
Does WebClient.OpenFileAsync fire DownloadProgressChanged

According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.webclient.downloadprogresschanged.aspx, OpenFileAsync should have DownloadProgressChanged firing whenever it makes progress. I can't get it to fire at all. Fires fine with DownloadDataAsync and DownloadFileAsync instead though. Here's a simple example: using System; us...

Displaying cookies as key=value for all domains?

Hello, This question pertains to the use of the cookie-capable WebClient derived class presented in the How can I get the WebClient to use Cookies? question. I'd like to use a ListBox to... 1) display each cookie individually as "key=value" (the For Each loop displays all of them as one string), and 2) be able to display all cookies,...

WebClient.Download returning 0 bytes

Hi I'm having a problem downloading data using WebClient.Download. It always returns 0 bytes, even though I know from FTPing in another program, or looking at WebClient.ResponseHeaders, that the file is 1731 bytes in length. This occurs using FtpWebResposne too. The only anomalous clue is that the Encoding of the client response is set...

Silverlight File Upload: is this safe?

I've seen the Silverlight upload sample here referenced multiple times on this site and elsewhere, but I have a question about whether or not it's really safe. Quick review: This code does "chunked" uploading to an ASHX handler. UploadFileChunk() instantiates a WebClient and uses OpenWriteAsync and an OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler to s...

How to keep statefull web clients in sync, when multiple clients are looking at the same data?

In a RIA web client, created with GWT, the state is maintained in the web client, while the server is (almost) stateless (this is the preferred technique to keep the site scalable). However, if multiple users looking at the same data in their browser and one user changes something, which is send to the server and stored in the database,...

Uploading files in .net with WebClient (and silverlight)

I have the code below which I am using to upload files to my ashx page. It works great, although I cant seem to find a proper way of getting how much it has transferred. The calling code: WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.OpenWriteCompleted += (s2, e2) => { PushData(e2.Result, offset); e2.Result.Close(); }; wc.OpenWriteAsync(ub....

WebClient.DownloadString() Not Producing Exact HTML

So here's the deal. I'm creating a spider bot for a website that scans all the product pages and records the product data. I'm using C# and the WebClient library to download the HTML string. The site I'm crawling must be specially made because the HTML that is received from WebClient.DownloadString() is different than the HTML that I get...

How to post a SOAP request from a browser?

Is it possible to send a SOAP request directly from a browser to service provider? And then parse the output in javascript to show the result? For example, if I've a SOAP request like this : POST /InStock HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: nnn <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:E...

What is the relationship between WebProxy & IWebProxy with respect to WebClient?

I am creating an app (.NET 2.0) that uses WebClient to connect (downloaddata, etc) to/from a http web service. I am adding a form now to handle allowing proxy information to either be stored or set to use the defaults. I am a little confused about some things. First, some of the methods & properties available in either WebProxy or IWebP...

unhandled exception after WebClient.DownloadDataAsync was canceled

I'll start on my previous problem: I was using WebClient.DownloadData to download binary data. But, in some cases, the download was too long (not the request-response, mostly because of the streaming). You can read about this problem here. So, as a workaround, I started using the WebClient.DownloadDataAsync: try { ...

How to upload multiple files using webclient UploadFile, UploadValues in C#?

How to upload multiple files using webclient UploadFile, UploadValues in C#? ...

Get html that is generated via AJAX in webclient

I often go to a site to look stuff up. I thought to myself: "Hold on. I can program. Why am I going to this site manually when I can write a piece of software that does it for me?". And so I started. I'm using C#, so I found WebClient and Uri. I've managed to get the source code for the site, yet the problem occurred that the specific ...

Problem with webclient: Expectation failed?

Hello everyone, I have a custom Http Handler which manipulates HTTP POST and GET. I got the project working on a seperate isolated server now need to put it in production... using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; client.Uplo...

Is WebClient.DownloadFileAsync really this slow?

I'm using the DownloadFileAsync method of WebClient to download some files from a server, and I can't help but notice that in my informal testing of my code within VS2010, it blocks for about 3 seconds while it starts, which, in my opinion kind of defeats the purpose in the first place. Here is the relevant snippet of code: WebClient ...

Automatically decompress gzip response via WebClient.DownloadData

I wish to automatically uncompress GZiped response. I am using the following snippet: mywebclient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding] = "gzip"; mywebclient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; try { var resp = mywebclient.DownloadData(someUrl); } I have checked HttpRequestHeader enum, and there is no option to do this via the Headers ...

Download file using webclient

I try to download a file from https site and every time the file is saved to my machine it is only 1KB. The file is supposed to be 1MB. I am using Webclient. string strFile = @"c:\myfile.txt"; WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("userid", "pw"); wc.DownloadFile("https://www.mysite.come/myfil...

C# progress bar not synced with download (WebClient class)

Hi, I am coding a system which has a small FTP module included inside, it's not the main feature at all, but needed... I must link the progressbar with the WebClient class event DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler and AsyncCompletedEventHandler, the progressbar increment is ok, and the ASyncCompletedEventHandler launch a MessageBox (as...

Dowloading a bunch of files asynchronous wait till last finished

I'm trying to download a lot of files after downloading a sql statement must insert a record. I'm using System.Net.Client to download each file synchronously, still it could be done asynchronous. There's no relation or dependency between each download. At first I just tried to use WebClient.DownloadFileAsync but that shutted the progr...

Avoid application becoming unresponsive on download

Hi I have an application which downloads a file from a network location and then displays that files information. It uses WebClient.DownloadFile to achieve this. The problem is, when the user clicks a button to start the download, the application becomes unresponsive until the file has downloaded. This gives the impression the applicat...

Protecting client side logic & data

I am coding a data intense web app. So that means I cant be possibly doing any computations on sever- computation after every event involves huge data too large to be sent to sever again & again. So I have to do all execution & keep all data on clint side only. Currently I am using JS to do so. Is there a way by which I can protect my ...