
C# ASP.NET MasterPage nested inheritance is evil

I have a solution with quite a few different MasterPages / BasePages which all inherit from somewhere else. My problem is that I have a virtual string in BaseMaster, which is overridden by BaseManagement, but when I try to access this string I always get the base value The point of inheriting masters and pages is obviously to avoid havi...

How to force single line in a HTML textarea element?

Is there a way to make a HTML textarea element to allow only one line? I want to do this because I will have a button to expand it, but if user is allowed to enter multiple lines when the textarea is not expanded (only 1 row) it doesn look very nice, and if I use a textbox for the not expanded state, it looks weird when I replace it wit...

What are some ways to secure a directory in ASP.NET?

Just need to secure the directory with possibly a prompt box or something. Sorry, i am nublariffic. ...

What does this do: MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout"

The string appears on all <body> tags in some old asp.net webform applications. ...

WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions is not defined

Hi - I downloaded and setup MS's Stock Trader app. I'm running Vista Ultimate, IIS7, VS 2008 / .NET 3.5. The entire app is about 120 MB so is quite involved but it all seemed to setup fine from the msi. When I run the app and try to login I get a javascript error after clicking the Login link: WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions is not define...

Does a text change to an aspx file in an ASP.NET WebForms site cause restart

As the title really. I was wondering if changing just the text in a Webforms *.aspx file will cause the site to recompile and therefore drop any existing sessions? Thanks ...

Can anyone recommend an IoC container for ASP.NET 2.0 Webforms?

As the title says, I'm looking for recommendations for an IoC container to use with an ASP.NET 2.0 Webforms app. I believe that some containers are .NET3.5 or newer only. ...

LinkButton inside LoginView LoggedInTemplate, how to trap the Click event?

I have a master page that contains a LoginView control. In the LoggedInTemplate I have a link button. I would like to trap that click event and do some cleanup (kill session, forms auth, etc). No matter what I do for some reason the button event never fires, and the LoginView switches back to the AnonymousTemplate. The fact that the ...

Looking for end-user web-based ad-hoc query/reporting tool - SharePoint or Web-forms

Hi, I'm looking for a database query/reporting solution whereby the user can select (via a web-page) database tables (or lists of data), data fields on the tables/list and values or value ranges. The solution generates the query (i.e. CAML/SQL statements), executes the query and provides the resulting data in a report, on the screen, and...

Dynamically Show/Hide Wizard Navigation Controls

Hi, I have a <asp:Wizard> control with 6 or so steps. In the first 3 steps, I want to hide the default Wizard navigation (Next button, etc.), as each WizardStep's contents will handle that. For the last 3 or so steps, if possible, I want to use the built-in navigation. I've modified the <StepNavigationTemplate> contents, but that alone...

posting a form from one HTTPS to another HTTPS site causing security alert

I need to post a string from a .NET site to a Classic ASP site which are hosted on the same server (different virtual directories). https: //example.com/DOTNETSite/Sender.aspx to https: //example.com/ClassicASP/SomeFolder/Target.asp Target.asp page has 3 ways to handle incoming data: Form Post Query String Headers I cant pass my...

AcrobatReader and FormWeb

Hi I wrote a webForm that is used to display a ".pdf" document receiving from one other webForm the path of the file by queryString. The all is working well but if from acrobat reader somebody try to save the file in local on openDialog is displayed the name of webForm ("PopVisPdf.pdf"). the question is: How can display the real name ...

How do I get Route name from RouteData?

I have several routes defined in my Global.asax; now, when I'm on a page I need to figure out what is the route name of the current route, because route name drives my site menu. I can't find a way to get current route name. Any help would be highly appreciated! Andrey ...

Radio button using Html.RadioButtonFor runs server code when clicked

How can I use Html.RadioButtonFor to create radio button which when clicked runs code on the server and controls visibility of certain text box. earlier I used to create <asp:control with autopostback="true" Thanks ...

Flexible web form creation a la Drupal + Content Construction Kit - for Java

I'm looking for a Java equivalent to Content Construction Kit + contributed fields for Drupal. I'll settle for pretty much any view technology that can run on Tomcat. The following features are important to me: Specify form field types, Ids and labels Arbitrary ordering of fields Specify form URL and method Validation according to f...

ASP.NET WebForms - How to set colspan for header row in the GridView?

Hi everyone! I want to set colspan for the header row in the grid view to look the same as on the image below: Html code is: <html> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <th colspan=2>Header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> ...

asp.net mvc: create a link to a web forms page and send some variables to it

I have a web-forms aspx page (reportviewer) inside a mvc application and I need to create a link to it (ActionLink asks for controller,action pair) and send to it a string and an int, anybody knows how ? ...

ASP.NET handling dropdownlist selection across multiple tabs session or querystring?

I've recently been developing a website using asp.net webforms that uses in proc sessions and I noticed that session ids are shared amongst browser tabs. So I was wondering what you would do for the following situation Problem: In my application I have a requirement where the user is allowed to select a competition via dropdown list. I...

Which exception to throw when not finding a WebForms control which "should" be there

Hi! We have a WebForms Control which requires that the ID of another Control implementing ITextControl is provided. What exception should we throw if there is no control with that ID or a control is found but it's not implementing the interface? var text = Page.FindControl(TextProviderId) as ITextControl; if (text == null) { throw...

Display Multiple Choice Question on Web Form in Asp.net

In my project I have a web service that returns an Exam object. This object contains a property that returns set of multiple choice questions in Questions[] array. Each Question object in Questions array contains two properties, Question and ChoiceArray. To clear things here's the code, Exam e = service.GetExam(long CenterID); Question...