rapidshare using System.Net.WebClient in C#. I wanted to implement authorization using the http header field "Authorization: Basic ". I do it with the following code: WebClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetByte...

System.Net.WebClient.CancelAsync throws ObjectDisposedException -- "Cannot access a closed file."

I am attempting to download a file asynchronously using the WebClient class. I have added event handlers for DownloadProgressChanged and DownloadFileCompleted. If I call client.CancelAsync in the download progress event handler, I get an ObjectDisposedException, telling me the file is closed. How do I properly cancel an asynchronous f...

WebClient DownloadFileAsync File Exists

Is there a recommended method for using DownloadFileAsyc and determining if the file exists? It seems that the only way I can tell is on the DownloadCompleted event the error property has a 404 error in it, and the there's a file created that is 0 bytes. It would be nice to have a more deterministic method. ...

Sending blank parameters in a soap request through a C# proxy class

I have generated proxy class in C# using VS 2008 for a soap web service. A particular web method in that web service has a few optional parameters and I don't want to send any values for those. But the proxy class that I'm using doesn't let me do that; it gives an error if I use null for, say an optional parameter of type int (of course,...

WebClient.DownloadFile Garbles Paths in Debug Mode

This is a really strange issue. When using WebClient.DownloadFile in Debug configuration, it appears as if it combines the source and destination paths and tries to do... something. The destination file does get created (but it's empty). The problem dissaperes if I simply switch to Release configuration. Additionally, this used to wo...

.NET - Using WebClient.Download File in a One-Way WebService

I have a simple one-way web service in my C# .NET web application. I need to download an image from a given URL and save it to my server. However, every OTHER time I call the service it works perfectly. The other times I get a "Thread was being aborted" exception on the webClient.DownloadFile line. I've read that WebClient uses httpWe...

WebClient, what does UploadString do?

What does WebClient.UploadString do? I thought it post so i can login with it. When i used wc.UploadString(@"http://mysite.com/login", "user=u&pass=p"); i thought i would get the html of the front page with me logged in. However all i got was no warning that my pass was incorrect and my method=post note at the bottom. What does WebClie...

WebClient Cookie confusion

-edit- nevermind. I ran the code again and it appears i cant log into that first site anymore. It must have been a weird cache issue or something. Maybe i overlooked something. WebClient seems to ignore cookies so logging onto a site shouldnt work. I figured out how to login to websites using WebClient. On the first website i tried i co...

WebClient.DownloadDataAsync SocketException crashing my app

I've got the following code to download a binary file from the web: WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(DownloadDataCompleted); client.DownloadDataAsync(uri); All works well until the connection is severed. If I disable my wireless, the app crashes out: System::Win...

Accessing the exact data sent using WebClient.UploadData on the server

Hey All, Newbie question: I'm sending a large text string in the form of a byte array using the WebClient.UploadData method to a web site but I'm not sure exactly where to retrieve that data from on the server. I've read posts that say it is in the request object which I already know but how exactly do I retrieve the specific byte array...

Loging into an FTP with .NET

On the WebClient page i see the following By default, the .NET Framework supports URIs that begin with http:, https:, ftp:, and file: scheme identifiers. The FTP i am using requires a login. How do i login with WebClient to download a file? ...

HEAD with WebClient?

I am going to assume the answer is no but.... Is there a way to use WebClient to send the HEAD method and return the headers as a string or something similar? ...

VB6 Download Web Page Source

Is there a way in VB6 to download a web pages source to a string or Textbox? For example in VB.Net the WebClient class allows you to do so using .DownloadString("google.com"), how can I do the same in vb6? Note: I would like to avoid using a WebBrowser. ...

WebClient 403 Forbidden

I can download this by hand in IE. http://scholar.google.com/scholar.ris?q=info:j8ymU9rzMsEJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&hl=zh-CN&as_sdt=2000&oe=GB&ct=citation&cd=0 But, using follow code WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadFile(address, filename); Show Exception: 403 Forbidden What's...

IronRuby download file using the WebClient "Not enough storage is available to process this command"

Entering the following two lines into an interactive window in IronRuby interactive console. wc = System::Net::WebClient.new doc = wc.DownloadString("http://yahoo.com") I get the following error. => mscorlib:0:in `WinIOError': Not enough storage is available to process this command.\r\n (IOError) from mscorlib:0:in `Write' fr...

Threads - ResetEvent and WebClient

Code: public string GetTextWebRequest(string url) { WebClient cl = new WebClient(); cl.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(cl_DownloadStringCompleted); cl.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url)); are.WaitOne(); return _textdata; } void cl_DownloadStringCom...

SSRS Url Access and Paging

I have an app that executes and displays reports from SSRS retrieved through URL Access (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms153586.aspx) Unfortunately, one of these reports is HUGE, resulting in a lot of generated HTML, causing the WebClient to timeout during the call, or the browser to choke on the amount of HTML coming back. I...