
Page viewer webpart won't take login parameters

I need to show an external site through our sharepoint portal and have added a Page viewer web part. The problem is that the address includes a login and password used to autologin to the external site but Sharepoint only shows the login page on click. If I click the "Test link" in the web part properties it opens as it should but in a ...

How to open a web page from QlikView?

I am starting to use QlikView. I need to open a web site from QlikView script, for instance something like call ("wwww.mywebsite.com"). Is possible to call a website from QlikView Script? ...

How to Force the page to be loaded only within an IFrame ?

Hi, I have a set of asp.net pages which I wish they should only be accessible or loaded when they are loaded from an IFrame. If an attempt is made to access the pages directly via browser address bar then the page should not be displayed at all or display the message to the user. I tried using cookies and sesions, but they are not that...

Following a javascript postback using COM + IE automation to save text file

Hi, I want to automate the archiving of the data on this page http://energywatch.natgrid.co.uk/EDP-PublicUI/Public/InstantaneousFlowsIntoNTS.aspx, and upload into a database. I have been using python and win32com (behind a corporate proxy, so no direct net access, hence I am using IE to do so) on other pages to do this. My question is...

web page memory usage in firefox

Is there any way to know how much memory current web page is using in Firefox? ...

How to maintain size of SWF files in a HTML page?

I have many SWF file those I have included in my web page using the HTML Object tag. Its working fine but, I am not able to maintain the size of my SWF files. I have following code for SWF files. <object id="example_flashGame" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/c...

How to stay in same page when executing a Server request in a portlet

Hi, I am calling a webpage from a portlet. The webpage is a form for user to enter data and has a button which submits the user data into Database. But the Button also redirects the portlet site to the webpage through the proxy Gateway. How to stay in the same portlet page while having the Form data submitted to the database? ...

Safari 4 Webpage Preview's, uses which hash function?

I've been looking at Safari 4's Webpage Previews (~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/Webpage Previews/), the image names appear to use a 128 bit hash, but which hash function are Apple using? I found this page, Web Based MD5 / SHA1 / SHA-256 / SHA-384 / SHA-512 Cryptographic Hash Calculator Function, but, comparing some Webpage Preview i...

How to make sub menus in a dropdown menu?

I have a drop down menu made in css. When you hover over the text (ul) the menu appears (the li appears). I wanted to know, how to make a submenu, that when you hover over the li's another menu (submenu) would appear and would offer other options. Ex: -Tutorials (You hover over tutorials) (Then these options appear) ...

Library for Caching Web Pages on iPhone?

Is there a library or framework that I can use to cache web pages locally for offline viewing on iPhone? If not, what's the best strategy for doing so? Currently what I'm thinking of doing is downloading the HTML, harvesting its URLs, caching those URLs, then rewriting the HTML to point to local files. Is that the best way to do it? Th...

Pass objects/vars between Page_PreInit and Page_Load

I am building pages dynamically using a database to store the page info and .NET (C#) to build pages. Part of that process is to set the masterpage (in the code-behind) based on what is in the database and, as I understand it, that has to be done in Page_PreInit. My problem is how to pass objects and variables from Page_PreInit to Page...

What's the most used format for webpages for mobile?

It's a very long time since I've looked at anything in the mobile world so I'm very out of touch. I have a website (done in ASP.Net) that is running live at the moment and I need to make a mobile version of it. What's the best/most frequently used format of pages to serve up to mobiles these days? Is it a cut down HTML page with few g...

How to get a website screenshot in python

Hi all What I want to achieve is to get a website screenshot from any website in python. Env: Linux ...

Create SharePoint web page outside of document library

I'm reasonably new to SharePoint 2007 and trying to move from an ASP.NET to SharePont way of thinking has been an interesting experience! I would like to create a page at the same level as the default.aspx page in a subsite. The "SharePoint way" of doing things involves putting the page into a document library. I am reluctant to do this...

What's the best way to display a single record in a webpage?

I have a master/detail form. I have a jquery grid for the detail, works fine. I'm not sure how to display the master single record. I don't want to use an html table. Just a styled list maybe? I've was always so spoiled with asp.net controls in webforms that I don't know any good practices for this sort of thing. I am using PHP and...

"Smart" way of parsing and using website data?

How does one intelligently parse data returned by search results on a page? For example, lets say that I would like to create a web service that searches for online books by parsing the search results of many book providers' websites. I could get the raw HTML data of the page, and do some regexs to make the data work for my web service,...

How to control Webpage dialog with python

Hello, When I try to automatically download a file from some webpage using Python, I get Webpage Dialog window (I use IE). The window has two buttons, such as 'Continue' and 'Cancel'. I cannot figure out how to click on the Continue Button. The problem is that I don't know how to control Webpage Dialog with Python. I tried to use win...

How do I resolve the content of a webpage?

I'm writing a special crawler-like application that needs to retrieve the main content of various pages. Just to clarify : I need the real "meat" of the page (providing there is one , naturally) I have tried various approaches: Many pages have rss feeds , so I can read the feed and get this page specific contnent. Many pages use "co...

Stop people from refreshing the page

Is there anyway for me to make it work so anyone who presses F5 or any refresh button will be moved to a different page, instead of it refreshing the page the user wants? Something like : If (refresh){ goto "link to hopme page" } If not is there anyway for me to not allow refreshing on a certain page? I have some people that ar...

press button to open web page from app

I have an app that I want to interact with a web page. (i'm a nube). Basically I want to press a button and the web page will open in a new view... Thanks... Sorry I wasn't clear, I am developing on a mac for an iphone. Currently I have a "locate me" app that displays your Latitude and Longitude. I want to use those variables to popu...