
Tabbing behavior in WebForms

In WinForms, I can design a form and have a TabValue to control which control is selected each time the user hits 'Tab'. My question, in a Webform, is there a mechanism for doing the same thing? Edit: Does the same apply to an Ajax heavy application? ...

jQuery autocomplete in ASP.NET webforms?

Has anyone used jQuery to populate an autocomplete list on a textbox using ASP.NET webforms? If so, can anyone recommend a good method? From my reading so far, it seems like most people are using delimited lists rather than JSON to bring the items back. I'm open to any ideas that will get me up and running rather quickly. ...

Alternative UI control for large data lists instead of DropDownList

I am using C# and ASP.NET with version 2.0 of the .NET Framework library on this particular project. We are also using the AjaxControlToolkit. The AjaxControlToolkit should have the controls available to make a descent User Interface solution to the problem I'm facing. I have run into this in a few projects in the last year, and used...

How do I remove fields from a web form using ASP?

I have a web page that has a web form for signing up. I want to remove fields. I've tried removing the field code from the .asp file but obviously there are other things that I need to remove along those lines. I have full access to all the code but I need help knowing where things are linked as far as making the form work again. Our pro...

Filter Extensions in HTML form upload

I have a simple HTML upload form, and I want to specify a default extension ("*.drp" for example). I've read that the way to do this is through the ACCEPT attribute of the input tag, but I don't know how exactly. <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" method="POST"> Upload DRP File: <input name="Upload Saved Replay" t...

Clearing a form after POST in Asp.net

Hi, Whats the normal procedure of clearing a form after POST? Just loop through the textboxes and cleat all text? I have an ASP.NET application with several forms and I am trying to avoid them sending the data twice? Thanks ...

What's the best way to highlight a required field on a web form?

I don't find the oft-used "*" to be very nice looking - can anyone suggest a nicer-looking method or point me to an example? I tried making the field highlighted in red as one person suggested but I did not like the look. Bold labels might do the trick. But I really like the idea of "Required" being shown in grey in the field until te...

ASP.NET CompareValidator issue

Hi, I've got a web form with Password and Confirm Password text boxes. I've got a RegularExpressionValidator attached to the first one and CompareValidator to the second one. Now the problem is when i have something in the Password field and nothing in Confirm Password field it does not display an error that fields don't match. As soon ...

Convert Web Form to Web Content Form after the fact. (.net)

I have a site a few years old that contains about 30 aspx Web Form pages with code behind. I want to add a common master page to all these with the minimum amount of work. Essentially, I just need to add everything in the body tags to the Content Placeholder, and preserve the code behind. Is there a fast way to do this? ...

Which platform allows for more rapid development, ASP.NET webforms or MVC?

Are there any obvious productivity gains in developing using webforms or MVC? ...

How can I prevent a webform from submiting on 'Enter'

I have a type ahead text field, and when the user hits "Enter" I want to make an ajax call and not submit the form at the same time. My html looks like this: <input id="drug_name" class="drugs_field" type="text" size="30" onkeypress="handleKeyPress(event,this.form); return false;" name="drug[name]" autocomplete="off"/> <div id="drug_nam...

What do you suspect when ASP.NET ignores a CustomValidator?

This is as much a code maintenance issue as a code issue, but I have a WebForm that no longer checks it CustomValidator. It worked when I last touched the code over a year ago, but it no longer works now that the user has requested some changes ... The WebForm contains a data-bound drop down with a default " - All -" item with String.Em...

JavaScript for HTML Form

I'm a simple soul with simple needs, and I'm trying to configure a form. I detest forms. It needs to have JavaScript to transfer the data, it needs to send an e-mail with the data to an e-mail address, and it needs to redirect visitors to a pdf. CGI has always been confusing to me, and I don't know much JavaScript. I've already done ...

What resources, outside of the Microsoft site(s), are available for learning about Form and MVC web applications?

I've found a few pages (some that even link to a number of other pages) on the Microsoft website that I bookmarked last night for reading today, but I'm curious as to other good non-Microsoft resources for discussing ASP.NET web applications, both Forms and MVC (including comparisons/contrasts between the two). ...

Form to Exe

Hi What is the easiest way to convert a simple form into an exe file? I have an offline paper based form. I need to convert it into a software that people can use on their computers to fill and submit information. Since the form (it is a tax return) requires considerable time in filling, it is not convenient to have it online. I would...

ASP.NET WebForms + Postback then open popup

I have a LinkButton that has to postback to perform some logic. Once it is finished, instead of loading the page back up in the browser, I want to leave it alone and pop open a new window. So far, the best idea I've had is to put the LinkButton in an UpdatePanel, and have it render some JavaScript out when it reloads, yet I think that ...

Creating web forms from a database schema

I'm wondering if there are any applications, preferably freeware, that can take a database configuration, and, with as little hassle as possible, create web forms for inserting data easily. I'm finding it hard to express exactly what it is I'm after. Maybe I can talk a bit about what I need. I have a configuration database that, at le...

UI to indicate a "Partially-required" field in web form?

I have a set of radio buttons where a selection is required. In addition, there is an optional text box that shows up next to one of the selections. What would be the best way to make it clear what is required and what is optional? <strong>User Availability:</strong><br> <input value="Available" type="radio"> Available<br /> <input va...

How to decide which is right, WebForms or MVC when doing ASP.NET

So I'm about to start of a small project for my sporting club for member registrations and I'm trying to decide between WebForms or MVC. Allit will be is a user login and data capture forms (or and data retrieval), so I was initally thinking WebForms with FBA but I've wanted to have a play with MVC for a while and I was thinking that it...

DataBound DropDownList in DataGrid - order of binding

I have a DataGrid that looks like this (slightly simplified here): <asp:DataGrid ID="grdQuotas" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <HeaderStyle CssClass="quotas-header" /> <Columns> <asp:TemplateColumn> <HeaderTemplate> Max order level</HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> ...