
The operation has timed out with WebClient.DownloadFile and correct url's

I am batch uploading products to a database. I am download the image urls to the site to be used for the products. The code I written works fine for the first 25 iterations (always that number for some reason), but then throws me a System.Net.WebException "The operation has timed out". if(!File.Exists(localFilename)) {...

How to create ASP.NET page to act as a "proxy" for Silverlight WebClient?

I need to create an ASP.NET application to access a URL, when this application is live it is able to access the feed URL correctly as the clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml are on the server but only allow non-localhost connections so the debug version won't connect. How do I create a file, so this kind of link: http://localhost...

WebClient upload file issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 to develop a console application to upload a file to server. For the WebClient.UploadProgressChanged Event, I am wondering what is the rule when this event will be raised? I read the below document but find no accurate information (like will be raised 10 times during upload or somethi...

WebClient.UploadFile issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net. I am using WebClient.UploadFile to upload file to a server running with ASP.Net (I use http post to upload the file to a aspx url). My question is, how to save the content of the file at server side? I find from server side, if I simply save HttpContext.Current.Request.Inpu...

Why isnt WPF displaying an accented character correctly?

I'm downloading a webpage, and then loading strings from the page into a WPF UI. One string has an accented character: "Áine". In the debugger, the string looks fine, but when added to a WPF ListBox, it appears like this: Á[]ine, where [] is a single rectangular symbol. When I copy the text from the debugger UI and paste it, a space ap...

apache HTMLUNIT..... PROBLEM in handling javascript

I want to login to a website (http://www.orkut.com) through com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient But when I click on the "Submit" button, it doesn't take me to the expected page that should come after login. Instead it returns the same login page again. In clear sense, there is some problem in login. When I try the same code with ...

scp on WebClient class in .Net

I have a project already written using .Net's WebClient class. It works great for FTP and WebDAV resources, but how can I get it to work with SCP or SFTP? ...

WebClient upload file error

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net + IIS 7.0 to develop a console application at client side to upload a file, and at server side I receive this file using an aspx file. From client side, I always notice (from console output) the upload percetage of the file increase from 1% to 50%, then to 100% suddenly. An...

why my WebClient upload file code hangs?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net + IIS 7.0 to develop a Windows Forms application at client side to upload a file, and at server side I receive this file using an aspx file. I find my client side application will hang after click the button to trigger upload event. Any ideas what is wrong and how to solve?...

Using F#'s built-in async support with *Async() methods

How do I use F#'s built-in support for async operations classes exposing the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern such as WebClient class? let Download(url : Uri) = let client = new WebClient() let html = client.DownloadString(url) html When I try to change this to use "let!" in an async block (say as described in Soma's recen...

webclient response is different to the IE response

When i call download data on my webclient, the response is different to when i open it in IE. I am trying to call www.yell.com searching for a type of company in a certain location. When i get my response it finds 2 companies but doesnt actually display them, it just says 2 results found. In IE it actually displays the results. The URLs ...

Is it possible to share ASP.NET session cookies between IE and word add-on

I have a requirement to allow users to open word document from web page and edit locally by using MS Word application. finally they should be able to (post back)save the modified document to server. For the above requirement I have chosen ASP.NET, C#, .NET 3.5, IIS, IE6 (or above) and MS Office 2007 (should be in all workstations). I h...

How to use OpenReadAsync and WebClient to download data and assign to UserToken?

I need to be able to use WebClient in a partiular way, I need to download an image as a Byte Stream and assign this to an Image, there are multiple images and items to be assigned, and these will appear in a list. This application is a Silverlight 3 application, solution must be one that works in Silverlight. I have a Download Method I...

Trouble with WebClient.DownloadDataAsync(). Not downloading the data?

Hello, here's my code: public string[] SearchForMovie(string SearchParameter) { WebClientX.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(WebClientX_DownloadDataCompleted); WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri( "http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=ironman+&x=0&y=0")); stri...

Looking for OO gurus, need some help in the design of my programming logic. Nothing fancy, just new to it.

I'll post my entire class and maybe someone with MUCH more experience can help me design something better. I'm really new to doing things Asynchronously, so I'm really lost here. Hopefully my design isn't TOO bad. :P IMDB Class: public class IMDB { WebClient WebClientX = new WebClient(); byte[] Buffer = null; public string...

Server path parsed differently based on client configuration

I am working on a Facebook app. It is located at http://apps.facebook.com/rails%5Fdev. I have a problem. The url path to the images directory gets parsed differently based on which client computer it is called from. If it is called from my development system, it requires the following path: http://railsacrosseurope.com/public/images A...

XMPP web client for commercial web application

I have the task of choosing an XMPP server/client solution for an internal web application. The goal is for employees to be able to utilize it via desktop client or the web application. The web client is mandatory. The web application is written in PHP, but I don't necessarily need a PHP solution. Flash or Java are acceptable (Flash ...

How to set WebClient Content-Type Header?

To conect to a third party service I need to make a Https Post. One of the requisites set is to sent a custom content type. I'm using WebClient, but I can't find how to set it. I've tried making a new class and overriding the CreateRequest Method, but that make request crash. Is there any way to do that without having to rewrite CopyHe...

Would this Asynchronous download work? WebClient.DownloadDataAsyn() problem.

I have this class called SiteAsyncDownload.cs Here's the code: public class SiteAsyncDownloader { WebClient Client = new WebClient(); string SiteSource = null; /// <summary> /// Download asynchronously the source code of any site in string format. /// </summary> /// <param name="URL">Site URL to download.</para...

Why I can't have more than 5 WebClient.DownloadFileAsync running?

I'm trying to test another application by requesting many file downloads. So, I started 10 WebClient instances with following code, but seems I can have just 5 running at same time. class Program { public static object locker = new object(); public static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ...