
64 bit weblogic 32 bit oracle DB

I have 64 bit Weblogic 11g installed on 64 bit Linux and trying to connect to a DB by creating a JDBC data source for Oracle 10g on 32 bit. I have connected another Weblogic 32 bit successfully to this DB instance. However, for the 64 bit Weblogic I am getting exception Connection test failed. ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logo...

WebLogic: WLI vs BPEL?

Hi, folks. I would really appreciate to have your help on the following question: In the last days I've been reading about Oracle's WebLogic, as I'm currently working on a project that uses it. As I've never had contact with WebLogic, I've been doing some research about the infrastructure and learning the pros/cons of using WebLogic Int...

How to work with Weblogic in Eclipse?

What are the recommended plugins for eclipse to work with weblogic? Specifically I would need to work with older version of weblogic, 8.1, however I could use any version of Ecplise. I would like to debug the application and set breakpoints etc. My bigger task is to move the project over to Jboss, can I deploy the same app on both app s...

Best way to plug memory holes in J2EE struts app (without paying money :( )

I have a J2EE struts app running on Weblogic 10.3 which has obviously severe memory issues. My company won't buy 3rd party tools like Jprobe so my only option is to use freely available tools. I have enabled gc logs and observed that memory consumption is unusually high triggering frequent gc cycles. Right now I am configuring JAM consol...

Help creating selective IF statement

I have this code that sends a text message to your mobile phone... $text = fopen("../data/textmembers/registry.txt","r") or die("couldent open file"); while (!feof($text)) { $name = fgets($text); $number = fgets($text); $carrier = fgets($text); $date = fgets($text); $line = fgets($text); $content = $_POST['message']; $message .= $c...

What harm is caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response already committed

I continuously get below error on my weblogic 10.3 console logs java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response already committed at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl.objectIfCommitted(ServletResponseImpl.java: 1462) at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl.sendError(ServletResponseImpl.java:601) at org.apache.struts.actio...

Jasper report can't find package net.sf.jasperreports.engine

I have a j2ee application using spring framework. I am trying to export jasper reports to xml, pdf and xhtml files. I am using eclipse ide with plugin for weblogic server and for apache tomcat server. It works fine when I run it on server(in eclipse) and choosing Tomcat as server. But when I try to run it on server(in eclipse) now choosi...

WebLogic dynamic Amazon EC2 cluster aggregation

Hello, buddies! I'm currently studying WebLogic's integration capabilities, to develop a system that ensures high performance, availability and scalability; fail-over and crash recovery and 24/7 availability on a WebLogic integration scenario. I've been exploring some concepts and evaluating potential solutions to the problem I want to...

NoClassDefFoundError in spring

Hello, I wrote a Spring application which runs on Weblogic 10.3. In this application I have some JMS Queue consumers. Sometimes I got an error when the application is closing or opening (I saw this error in both situation) saying: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/jms/connection/SmartConnectionFactory at...

Spring JMS TransactionRolledBackException

Hello, In my Spring web application which consumes a JMS Queue, I got this error: Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed - trying to recover: weblogic.jms.common.TransactionRolledBackException: Attempt to resume an inactive transaction: BEA1-00059419F3D97B75FA98:error resuming transacted session's internal transa...

Sample EJB 3.0 MDB on Weblogic with Ant script

I'm struggling to find a simple example that builds and deploys a message driven bean onto Oracle Middleware 11g (i.e., Weblogic). I'm using dependency injection. It seems there should be a simple Ant task provided by Oracle to simply compile and deploy the MDB. import javax.jms.MessageListener; @MessageDriven(messageListenerInterfac...

Does anybody know how to use the jndi just from foreign jndi factory of weblogic?

I have configured a foreign jndi factory to which a link was according!But I dont know how to use the foreign jndi in my own application! could anybody do me a favor??? ...

Adding custom object to JNDI on Weblogic 10.

Is it possible to add a custom object (String or URL) to JNDI using Weblogic Server Administration Console (Weblogic 10.0) or by editing server's configuration file (config.xml)? ...

Init log4j in Weblogic, outside of ear

I can't imagine that my question is so specific to my case, but I did not see any similar questions asked here so far. I would like to be able to specify a log4g.properties file outside of my .ear packaging so that it is easier to alter the logging levels without repackaging the ear. Actually, the most pressing motivation for doing it l...

Solaris JMS Client connect to Weblogic 11g t3s security problem

When I try to connect Weblogic t3s protocol in Solaris Server, it shows this error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not enough cryptography available to enable a cipher suite! at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSSystem.resetCipherSuiteSupport(Unknown Source) at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSSystem.setCertificateSup...

Metro UsernameToken Policy

I created a web services client prototype using api's available in weblogic 10.3. I've been told I need to use Metro 2.0 instead (it's already being used for other projects). The problem I have encounter is that the WSDL does not include any Security Policy information but a UsernameToken is required for each method call. In weblogic I w...

"Java heap space" error when deploying WAR with ant on Weblogic 10.3

I'm getting this error when deploying application WAR files from my ant build via a task that calls weblogic.Deployer. This is on Windows XP, server is not in Production mode, there are only 2 other WARs installed on the server, one being just static content (web.xml + png/css/javascript files), no other weblogic servers installed on th...

Weblogic web service + SSL

Hi thanks for reading. i currently have a webservice deployed on a weblogic 10.3 server whit 1-way ssl enabled, the problem is that wen i test the webservice using the weblogic's test page, i get this error: avax.net.ssl.SSLException: Handshake has been interrupted, can't find trusted CA certificates file trusted-ca.pem but all the cl...

Modifying Java classes at runtime to make instance fields transient -- will it work?

We have an annoying log message coming from Weblogic whenever we invalidate the HTTPSession when it has objects that are not serializable (which we don't care about but which is polluting our logs). Tweaking our log4j configuration to not log this message does not appear to be an option (the message is coming from a generic Weblogic clas...

Default Grails '/' controller mapping not resolving properly

This one has been driving me crazy today. Since upgrading to Grails 1.2 and Weblogic 10.3 the default root mapping for "/" stopped working. Here's what I have... I have this URL mapping: "/"(controller:"IGive", action:"index" ) I have a controller named IGiveController with an index closure def index = { render "foo" } When ...