
Headless, scriptable Firefox/Webkit on linux?

I'm looking to automate some web interactions, namely periodic download of files from a secure website. This basically involves entering my username/password and navigating to the appropriate URL. I tried simple scripting in Python, followed by more sophisticated scripting, only to discover this particular website is using some obnoxiou...

ASP.NET AJAX CalendarExtender - Problem with Android Browser

Hi all, I'm creating a webapp for Android mobile phones with ASP.NET and the Ajax Control Toolkit. I've included a CalendarExtender-Control which popups a calendar when focusing the associated Textbox-Control. If I select this textbox on my mobile phone, the Android webbrowser highlights it with an orange border. The problem is that th...

loading an external c++ function from an HTML page

Hi I am trying to develop an HTML page (internal of course) that can in some way be able to load another application. I don't mind using any language to do that. I am using a webkit interface to render the HTML page (well, it QTWebKit) and sadly it does not allow using ActiveXObject (JavaScript) to be used to call another app. I am not ...

Using native code functions as JavaScript objects in WebKit

I'm unable to use native code functions as JavaScript objects in WebKit-based browsers. Is it impossible to alias these functions directly? This is easiest to explain by example, so here is what I am running in the Developer Tools console: console.warn; // Outputs: // function warn() { // [native code] // } console.warn("console....

setRawHeader doesn't follow elements in the web view

Hi, I want to test the rendering of a configured vhost before the hostname is set. Exemple : view the webpage "otherNameOfMySite" located at mysite.com if the dns entry "otherNameOfMySite" doesn't exist (but the apache vhost is set). My code : webvhost = new QWebView(); QNetworkRequest * request = new QNetworkRequest(QUrl("http://mys...

NPAPI plugin in QTWebKit

I know its possible to integrate NPAPI plugins with QTWebKit as its been supported since the release of QT 4.5. My question is, should I go and design my plugin according to the Mozilla/Gecko documentaion -Which is probably the only available/reliable documentation for NPAPI beside some really old book called "Programming NetScape Plug-...

Webview loading spinner in Xcode

Hi, I'm loading a remote URL in a Webview, and I want to show a spinner while the content is loading. I have the following code, but the spinner doesn't go away when the content finishes loading. How do I make it so the spinner disappears after the content is loaded? NSURL *noteURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://google.com/"]; NSStrin...

iPhone sideways scrolling of a div

I am coding a website for iphone. Some of the content (images and strings I have no control over) is too wide to fit in the 320px viewport. When I first encountered this, it caused the entire page to revert to web page view (scaled small text). So, I put the wide images in a div with CSS style="width:320px; overflow:scroll;" This stop...

Right clicking with a Webkit view

I'm working on a project in Ruby right now that is essentially a web-app. We like the format of web-apps and some of the natural agile advantages we have building for the web. However, we want to be able to package our application and distribute it in a standalone format. Ideally, we would like to essentially make a .app package for Ma...

How to programmatically set the value of a WebKit password text field?

Update: this question is bunk. Move along, nothing to see here. You can set the value of the password text field from either JS or ObjC. I was wrong. I have a WebKit-based Cocoa app which loads an HTML document containing an HTML form in a WebView. The HTML form contains a password text field like: <form name="foo"> <input type="pa...

Webkit: Key Undefined in Storage Event

I've been trying to set up a storage listener, similar to the one seen here: http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/SafariJSDatabaseGuide/Name-ValueStorage/Name-ValueStorage.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007256-CH6-SW6 However, when a set a value like so: localStorage.setItem('hello', 'world'); or ev...

Paint all pixels (excluding transparant) in PNG with Javascript/CSS?

Hello, I need to create a silhouette of a PNG with Javascript/CSS. Is this possible? I tried the following: Stack the PNG with lowered opacity multiple times with absolute positioning and z-index. This does not work. Unfortunately I can't use PHP or something else then Javascript and CSS. I got some ideas with overlays and such but I...

How do I send key events to a Flash movie in WebKit?

I am trying to create a site-specific browser application. I've created a new Cocoa app, added a WebView to my window, and am loading up the page. The page contains a Flash movie, which can be controlled via the keyboard. I'd like to wire up some menu commands to trigger the actions, presumably by simulating the keystrokes. I've travers...

Android Webapp hide scrollbar?

Hello, is there a way (through javascript/jquery/css) to hide the scrollbar in android's web browser? Can't seem to find any valid info online and things that work for Google Chrome (webkit engine, as well) don't seem to work for the Android's browser. Thanks bunches ...

jQuery Menu Button Disappearing on drop down in webkit only, how do I make it stay put?

I have a problem involving jQuery drop downs. Basically the button which reveals the drop down dissapears upon revealing the drop down. Here is the code The HTML included in the navigation <div id="header"> <div id="navHolder"> <ul style="list-style: none;"> <li><a href="#" class="navBtn">Travel Blog</a></li> <...

Correcting webkit text stroke in Sass

I'm using Sass to generate my CSS stylesheets. I want consistent typography, so I want to use the CSS rules from http://orderedlist.com/our-writing/resources/html-css/thinning-text-in-webkit-safari/ to thin the text in Webkit-based browsers. I thought this would do the trick: body -webkit-text-stroke: 1px transparent @media only scree...

WebKit CSS 3d transforms not working in Snow Leopard

I've compiled an application that uses WebKit on Leopard (10.5). The application is 32 bit. I've bundled 32 bit versions of WebKit/WebCore etc with the app. If I run it on Snow Leopard (10.6) none of the CSS 3d transforms work. 3D transforms work in SL's Safari. I have a feeling that my app isn't able to link with some of the 3D graph...

WebKit doesn't paint background-color for entire width of final inline list item

On our website http://www.dimagi.com, the items in the jQuery menu near the top of the screen gain a background-color on hover. The hover background-color of the rightmost list item ("About Us") is cut off at the very right edge of the text, seemingly only in WebKit (tested Safari and Chrome in Windows XP). Can anybody see what I might...

Unexpected token ILLEGAL javascript error in Google Chrome

I am getting a javascript (prototype.js) error: Unexpected token ILLEGAL at this line of code: newFriend = new friend( response[0].@items[0]._id, response[0].@items[0]._nickName, response[0].@items[0]._profilePicture, response[0].@items[0]._tagLine, response[0].@items[0]._isInvite, response[0].@items[0]._con...

Unable to download .apk via webbrowser from drupal site

I have a drupal-based website where people can log in and see private discussion forums. This is where I want to have my beta testers for my Android application download the beta .apk files. I tested this thoroughly on my Android 1.6 based myTouch 3G, and was able to log in, and download files attached to forum posts without problems. N...