
Using a WebClient to download a file, but being able to get the download information in vb.net

Imports System.Net Public Class DownloadStuff Dim downloader As New WebClient() Private Sub Progress_Validated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Progress.Validated AddHandler downloader.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf DownloadChangedHandler Dim uri As New Uri("http://www.example.com/...

WebClient UploadFile errors

I am trying to upload files to a web server using System.Net.WebClient.UploadFile but I keep getting a WebException. Specifically, I am getting 3 errors. I have no idea why I am not getting the same error, but they all seem to be related based on what I found online. The request was aborted: The request was canceled. Connection closed....

Could you give me an example of a WebClient downloading a website source code and filtering something asynchronously as to not freeze the GUI?

I've read some of the articles on MSDN but they're not quite what I need right now. Could you show me a simple application that downloads a website asyncchronously (WebClient.DownloadDataAsync) and then filters the TITLE tag of the site? I can't do this for the life of me, and I'm just trying to see a clear cut model. ...

DownloadDataAsync + Delegate C# works in main but not in class function

I ran this persons code. It worked as a main but when i put it in my class it doesnt work. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1585985/how-to-use-the-webclient-downloaddataasync-method-in-this-context/1586014#1586014 It crashes bc data == null and throws an null exception :(. public class Test2 { public void func() ...

Should I provide Sync or Async methods for developers in my IMDB API library?

I'm going to make a DLL Library that'll alow developers to search and access IMDB movie pages. How should I handle the freezing in the GUI, should I use async methods, or should I allow a dev to manually create a thread for using our DLL? ...

How to download files in a blocking/synchronous manner?

Hi, I am pretty new to silverlight and was very surprised to see that only asynchronous file downloading can be done. Well, I've attempted to counter act this by just setting a flag and waiting on it to change.. This is my simple code void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); ...

Stress testing with simulated browser behaviour

Hello, I tried JMeter and it's great but fails in what I need. Basically I'm testing an ASP script that returns frameset to the client. When frameset renders it calls a couple of other asp scripts which render in separate frames. When I test this with JMeter I only get results for the output of the main script that renders first. JMete...

Easiest way to upload a collection of files to a server

Hi There, Could anyone guide me as to the best way to upload a collection of files from a directory to a server from within a WPF client. We have ftp access, and as such I have been looking at WebClient.UploadFile. There seems to be a number of methods available through webclient though, and Im not sure which would be the most suitable....

Sharepoint portal to ActiveX to WebClient back to Sharepoint

Got this problem - not sure if it is possible. User is logged into the sharepoint portal server. The user opens a page (webpart) in SPS - an ActiveX is started The ActiveX receives data from a docked barcode scanner. The ActiveX creates a WebClient The ActiveX set the credentials on the WebClient as used in point 1.) The ActiveX uses...

Why is my Twitter web request bombing out?

I've been working my way through Tim Heuer's Silverlight tuturial, in which you set up a basic interface to search Twitter. I started on the tutorial yesterday, completing through Step 3. It all was working fine. Now, though, I can't call Twitter without getting a "System.Security.SecurityException" error in the OpenReadCompleted handler...

WebClient vs. HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse

It seems to me that most of what can be accomplished with HttpWebRequest/Response can also be accomplished with the WebClient class. I read somewhere that WebClient is a high-level wrapper for WebRequest/Response. So far, I can't see anything that can be accomplished with HttpWebRequest/Response that can not be accomplished with WebClien...

WebClient problem with URL which ends with a period

I'm running the following code; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { string page = wc.DownloadString(URL); ... } To access the URL of a share price website, http://www.shareprice.co.uk If you append a company's symbol name onto the end of the URL, then a page is returned which I parse to get the latest price info etc. e....

WCF + WebClient + Powershell

Hi, I tried it works fine for the asmx (simple web services) but for WCf do we need to do some thing different. Can the Same work for the WCF services as i get the error for the WCF service also. i just created the Simple WCF service in .net and tried to access. but was not successful. Error: $Url = "http://localhost:4637/WCFService2/...

Open file and save

I want to download a file and save it locally without any pop ups for user to choose location since its predefined. File format will most probably be pdf. Download file path will be an url and I want to save it locally. Do I go to work like this: string fileName = "http://mail.example.com/download.asp?saveFile=example.pdf"; BinaryRea...

C#: Using CookieContainer with WebClient class

I've previously used a CookieContainer with HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse sessions, but now, I want to use it with a WebClient. As far as I understand, there is no built-in method like there is for HttpWebRequests (request.CookieContainer). How can I collect cookies from a WebClient in a CookieContainer? I googled for this and foun...

How to change the timeout on a .NET WebClient object.

I am trying to download a client's data to my local machine (programatically) and their webserver is very, very slow which is causing a timeout in my WebClient object. Here is my code: WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; webClient.DownloadFile(downloadUrl, downloadFile); Is there a way to set a...

Uploading multiple files with VB.Net

I need to upload multiple files in a winforms application. So far I've been using a webclient and while this is working fine I'm wondering if there is a better way for doing this. Does the webclient make a new connection for every request or does the connection persists between uploads? Dim Ftpclient As New System.Net.WebClient() Ftpcli...

Why i can't use webclient in iis?

Hi! I have deploy the dropthings source code into my iis, and in its code, the author used WebClient in a web service to DownloadString, but it threw an exception, but if i deploy my code into visual studio asp.net develepment server ,WebClient went fine. I think I have encountered some authorize problem~~~ Please tell me how to configur...

C#: Unable to Bypass Cache (WebClient)

WebClient Client = new WebClient(); Client.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache); Why is this code above not actually preventing sites from being cached through the .Net Web Client? ...

Possible authentication problem? Loading a JSON via WebClient in Silverlight 4

Hi guys, I'm playing with Silverlight 4, and I when my page loads, I call beginGet("my/people/", new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(continueLoadStamData)); that I have defined as private void beginGet(string endpoint, OpenReadCompletedEventHandler callback) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential...