
Create a HTML table where each TR is a FORM

Hi, I'm trying to create a table where each row is a form. I want that each input is in a different table division, but I still need that for example, all first inputs belong to the same table head and so on. What I'm trying to do is an editable grid. I dunno if I've explained myself, more or less this: <table> <tr> <form...

ASP.NET Localization Not Working for me

I know I'm doing something fundamentally wrong, but I can't quite figure it out... I have 2 resource files in my App_GlobalResources folder: Global.resx and Global.fr-CA.resx. I have the following label on my webform: <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Global, Test %>" /> When I run the form, it displays the v...

ObservableCollection for Web froms

I have not worked on WPF.I had that Observable collection works like events to LINQ.I also referred some libraries in codeplex (obtics) and MS Reactive Framework all are specific for WPF (I guess so). My intension is to work on same techniques on Web forms.Say I have declared List<Person> personList= new List<Person>() ...

Can loading and resizing an uploaded image be dangerous?

I have ASP.NET form with an upload control for users to post an image. On the server I load that image (using the Bitmap class) and resize it. Is there any danger in doing that when users upload malicious or affected files or will the code just throw an exception at some point and stop the whole process? ...

disable submit button until file selected for upload

I have a form for uploading images. I'd like to disable submit button, until user selects an image to upload. I'd like to do it with jQuery. Currently I have a JavaScript that prevent user from submitting the form more than once by disabling it on submit. It'd be nice to combine this functionality with the new one. Here's what I've got ...

Who benefits (or is at a disadvantage) with MVC: the Developer or the Designer?

When comparing MVC to ASP.NET Forms, which one offers a better design-time experience for a web designer? ... which is better for the developer? I was just looking at the new Razor MVC syntax and think that designers may simply delete stray } that are used in for..each loops. One might say that ASP.NET WebForms offers a better web des...

ASP.NET WebForms Placeholder for NVelocity View Engine

Is there any way to use placeholder similar to WebForms in NVelocity View Engine (.vm files)? Today I've got a component containing everything for the <head>, but I wish to specify additional tags from each view page like it can easily be done in ASP.NET WebForms / MVC: <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="ser...